Question: Maid?

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question: maid? Sep 22, 2008
Hiya again,

please do excuse me, im new to the whole Dubai thing, so am gonna be here often with my list of questions, and observations:

- My maids a bit friendly, is this normal behaviour, i've never had a maid before (more ways than one :? ) and just wanted to check with you guys, the 'oh so experienced ones', as to what is normal maid/boss etiquette?


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Sep 22, 2008
What do you consider "normal behavior"? Normal is in the eys of the beholder. There are maids who get treated just like a family member and then you hear all kinds of horror stories about pysical,sexual, emotinal abuse
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Sep 22, 2008
basically, when we have a full house, she is obviuosly busy; but then when im home alone, it seems at that point all her chores are in my vicinity.

She did hint at wanting a phone card, and thats when I thought, "hey, whys her cleavage staring at me?"

So, I thought shes just being crafty.... but for sure the cleavage is more visible when im alone!

sorry if the above is mumble, am on the phone at the same time, someones gotta work 8)
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Sep 22, 2008
u male or a female?
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Sep 22, 2008
OTP: Sounds like she is trying it on. Get a phone card today, get a little more tomorrow...and so on and so on with you under the impression there is going to be the day when she greets you in the little maids outfit with the bib and the duster and you will be getting it on over the dining table.

I bet its your passport she has eyes on, not your package. Suggest you sack her or buy her the maids outfit and see what she says then!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Dubai Knight
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Sep 22, 2008
lets have more details first DK before advising the "sack route"

ie : How much cleavage
Is the view worth a 25 dm phone card.

Maybe if details were posted we could vote on this issue

:lol: :lol:
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Sep 22, 2008
arniegang wrote:lets have more details first DK before advising the "sack route"

ie : How much cleavage
Is the view worth a 25 dm phone card.

Maybe if details were posted we could vote on this issue

:lol: :lol:

Of course, M'Lud! I forgot that the DFM jury should at least get to vote as to whether she's a minger or a ringer.

:D :D :D

Dubai Knight
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Sep 22, 2008
Dubai Knight wrote:
arniegang wrote:lets have more details first DK before advising the "sack route"

ie : How much cleavage
Is the view worth a 25 dm phone card.

Maybe if details were posted we could vote on this issue

:lol: :lol:

Of course, M'Lud! I forgot that the DFM jury should at least get to vote as to whether she's a minger or a ringer.

:D :D :D


exactly - great minds :wink:
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Sep 22, 2008
you're gonna love this, this afternoon she say's to me,

"Sir, they have sale for Nokia in Satwa"

She wants a phone, and not a top-up as I understood. HAHAHA

What, for a bit o'rack?

Arniegang, definitely not enough cleavage for a phone... maybe just enough for a semi!!!!!
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Sep 22, 2008
onthepalm wrote:you're gonna love this, this afternoon she say's to me,

"Sir, they have sale for Nokia in Satwa"

She wants a phone, and not a top-up as I understood. HAHAHA

What, for a bit o'rack?

Arniegang, definitely not enough cleavage for a phone... maybe just enough for a semi!!!!!

If you can park a Nokia communicator in her cleavage, then you might be in with a chance!

Please read my original response...give and inch and you will end up being taken to the cleaners.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Sep 22, 2008
sounds about right DK.

where's the best place to find a maid?
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Sep 22, 2008
I tend to disagree. A phone is a basic necessasity and in some cases the employer is required by law to provide one. e-g for Indian nationals your required to provide them a cell phone and have the number registered with the Indian embassy. One of the very first thing we did with our Filipino maid was to provide her a cell phone. I provide her a AED 2r card/month on top of her salary. Anything above that she is responsible out of her salary. Its a cheap investment to keep them happy. They need to keep in touch with their loved ones back home too just like us.
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Sep 22, 2008
K-Dog wrote:I tend to disagree. A phone is a basic necessasity and in some cases the employer is required by law to provide one. e-g for Indian nationals your required to provide them a cell phone and have the number registered with the Indian embassy. One of the very first thing we did with our Filipino maid was to provide her a cell phone. I provide her a AED 2r card/month on top of her salary. Anything above that she is responsible out of her salary. Its a cheap investment to keep them happy. They need to keep in touch with their loved ones back home too just like us.

I would be very surprised if there is any law within the "labour law" that insists on any employer being given a phone.

Exception - Probably the CEO of DU has this in his contact and was insisted upon by the labour dept

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Sep 22, 2008
arniegang wrote:
K-Dog wrote:I tend to disagree. A phone is a basic necessasity and in some cases the employer is required by law to provide one. e-g for Indian nationals your required to provide them a cell phone and have the number registered with the Indian embassy. One of the very first thing we did with our Filipino maid was to provide her a cell phone. I provide her a AED 2r card/month on top of her salary. Anything above that she is responsible out of her salary. Its a cheap investment to keep them happy. They need to keep in touch with their loved ones back home too just like us.

I would be very surprised if there is any law within the "labour law" that insists on any employer being given a phone.

