Dubai Knight wrote:farthestpoint wrote:I like proper sentence construction with a bit of a twist.

Like the rest of this town, sentence construction is done badly and will invariably be completed late...
Hahahahha you never fail to make me laugh with your comments, Knight.
I had been going around the whole DF and I see a clear reflection from the quality of the "sentence constructors" shouting to the world:
-I am confuse with my ideas
-I am contradicting myself
-I do not have logic
-I do not know where to use my logic
-I do not know how to adapt the idea
-I can't express myself clearly
-I am way too emotional to argue
Like Dubai's pretending beggars, you'll one day realize the fact that they are just...pretending to be one!
Hahhahhahaahahah But it's a good for a stomach-paining laugh when we all need it the most!