Where To Get Furniture From?

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Where to get furniture from? Dec 12, 2005
Hay all,
Buying furniture now for my place. My base plan was to go for IKEA , but some friends telling me it is expensive....

What do you think??? got other better option??



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Dec 12, 2005
hey if you dont mind used furniture or appliances...came accross this website
also you can try dubizzle.com for expats leaving...as you can get a real good bargain and not spend too much on brand new furniture! just another option!...
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Dec 12, 2005
I found IKEA cheaper here than in Finland or Canada; however, we are in the process of buying our stuff from Home Centre in the Mall of the Emirates. The prices are pretty close depending on what you choose, and I think the quality is a bit better.

Would you like me to bore you with an IKEA price comparison of the the same items in UAE, Finland and Canada? Sure? Okay, here it goes...

KLUBBO nest tables 245 AED 59 EUR 79 CAD
KLUBBO coffee table 145 AED 34 EUR 59 CAD
BJURSTA dining table 1,245 AED 295 EUR 399 CAD
ROGER chairs (6pc) 1,470 AED 318 EUR 570 CAD
EVESKOG sofa 2,645 AED 1,059 EUR 1, 099 CAD
(+15% GST & PST in Canada)
6,845 AED 2,000 EUR 2,870.40 CAD
(1,576.20 EUR) (8,685.45 AED) (9,133.51 AED)
(2,151.19 CAD)(2,729.59 CAD) (2,103.17 EUR)
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Dec 12, 2005
Also try the notice boards in Spinney's, Park n Shop, Union Coop etc and the Gulf Classifieds for second hand bargains. Other furniture places include Marina-nice wooden stuff, and reasonably priced for what you get. Depends if you are after modern or antique looking furniture.
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Dec 13, 2005
I cant really advice you where to go to buy furniture from but.. i can definately tell you where to not go! ---> PAN EMIRATES. they have good looking stuff but their quality sucks.

Ive heard home centre is good.
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Dec 13, 2005
Free plug for habitat.

Good service and even though they have some crappy stuff the amount of good furniture will outweigh the bad.
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Dec 13, 2005
Well, we didn't buy from :( Home Centre :( yesterday, their policies are completely unfair to customers.

We had a whole living and dining room outfitted for about 7,000 AED but the sticking point was the couch. The last piece in the warehouse was defective, so we would need to buy the floor model if we wanted the couch that goes with the set. They said that they don't offer discounts on the floor model, even though people had been sitting on it for at least a month, and the fabric underneath the couch bottom was torn and would need replacing. We finally talked them into a measley 5% discount after much effort (2 days of negotiating). When we went to the cash to pay for everything they told us that since we have a discount on the couch, the total couch price (minus the discount even!) would not be considered in the bonus points scheme they have. So all the other items would receive 10% value in bonus points, but not the couch! I asked them how that was fair. If a customer came in to the store and bought everything in perfect condition they'd pay full price and get 10% worth of their purchase in bonus points. We were buying defective merchandise that we'd have to fix ourselves and we'd pay only 5% less on the couch, and lose 5% in points! I will also point out that Home Centre provides no warranty for their products either. We argued with them more because we spent so much time choosing things and just wanted to get the furniture bought and on its way to our place, but in the end we just walked away and decided to spend our 7,000 AED elsewhere.

Now we've bought a couch and coffee table from TepeHome (also in Mall of the Emirates), which provides a 1 year warranty on its products. I have to keep my eyes out for a nice dining set. Perhaps I'll consider second hand and follow the advice by other posters here and check the supermarket boards and classified ads etc.
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Dec 13, 2005
Customer service at MOE sucked arse. Wasted 1.5 hours waiting around for the pieces I was told were in stock and someone was getting it from 'out the back'. The person I was dealing with disappeared after some time and I ended up being told by another sales staff that they had no stock and they would not even check another store for me. That and they tried to jip me for the bonus points, so like kanelli, I spent my $$$ elsewhere - and got a pretty good discount as well.
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furniture Dec 14, 2005
IKEA IS cheap, well cheaper than most. The furniture is okay, but considering the price you pay for it don't expect it to become a family heirloom.

base your selection of furniture on whether you plan to be here a few years, or just a short time. you may want to make use of your opertunity in dubai to build a collection of decent furniture that you can take with when you leave. if you're going to be here for 2 or 3 years IKEA will suit your pocket and when you leave simply toss the furniture - you don't want to spend good money on shipping a piece of crap halfway around the world.

Second hand furniture has not got a huge market value when you leave, so don't spend 5,000 on a table and expect to get 4,000 back a year later!

i have found a little place in al quoz called Furniture and Handicraft - next to York and Habitat. they don't have a massive showroom, but the pieces are good and fairly priced (stuff i would spend money on to take home) - they are open to haggling..... actually the guy normally whips his calculator out if you even look sideways at a piece of furniture.
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Dec 14, 2005
Why buy Make one ur own! Did u know Jesus was a carpenter?
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carpenter of note Dec 14, 2005
sniper420 wrote:Why buy Make one ur own! Did u know Jesus was a carpenter?

true, but jesus didn't have access to cheap chipboard and memamine :D
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Re: carpenter of note Dec 14, 2005
dbxsoul wrote:
sniper420 wrote:Why buy Make one ur own! Did u know Jesus was a carpenter?

true, but jesus didn't have access to cheap chipboard and memamine :D

dbx good to have u back... I will be needing ur precious advice in future so stick around...... :D
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:) Dec 14, 2005
been travelling - good to be back and put in my 2 fils worth..
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Re: Where to get furniture from? Dec 18, 2005
yshimy wrote:Hay all,
Buying furniture now for my place. My base plan was to go for IKEA , but some friends telling me it is expensive....

What do you think??? got other better option??


IKEA is not really expensive..but if you feel it is, I would recommend the numerous shops in Karama which sell good furniture that can be bargained to a good price! Whats more, you can even order a piece in some places made to your specs. Try it out, its located near the Karama Market. Sind Punjab Restaurant and a mosque that is undergoing construction(forever) are your landmarks near this area.

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Dec 18, 2005
Go to Karama, bring one of the guys that works there with you to some fancy store that carries the furniture item you like, that you liked. Then tell him, you make this and point at it....

Expect to pay 5% of the actual price!
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Dec 18, 2005
Just go to The One. Nice stuff there, if you can afford it! Also, look along the main drag to Sharjah (from City Centre), lots of nice furniture shops along there, including Idesign!
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Dec 30, 2005
Try Pinky's in Sharjar. Amazing furniture at downright cheap prices, not as cheap as 6-7 years ago, but way cheaper than you'd pay at Dubai's mainstream stores. It's difficult to find, wharehouse in the industrial area. Ring them and they'll send a map. 065341714
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