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EARTHQUAKE!!! Sep 13, 2008
I was sitting in my room working on another one of my random blogposts when suddenly I was feeling a bit dizzy. Everything felt weird. I got off my bed and attempted to stand straight, which was when i realised that everything in my room was swaying!

It took a little less than a second for me to scream to myself, "OMG!!ITS AN EARTHQUAKE". In panic, I started running around in circles thinking of the fastest escape appart from flying out the window with a handglide (cause, well, I didn't have a handglide at my disposal XD). Then i realised i needed to get my cats, my computer AND my guitar out of the building as soon as possible.
But by the time I suited up and packed the cats the earthquake stopped.

After cooling down and assuring myself that earthquakes don't strike twice. I took a quick search of the most recent earthquakes listed and the closest was a very recent earthquake in southern Iran and blah blah blaahhh...enough of my freaky experience, i wouldn't want to bore you! (or would I :P )

Anyways, quick question. What would be the first three things you would attempt to save in the event of a earthquake?! (apart from yourself that is)

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Sep 13, 2008
If I'm alone in the room passport and some money.
If not alone all the relatives and close people then the above.
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Sep 14, 2008
My pogo stick
My parachute
My passport

8) 8) 8)

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Sep 14, 2008
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