3biscuit3 wrote:What are the positives and negatives of living in Dubai from a Western perspective?
Crikey! Got a week or two to spare? Thats a big question.
The weather is a blessing and a curse. Lovely in the winter but bloody hot and sweaty in the summer. You never really get used to it, but you cope.
The traffic sucks. The road infrastructure is still being built. Likewise the quality of driving leaves a lot to be desired.
The social life once you make a circle of friends can be rock and roll and you are hardly ever at home.
Work hours and application tends to be longer than back home, but its work hard play hard. You will find the size and level of accommodation to be bigger and more grand than you may be used to, but don't fall into the trap of thinking its real! Its very expensive to rent anything here.
Cars and of course petrol are considerably cheaper, so you can afford to get out of the city and see some of the country and there are some wonderful getaways.
Beurocracy will drive you nuts, but if you are cosseted in an educational establishment then you may have some of the more grievous stuff done for you by a PRO (Public Relations Officer) which is different to the meaning back home. Some things you have to do yourself and make sure you have a whole load of passport photos and copies of your passport.
All in all its better than some places, but worse than others. Its a growing country but don't forget its not ours. Its the dudes in the white frocks who own it and its all built in their favour, so don't try to compete with them, just get out of life what you are looking for and you should be happy.
Loads of bars and clubs to drown your sorrows in if it all gets you down!