Looking To Meet Some Peeps In Dubai!!!

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Looking to meet some peeps in Dubai!!! Aug 17, 2008
Hi all!!!

My names Vishal, just got here from London on Thursday.. here for another 2 weeks attending construction sites in Dubai (im in real estate). 1st time here, so doesnt help that I dont know anyone on a personal level!
London was all that I knew-family,friends,lifestyle,weed!!

Im into all kinds of things, very very diverse, outgoing etc etc!
Interests include urrmmm money,all sports inc football,basketball,olympics (for now), extreme sports, crazy tasty etc etc!!

Anyone interestd in meeting im staying at the Emirates Towers but looking to meet around at any of sites, got a local no aswell-(+971)557242411

Dubai Forum Visitor
Posts: 14

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Aug 18, 2008
Hey Vishal,
Unfortunately, if you want to stay a free man, weed wont be a part of yur life here. Seriously, I havnt even heard of the stuff in 7 months of living here, the laws on drugs are VERY strict. Anyway, I have been talking to Leeboy and Desert surfer, both cool guys. Lee came out to club 400 this weekend, I think DS broke his arm or something! If you want to chill sometime, I'll give you a call next time something is going on, otherwise you and lee and ds should get together and form the newbie brigade lol. Im busy this weekend but I'll keep you posted. What do you do in real estate?
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Aug 18, 2008
hey mate,

yeah kinda gathered the laws since being here, but as long as i can get my weekend in amsterdam once a year it'll be alright.
I work for Cushman & Wakefield in London but they want me to shift here to work on some of the on-going projects in Dubai (im in M&A).
So here on a trial period on their behalf just to see how things are!

Give me a shout whenever dude!! tkcare
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