Is There Tension Between Local Emiratis And Western Expats

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Aug 06, 2008
Chocs/ Dr S -
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Yup. You both "get" what I'm trying to say.

FF has an interstingly-jaundiced view of schtuff here and frankly I find his certain contributions worthless to the point that I jsut skip'em ! Bad Goose. Bad, bad Goose.

ANYway, the point I was making - particularly about s.e.x - is that it is becoming more and more poignant here. Whether the Powers That Be like it or not, kids will push boundaries. Whether they be religious or cultural, or just parental. Anyone with children knows that. But as this little country strives for bigger and bigger position on the World Map, education [and s.e.x is right up there, let me tell you] is critical. POL's comment about STDs is not really relevant. Kids will experiement. And guess what ? THEY DO ! That's why there's specialist drs in DB that make a small mint sewing "bits" back together [not to be too crude] ! But if they do not KNOW about such things, then they are experimenting from a point of ignorance and that, my dear friends, is not good. The same arguemetn could be said of drugs. Nuff said.

Now, this may be the point where some bright spark hits on the adage that UK is educated [supposedly] and yet they have the highest teen preggy rate in good ol' EU. So, what good is s.e.x education ? I'd be interestedt o hear comments on that one.

Regarding clothes/ body adornment etc, abayas ARE a fashion statement. Why else do you now start seeing more and more bling on them ? More funky designs, textiles and colours [gawd forbid] ? That's coz girls wanna move with the times, despite what fathers/ brothers/ sons/ etc keeping ranting on about. And if u don't believe it, just have a wander around any of the Malls in AD or DB. And just look at how this piece of clothing has changed in the past few years.

On another topic, I know we're not supposed to talk about the J.ew.s, but there is another case in point, in terms of world education. No matter what your political, or relgiious views, you should know facts. Isn't that what history shows us ? I actually know a local who owns a pet called Hitler. He thinks it's a good name, coz he's been told that this fella killed lots of those nasty ol' people. He was amazed when I told him about all the other ideologies that Mr H acted out from his Mein Kampf ["I'm ok" I told him, "I'm blond with blue eyes...... you're fkd, with your black locks and dark eyes" !!]

Now, how perverted is that ?

Righto. I'm off for a little hanky panky down on Jumeirah front........ :lol:

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Aug 08, 2008
I think that only western expats are mentioned as probable trouble makers in Emirati country reveals the true nature of westerners.

Just like with recent scandals involving michelle palmer (british) and another 79 westerners who were kicked out of Dubai, the government should make it aptly clear to all that no such behaviour that's indecent or incompatible with local cultural norms shall be tolerated.

The government should send a strong message that it brooks no nonsense from irresponsible rejects of certain countries who instead of being grateful to Dubai and Emiratis and respecting its culture and following it openly criticize it (like here), think they know more than Emiratis and hold an edge over Emiratis on account of their western culture (or related baggage), and dare not to assimilate to Emiratis systems.
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Aug 08, 2008
muslimbangladeshi wrote:ME LOVey LOCAL PEOPLE LONG TIME.

yea go kiss arse some more :lol:
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Aug 08, 2008
With All respect to all of you, No tension is allowed with locals,simply because it is our country and this is what you will do in your own country. we have an arabic saying: The stranger should watch out his behaviour
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Aug 09, 2008
You can't say no tension is allowed! How lame is that! If there is there is, and there's not much you can do about it!

The intelligent asnwer would be to find out why there is tension, and what can be done to resolve it.

As has been stated many times before, your rulers opened the gates to tourists and people from all over the world, so unfortunately you will get unwanted influences coming in from time to time and that's just too bad. You can't have your cake and eat it you know.