Exception - Probably the CEO of DU has this in his contact and was insisted upon by the labour dept


Yeah, but he had to have an Etisalat one as his own service was shite!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Sep 22, 2008
No I think its in the MOU between the Indian government and the labor dept. here. Something like that. I read it in the newspaper when they were talking about revised min maid salaries for different nationalities.
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Sep 22, 2008
onthepalm wrote:you're gonna love this, this afternoon she say's to me,

"Sir, they have sale for Nokia in Satwa"

She wants a phone, and not a top-up as I understood. HAHAHA

What, for a bit o'rack?

Arniegang, definitely not enough cleavage for a phone... maybe just enough for a semi!!!!!

as DK said if theres not enough room to park a Nokia Comm and you confirmed this as such, then can you please confirm which model cell phone will park in her cleavage??

You could liken it to Perfomance Related Pay i suppose. IE: the bigger the parking zone the bigger the phone with a higher specification obviously is negotiable for your maid.

Maybe you could Suggest she shop at La Senza in the MOE to see if the parking zone can be improved thus giving her more options on which phone she would like.

:lol: :lol:
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Sep 22, 2008
I think to provide any real advice on this most serious of topics we're going to need to see a picture.
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Sep 22, 2008
Captain Australia wrote:I think to provide any real advice on this most serious of topics we're going to need to see a picture.

Please make sure its a picture of a sexy model... The N95 is a really hot one!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Dubai Knight
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Sep 22, 2008
Well played sir
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Sep 22, 2008
If the N95 parks in her clevage then i would definately put her on a Performance Relate Pay Structure, the only way is UP then. :lol: :lol:
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Sep 23, 2008
Somewhere I have one of those original Motorola know, the one with the battery like a brick and a big clunky handset on top.

Now if she could park one of those between her boys, then gimme her number!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Sep 23, 2008
guys, lets think maid is also human, dont just watch there cleavege. and k-dog very well said dude. and for you onthepalm, what is the nationlity of your maid? is it filipino? coz filipino is friendly kind of people, just dont missunderstand them..coz im a filipino also..
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Sep 23, 2008
stop being overly sensitive.
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Sep 23, 2008
As the say...."It's not the size that counts, it's the performance!!!!" Hahahahaha :)
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Sep 23, 2008
onthepalm wrote:basically, when we have a full house, she is obviuosly busy; but then when im home alone, it seems at that point all her chores are in my vicinity.

She did hint at wanting a phone card, and thats when I thought, "hey, whys her cleavage staring at me?"

So, I thought shes just being crafty.... but for sure the cleavage is more visible when im alone!

sorry if the above is mumble, am on the phone at the same time, someones gotta work 8)

undoubtedly on the phone ordering her new phone card ? I have cleavage and I can mop a floor, can I have a new Mercedes ?
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Sep 23, 2008
farthestpoint wrote:As the say...."It's not the size that counts, it's the performance!!!!" Hahahahaha :)

I was once told that more than a mouthful is a waste, I told him then he doesn't believe in Mrs Clause who likes to wrap the rest of the presents around his Christmas Tree :)
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Sep 23, 2008
Xyler wrote:guys, lets think maid is also human, dont just watch there cleavege. and k-dog very well said dude. and for you onthepalm, what is the nationlity of your maid? is it filipino? coz filipino is friendly kind of people, just dont missunderstand them..coz im a filipino also..

If she's showing cleavage like that, she's not trying to impress him with her humanity.. Send her my way, i'm looking for a maid and i'd love to compare phones. Perhaps she and I can get on a network plan together :)
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Sep 23, 2008
Melanie wrote:
onthepalm wrote:basically, when we have a full house, she is obviuosly busy; but then when im home alone, it seems at that point all her chores are in my vicinity.

She did hint at wanting a phone card, and thats when I thought, "hey, whys her cleavage staring at me?"

So, I thought shes just being crafty.... but for sure the cleavage is more visible when im alone!

sorry if the above is mumble, am on the phone at the same time, someones gotta work 8)

undoubtedly on the phone ordering her new phone card ? I have cleavage and I can mop a floor, can I have a new Mercedes ?

you can have a Bently if you can mop the floor with your cleavage

:lol: :lol:
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Sep 23, 2008
Sounds great.. I want a Black one and just as spiffy and clean as your floor will be.
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Sep 23, 2008
arniegang wrote:
Melanie wrote:
onthepalm wrote:basically, when we have a full house, she is obviuosly busy; but then when im home alone, it seems at that point all her chores are in my vicinity.

She did hint at wanting a phone card, and thats when I thought, "hey, whys her cleavage staring at me?"

So, I thought shes just being crafty.... but for sure the cleavage is more visible when im alone!

sorry if the above is mumble, am on the phone at the same time, someones gotta work 8)

undoubtedly on the phone ordering her new phone card ? I have cleavage and I can mop a floor, can I have a new Mercedes ?

you can have a Bently if you can mop the floor with your cleavage

:lol: :lol:

LOL one of the firefighters I work with said you better get our your check book cause she has enough to mop the whole station
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