Phillipines In Dubai

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Phillipines in Dubai Jun 28, 2007
Why are there so many in Dubai is it really a better place than the Phillipines? I've been to Dubai but never the Phillipines, and I hated Dubai but I am a spoiled american.

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Re: Phillipines in Dubai Jun 28, 2007
Cupid wrote:Why are there so many in Dubai is it really a better place than the Phillipines? I've been to Dubai but never the Phillipines, and I hated Dubai but I am a spoiled american.

Spoiled in what way?
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Jun 28, 2007
Spoiled to life in the US I guess.
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Jun 28, 2007
Cupid wrote:Spoiled to life in the US I guess.

You have my sympathy.
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Jun 28, 2007
THANKS are you living in Dubai? I left there last November. Would have like to known about this site then.
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Jun 28, 2007
Have you mis spelt your forum nickname? Shouldn't there be a "st" instead of the "c" in cupid?
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Re: Phillipines in Dubai Jun 29, 2007
Cupid wrote:Why are there so many in Dubai is it really a better place than the Phillipines? I've been to Dubai but never the Phillipines, and I hated Dubai but I am a spoiled american.

As a matter of interest, why did you leave?
sage & onion
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Jun 29, 2007
and just curious about why singled out the 'philippines'?
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Re: Phillipines in Dubai Jun 29, 2007
sage & onion wrote:
Cupid wrote:Why are there so many in Dubai is it really a better place than the Phillipines? I've been to Dubai but never the Phillipines, and I hated Dubai but I am a spoiled american.

As a matter of interest, why did you leave?

I hated it there. And in response to yujinn because they seem to think its great there when they have been to no other countries, thats why I asked was it better than the phils?
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Re: Phillipines in Dubai Jun 29, 2007
Cupid wrote:
sage & onion wrote:
Cupid wrote:Why are there so many in Dubai is it really a better place than the Phillipines? I've been to Dubai but never the Phillipines, and I hated Dubai but I am a spoiled american.

As a matter of interest, why did you leave?

I hated it there. And in response to yujinn because they seem to think its great there when they have been to no other countries, thats why I asked was it better than the phils?

Who is they?, I have lived and wrorked in several countries and visited many more, and yes I thing its great here.
sage & onion
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Jun 29, 2007
My they is phillipine friends that work there.
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Jun 29, 2007
What a surprise - another retarded and racist DF thread.
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Aug 11, 2008
Been a while I had to go back agian But I'm back in the USA again thank god! I pity all you people that like that place.
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Aug 11, 2008
Cupid wrote:Been a while I had to go back agian But I'm back in the USA again thank god! I pity all you people that like that place.

Quite true but then again, i feel quite sorry that you spend your time on the internet posting on a dubai forum. when you're back in the US

Loser huh?
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Aug 11, 2008
If you will explore the Philippines, I bet you will like it there. Its not particularly the polluted cities im talkig about but the nice beaches and the hospitality you will experience once youre there. Aside from that, its quite cheap compared to other countries. Dubai is a land of oppurtunities for many of us, so that is why we are here.
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Aug 12, 2008
komobee, you should know better than to promote the country in, of all places, dubaiforums. :wink:

Anyway, we're here because there are fewer jobs back home. And if you do get a decent job there, the pay's pathetic.

We like dubai because there are more job opportunities and it's the easiest place to get to (until recently maybe).
Most of us won't be staying here for long though. While the pay is good, we're just saving enough to be able to go back home and start something.

Unlike the OP, we're definitely non a spoiled lot. If you notice we usually live in groups in cramped flats and villas. You also won't find us in luxurious places. We do that to save money for our families and our future.

I hope that satisfies the query and I hope it'll be enough to end this thread once and for all.
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Aug 12, 2008
First and foremost its a stupid question to ask. Its like asking why the americans are in Iraq. Or why we have so many expat arabs including Lebanese or Syrians. I heard USA has a huge population of Asian immigrants?


On the issue of Filipinos itself, I think they are an awesome people. I have several who work in my team and I think they are the most honest and sincere guys around. They also have strong positive attitude which is critical to performance. On the social side I love their attitude to life. Always very family/friends orientated. They have strong bonds across and within families which unfortunely seem to have eroded in the so called developed societies. They enjoy life within their means.

I know the initial question itself was not 'about' Philipinos but 'why'. This is my personal opinion. I am not a Philipino and never been to the Philipines.

I am looking forward to doing a short story on the philipino community in Dubai on my blog.
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Aug 12, 2008
To all my Filipino friends out there. What is your opinion on a recent newspaper story that a lot of Flipino men have second families in the UAE and Saudi Arabia even though its against religion. What are your thoughts? Is this a big epidemic? I'm just curious. What about Filipino girls here?
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Aug 12, 2008
Okay... It looks like it's not going to end soon.
About a lot of filipino men having second families here, I noticed that too and I think it's true, sadly. Back home that practice is also prevalent but not in 'epidemic' proportions. It's just that here they have more 'freedom' to go for it.
In my opinion, it is a social disease brought about by the prevailing 'machismo' mentality. I'm not sure if that is linked with our colonial history with the spanish (I'm not a historian and sociologist) but I think we share the same social problem with the mexicans. lol.
And no, I'm not proud of it.
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Aug 12, 2008
Hi there! :)

Just curious.. do Filipinas like western guys? I am certainly not the most handsome guy on earth but I never have problems catching some western girl for the night... but filipinas don't seem to have much interest in western guys. My friends have made the same experience.
Is that true or are they just shy? I always wanted to bang a filippo girl (and I mean without paying for it) :D

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Aug 12, 2008
First and foremost its a stupid question to ask. Its like asking why the americans are in Iraq.

Hmmm good question, my theory is to keep things over there rather than here ? Pssst.. Americans aren't the only ones over there. As the great Ruler of Dubai said in his interview with 60 minutes. I support the War, but we're in the wrong War.
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Aug 12, 2008
Melanie wrote:First and foremost its a stupid question to ask. Its like asking why the americans are in Iraq.

Hmmm good question, my theory is to keep things over there rather than here ? Pssst.. Americans aren't the only ones over there. As the great Ruler of Dubai said in his interview with 60 minutes. I support the War, but we're in the wrong War.

ummm...sensitive... are we?

My statement was meant to only highlight that people MOVE from HERE to THERE because of opportunities. In that context the opening question was pretty much lame. Or may be it was wrongly framed unintentionally.

My statements in no way suggested the validity or opposition to the war. If you seek my opinion on the that's a seperate issue
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Aug 31, 2008
Whets going on here guys, heehaw

You are talking Philippines, huh, well, as long as Filipinos get in groups and trying to not amalgamate themselves with other people which they are located in, then that is obviously effecting how they look like to others.

I just thank god that it's happening in that way, frankly, Arabs and Filipinos can not be together in a place, except being at workplaces together, but do not tell me more than that,,, No way...

Sorry to say that Filipinos are buggy creatures, sad but true. So no wonder why they are trying to get in any place which there are other nationalities than Filipinos, like UAE, UAE become a dream land for many of them, by the fact that there are many men came from many countries which Filipinos find them attractive and a good way to have fun beside getting a job and earning some money.
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