Is There Tension Between Local Emiratis And Western Expats

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Aug 11, 2008
I'm not going to bother explaining it to you, because you're another one of those people that makes wild assumptions about others.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 11, 2008
thats one common excuse given by "whiners" may I presume?
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Aug 11, 2008
No I just hate it when some people think they're so pious and perfect, like they've never ever done anything wrong. No-one has the right to just anyone else - EVER!!! Not everyone was brought up the same way, has the same beliefs or lives by the same rules - the world would be pretty damn boring if we all did. There are differences, accept them instead of judging.

I like the way I live and the way I am and no-one has the right EVER to tell me that the way I live MY life is wrong!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 11, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:No I just hate it when some people think they're so pious and perfect, like they've never ever done anything wrong. No-one has the right to just anyone else - EVER!!! Not everyone was brought up the same way, has the same beliefs or lives by the same rules - the world would be pretty damn boring if we all did. There are differences, accept them instead of judging.

I like the way I live and the way I am and no-one has the right EVER to tell me that the way I live MY life is wrong!

your interesting rant is fun to read but if applied in real life will only bring chaos and confusion.

whats so special about you that only you have the right to life your life the way you want? why can't other people do that?

if you say other people can also live their lives the way they want, can you tell me what will happen? the resultant chaos confusion mayhem disorder -- it'll be worse than the most primitives of barbarians i guess. Any person, X, can go kill as many as he likes, nobody will have right to judge him nor to condemn or rectify his actions?

NB Aren't we getting away from the topic?
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Aug 11, 2008
Oh for goodness sake. I'm not saying, no rules etc etc, stop being over dramatic. But no-one has the right to tell me that my values and what I believe is wrong.

Yes I live my life the way I want to, and why shouldn't I? I'm not hurting anyone!

I would never tell someone else that what they do or what they belive is wrong, that's their personal choice, again so long as they're not hurting anyone - who cares?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 11, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:Oh for goodness sake. I'm not saying, no rules etc etc, stop being over dramatic. But no-one has the right to tell me that my values and what I believe is wrong.

Yes I live my life the way I want to, and why shouldn't I? I'm not hurting anyone!

I would never tell someone else that what they do or what they belive is wrong, that's their personal choice, again so long as they're not hurting anyone - who cares?

Not intending to digress but you did point out various examples where emiratis were 'wrong' in your opinion. Why did you bother doing that if they didn't hurt you?
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Aug 11, 2008
Because I hate the hypocrisy of some people. Like I said they pretend to be pious individuals, preaching this and that, and then do the complete opposite. Simply be honest is all.

Remember people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!

At least I'm honest about what I do and don't do.

How can people deny that that certain things happen here when it's reported in the paper everyday?! Come on! You can't seriously tell me that some people are really that ignorant about some of the things that go on!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 12, 2008
Dear ,

No one said nothing wrong happens here not even firefingers, after all UAE is not Heaven. How ever the hall thread got twisted when you talked about the kids... now maybe I'm not looking at it from your perspective but I didn't see how such a matter could cause tension between locals and expats, not at all , and the thread question is clear ( between expatS and locals) not chocoholic and locals. To me and I might be wrong you generalized your cause to all expats ! again I could be wrong .

Beside I believe the thread author was looking for tension reasons that is shared by expats and locals such as differences in culture and religions, jobs ...ect not how you look at locals behavior and categorizing it as a tension cause or point, not the kids and how they are raised at least. I just didn't see the connection.

Finally when ever we disagree dear about a cretin issue , it dose not mean I'm or others are ignorant ( don’t judge ) remember ? but to me the forum is like a news paper and stories always have 2 sides and we should let the reader decide which one makes more sense than the other. It does not depend on how many times a person reply's to prove his point..

Maybe you love children and got carried away which means you have a big heart but again half of this thread is about locals and you saying such things mint at least to me that we are all alike !! and anyway , why interfere in a one family choice of razing there kids anyway ?

