Would Like To Meet Well Connected Dubai Bankers And Lawyers

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Would like to meet well connected Dubai bankers and lawyers Aug 15, 2008
...... to discuss a business idea. I know it sounds dodgy, but I cant give details here or the thread will be considered advertising and deleted. Its a great idea, so if you have an entrepreneurial streak please get in touch.


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Aug 17, 2008
Does it have anything to do with real estate by any chance? I am looking for good lawyers too
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Aug 17, 2008
maximusprime wrote:Does it have anything to do with real estate by any chance? I am looking for good lawyers too

well I hope it aint criminal lawyer Max, did u grap an unknown chick's butt cheek :lol:
desert surfer
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Aug 17, 2008
Haha, no man, just got caught bangin some british chick on the beach!
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Aug 17, 2008
maximusprime wrote:Haha, no man, just got caught bangin some british chick on the beach!

I told you not to hang out with that Vince guy. That chick betta be HOT! waiting for tomorrows headlines in Gulf News. 8)
desert surfer
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Aug 18, 2008
We had quite high expectations for the dubai market but since you classy guys are the only ones to reply - if we were prepared to slash our standards to rock-bottom and re-write the bit in the HR handbook about not bangin people on the beach would you be interested?
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Aug 18, 2008
Extremely sry ziggy. Just friendly joke between me and maximus. In Dubai I would highly recommend to get private investors than bankers cos :-

i, in investors you are meeting in personal level so you can influence them and get rates accordingly.
ii, Investors are ready to be patient and give low rates if you convince them of your business idea.
iii, There are so many loaded private investors in UAE (1 in 75 ppl here are millionaire)

iv, Abu Dhabi has rich investors in the world . One company has 800 billion dollars to invest.

v, Best way to get attention of investors is to call em, go to business convention, knock the doors of investing companies.

vi, Once you get a good investor , lawyer is piece of cake....

start http://www.arabianbusiness.com/banking_finance which is best business source for you info.
desert surfer
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Aug 18, 2008
No problem Desert Surfer. I know you were pulling my chain.

Thanks for your suggestions. We dont actually need money though. We just want to get in touch with well connected bankers and lawyers that will use the service and who will get their friends and colleagues to use it too.

We have got bankers and lawyers in most of the major financial centres around the world doing this for us - and we are giving them equity for every person they introduce to the site.
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Aug 19, 2008
Hey Ziggy,
Sorry about hijacking your thread, as DS said, just a joke about something that happened here in Dubai a couple weeks ago. All jokes aside though, I am doing a bit of investing myself and I have a project that you might be interested in. We also need lawyers to help structure the deal. Its basically just a giant investment pool to buy full floors or buildings off plan directly from developers. The more people we have the more bargaining power we have. It is also designed to be a community of investors who want to share their expertise and benefit from each other. If you are interested let me know, I can fill you in on the details.
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Aug 19, 2008
Yes, could be interested. Ill pm you
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Sep 01, 2008
Can i just be a lazy secretary and get a piece of the deal ? LOL
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