College Safety Tips

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College Safety Tips Aug 28, 2008
Simple, Practical and Effective Self-Defense Strategies for College Students

(POMPTON LAKES, NJ – August 2008) – Over the next few weeks students across the country will be moving away from home for the first time to attend colleges and universities in brand new cities and towns. For most students, college is the first time they will be living without supervision, making their own decisions, experimenting with alcohol and staying out late -- all while being surrounded by new and unfamiliar faces. While the college experience is always exciting and life changing, often these new living arrangements can present students with circumstances in which they are unsure how to navigate the social scene while protecting and defending themselves.

“Most college campuses are incredibly safe and crime is relatively rare,” says Damian Ross, lifelong martial artist, President of The Self Defense Company and the owner of ZenShin Premium Martial Arts. “We all know, however, that because of the college lifestyle of late nights and alcohol consumption, students can be easy targets for petty crime and personal attacks.” Mr. Ross suggests the following simple self-defense strategies for students;

• Always trust your instinct. If your gut is telling you something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t (your more perceptive than you think). Go back to where you came from, contact campus security or find people as quickly as you can.

• Always travel in groups. Never walk alone at night. Avoid "shortcuts". Criminals, like predators, try to isolate their prey from the herd. Groups are less likely to be confronted, so “buddy up” for the walk home.

• Never trust your assailant. Criminals are cunning and can be extremely persuasive. Most likely they will approach you in a friendly manner and appeal to your common senses. No matter what they say or how convincing they are, never believe them. Campus security is the best team for the job.

• Never leave the area. Your attacker needs to isolate you. In order to do that, they will use force or any persuasive maneuver to convince you that going with them is in your best interest. Don’t go, even when faced with an armed assailant. Put as much space between you and them as fast as possible.

An Ounce of Prevention…Here’s how to plan ahead to ensure you never have to find your self in a desperate situation

• Always take advantage of campus safety services. Become familiar with your college campus police department. Most offer escorts and shuttle services to and from campus dorms after hours.
• Study the campus and neighborhood. Become familiar with respect to routes between your residence and class/activities schedule. Make note where emergency phones are located.
• Share your class and activities schedule. Let parents and a network of close friends know your schedule. This creates a type of "buddy" system. Give network telephone numbers to your parents, advisors, and friends.

The Self Defense Company provides premium quality martial arts and self defense instruction and training programs that provide a maximum effect with a minimum of time invested. The purpose of The Self Defense Company is never to alienate or criticize but rather unite under the sole purpose of the spreading the truth about martial arts and self- defense. Damian Ross founded The Self Defense Company, an organization dedicated to teaching the truth about self-defense in 1998. To find out more about Mr. Ross, The Self Defense Company and his methods please visit

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The Self Defense Company can offer local expert sources to discuss and expand upon the information included above, as well as topics related to self-defense, martial arts, fitness and the like. Please call 050 244 7590 or visit

Dubai Forums Member
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Aug 29, 2008
and there was me thinking there was some dangerous paper arranging and sticking!!
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Aug 29, 2008
Er that'll be COLLEGE safety tips then! Not how to stay safe creating a montage gluing pictures together - teehee
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