And if you believe this is a main cause between any expats and any locals in any giving country, then there will be tension in all the countries around the world !! bcz I don't see a country with out maids or babysitters, do you ?

So lets go back to the main subject and talk about what cause this tension which I really really can not feel or see , not in UAE at least, one incident here and there is natural and goes back to a one person behavior.

To all what's worth. Hell with tension and lets party
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Aug 12, 2008
firefingersx wrote:Dear ,

And if you believe this is a main cause between any expats and any locals in any giving country, then there will be tension in all the countries around the world !! bcz I don't see a country with out maids or babysitters, do you ?

To all what's worth. Hell with tension and lets party

Again it highlights how ignorant and stupid this guy really is. There is no concept of "Maids" "Drivers" or "Office Boys" in the west. I was shocked when my "office boy" brought coffee to me the first day I started my job here. To this day I still feel uncomfortable. You have no clue what the wetern values are and how we take pride in doing everything by our own hands inclduding driving, cleaning our houses, working in the backyard, painting our own house, raising multiple kids without any "maids". I do admit values are different in different parts of this world. It doesn't mean anybody is better. Its the hypocricy that gets me in this country and many other Arab countries. This country is supposedly a Moslem country and any local would be naive enough not to know how hypocritic the rulers are.
Now that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the good things here. I'm here because I wanted to, nobody forced me to be here. I'm thankful that this country gave me the opportunity to enhance my resume. I'm hoping to spend some time here and then go back. Cheers
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Aug 12, 2008
posting deleted .. too offensive
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Aug 12, 2008
K-Dog wrote:
firefingersx wrote:Dear ,

And if you believe this is a main cause between any expats and any locals in any giving country, then there will be tension in all the countries around the world !! bcz I don't see a country with out maids or babysitters, do you ?

To all what's worth. Hell with tension and lets party

Again it highlights how ignorant and stupid this guy really is. There is no concept of "Maids" "Drivers" or "Office Boys" in the west. I was shocked when my "office boy" brought coffee to me the first day I started my job here. To this day I still feel uncomfortable. You have no clue what the wetern values are and how we take pride in doing everything by our own hands inclduding driving, cleaning our houses, working in the backyard, painting our own house, raising multiple kids without any "maids". I do admit values are different in different parts of this world. It doesn't mean anybody is better. Its the hypocricy that gets me in this country and many other Arab countries. This country is supposedly a Moslem country and any local would be naive enough not to know how hypocritic the rulers are.
Now that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the good things here. I'm here because I wanted to, nobody forced me to be here. I'm thankful that this country gave me the opportunity to enhance my resume. I'm hoping to spend some time here and then go back. Cheers

well, even if I AM MISTAKENLY gave a specific comment which is not true as you clam, how and why are you calling me stupid ? is it living in trailers for a long time made you such a ..... never mind.

now lets be honest here for a sec, you don't have them bcz you can not afford them sir not bcz you take pride in everything you do, you spend most of your life saving for your kids college fund ,paying your house morgue ,car payment, taxes, and it is more of a forced life style you grow up with more than a pride sir. or you might be well I wouldn't say cheap but find a nother pretty name for that too.

now I don't now how much was your income back home, but most of my neighbors in California hired maids on weekly bases !! garden care Mexican, babysitter ,butlers....even ppl to wash their cars infront of their homes, so lecture someone else about our pride, you just gave it a pretty name sir, I have been there and I have seen it all.

locals here have an extra room and extra buck and can afford them in privet base, beside having a larger family compared to other families around the world why do you see that wrong beside wouldn't you hire one if you could afford it, who doesn't want an extra hand ?

the only diff between us is that we have them as a privet and you guys in a store business like, gardeners, maids .....

sir , you wana comment on such things ,then talk about your self and don't use the we. not every has the same income, and based on how high or it is ,your life style chang with it.

wishing you all the best in your stay here but sorry man the perfect American stereotype dose not work here and not influenced by the American movies like other.

best regards.
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Aug 12, 2008
A simple analysis from a simple mind!!! Your a hopeless, pathetic loser. Go ahead, have the last word. I'm not a woman so I don't need to :D
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Aug 12, 2008
K-Dog wrote:A simple analysis from a simple mind!!! Your a hopeless, pathetic loser. Go ahead, have the last word. I'm not a woman so I don't need to :D

being harsh with me wont chang the facts I wrote neither prove yours.. LOOOOOL but I guess you got shocked I knew all that ha. sorry if it caused you imbarsment, didn't mean it to be that way dude.

but instead of you call me names you can always discuess it.
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Aug 14, 2008
Who owns the forum? Whre s the moderator?
K-dog unnecessarily insulted an emirati first he should be evicted from the forum.

Had this happened in western countries lets say we know what would have happened?
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Aug 14, 2008
Oh stop being so melodramatic. Everyone gets insulted here at one time or another and naitonality has nothing to do with it. Grow up and stop kissing butt!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 14, 2008
Knock it Off guys :twisted: , Let us have peace, and share respect :lol:
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Aug 14, 2008
uaebadoo wrote:Knock it Off guys :twisted: , Let us have peace, and share respect :lol:

Whahahahaha well lets have respect from you then shall we - thanks :wink:

And I'm the whip wielder round her!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 14, 2008
I actually don't care where people come from. You're either an idiot or you ar not, that's it. I respect every person until that person reveals that he or she is an idiot. :)
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Aug 14, 2008
GeorgeB wrote:I actually don't care where people come from. You're either an idiot or you ar not, that's it. I respect every person until that person reveals that he or she is an idiot. :)

Very well said!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 14, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:Oh stop being so melodramatic. Everyone gets insulted here at one time or another and naitonality has nothing to do with it. Grow up and stop kissing butt!

leave my butt out of it :lol:
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Aug 15, 2008
ignorant fool start using more mature words
is kissing b*** a western concept?
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Aug 17, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:
uaebadoo wrote:Knock it Off guys :twisted: , Let us have peace, and share respect :lol:

Whahahahaha well lets have respect from you then shall we - thanks :wink:

And I'm the whip wielder round her!

Come on choco, I am not that bad, I respect all of you :D , Since u r the whip wielder, you should have some mercy for me and FF :D
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Aug 17, 2008
seriously this thread should have been locked long time ago. It's about a bunch of ppl whining.
desert surfer
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Aug 17, 2008
muslimbangladeshi wrote:ignorant fool start using more mature words
is kissing b*** a western concept?

No I believe that originated with you.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 18, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:
muslimbangladeshi wrote:ignorant fool start using more mature words
is kissing b*** a western concept?

No I believe that originated with you.

Is this the level of maturity of forumites here? :x Anyway I am not western.
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Aug 18, 2008
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 20, 2008
nope, no tensions b/w emiratis and white ppl.

emiratis r pretty much ready to suck their balls dry any time of the day.
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Hello All

I am a Producer at MTV and we are currently exploring the idea of doing a show about young people in Dubai. Issues exisiting between local Emirati and Westerners is one of the topics we thought would be interesting to cover...from the discussions on this board I was thinking maybe some of you guys would be interested in appearing on our show. Below please find the official casting call for this project...if you think you might be interested in participating please follow the instructions below and send a letter to . thank you!


Are you a foreign student studying in Dubai at either an American or local institution, or teaching abroad in Dubai? Are you a local who finds the ever increasing foreign presence in the city a threat to your traditional customs? Are you an expatriate who does not identify with the mostly Arabic customs and laws? Are you or a family member relocating to Dubai for business and feeling unsure about calling Dubai your new home? Or are you simply planning an exciting vacation to Dubai to take part in one of its many festivals, celebrations, or tourist attractions? If you currently live in or will be visiting Dubai, and you believe your experience there is or will be unique culturally, MTV wants to hear from you.

If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28, and you think that you have an interesting story to tell the world about your experiences as either a native, local or visitor to Dubai, email us at with all of the details. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo, if possible.
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