We have lots of unwanted people coming into our home countries, enforcing their ways of life on us, but we don't get all upety about it, it's just the way it goes.
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Aug 09, 2008
uaebadoo wrote:With All respect to all of you, No tension is allowed with locals,simply because it is our country and this is what you will do in your own country. we have an arabic saying: The stranger should watch out his behaviour

With all due respect to you, this is the kind of attitude that WILL cause tension!
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Aug 10, 2008
The thing that causes tension for me, is seeing the younger gewneration completely incapable of doing anything for themselves, because they've been brought up by maids!

Was at Ski Dubai tonight, and the little buggers just drop all their kit at the swing doors and expect the staff to put the ski'd/boards on the racks - bloody hell! Do things for yourselves - lazy asses!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:The thing that causes tension for me, is seeing the younger gewneration completely incapable of doing anything for themselves, because they've been brought up by maids!

Was at Ski Dubai tonight, and the little buggers just drop all their kit at the swing doors and expect the staff to put the ski'd/boards on the racks - bloody hell! Do things for yourselves - lazy asses!

you are a pure stupid woman , even if this is a true assumption (even though its belt on 1 incident ) , how and why does it cause tension ?, what it is the expats has to do with how our kids are raised ? I don't get it.

Do you want me to start on how your kids act in public places and how their mother beat them to hell in public ?.. I don't have to , everyone saw it at least ones. Beside you don't want me to start on how your kids turns in their teenage years , pregnant 16 years old girls, alcoholic 17 years old , no control what so ever from the parents side ..............., don't go this way, not in this matter. You will lose.

Think before you make an assumption , the royal British family is raised buy maids actually most of the royal and rich families are, are you saying they are all incapable of doing things them selves ?

Not bcz your poor family left you behind or couldn't afford you one you see it wrong dear choco.

This is your problem choco , if you don't do it, watch it practices it eat it, sh*t it thing then it is automatically wrongs in your terms. You want the hall world to be and act like you. I feel sorry for you.

Like you always acuse me of, stop judging people.
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Aug 10, 2008
ok Ok for get the above and let me show the members how stupid their moderator is , why is our kids not being able to do things on their own cause tension between locals and expats ?
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Aug 10, 2008
:roll: Moron! Yes and also, zero consideration for anyone other than themselves!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
Also I'm not a moderator in this section - learn to READ!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
Oh yes and don't let me forget the stupid woman who comes out of the MOE, letting the door slam shut in her daughters face! Poor kid! Boy did I let rip! Not only that how did she expect the child to hold the heavy door open not onyl for herself, but of course the poor maid pushing another child in a carrier and loaded with shopping! Once again ZERO CONSIDERATION for anyone!

And the complete tossers who drive like maniacs! Biy would I love to take a baseball bat to their windscreens! Or a knife to the tyres - idiotic losers!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
And also don't let me forget the people that just can't queue and think they're so much more important than everyone else that they just barge in front. Well not on my watch sonny, not on my watch!

And you wonder why there's tension!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:The thing that causes tension for me, is seeing the younger gewneration completely incapable of doing anything for themselves, because they've been brought up by maids!

Was at Ski Dubai tonight, and the little buggers just drop all their kit at the swing doors and expect the staff to put the ski'd/boards on the racks - bloody hell! Do things for yourselves - lazy asses!

Oh what a lovely Lady she cares about Children

Read this about how they care about children in your country

*Every ten days in England and Wales, on average, one child is killed at the hands of their parent. An average of 35 a year over the past five years.

31% of children experienced bullying during childhood, a further 7% were discriminated against and 14% were made to feel different/an outsider. 43% experienced at least one of these things during childhood

* Nearly 79,000 children are currently looked after by local authorities in the UK

*16% of children experienced serious maltreatment by parents, of whom one third experienced more than one type of maltreatment.2

*7% of children experienced serious physical abuse at the hands of their parents or carers during childhood.

1% of children experienced sexual abuse by a parent or carer and another 3% by another relative during childhood.

11% of children experienced sexual abuse by people known but unrelated to them. 5% of children experienced sexual abuse by an adult stranger or someone they had just met'.

6% of children experienced serious absence of care at home during childhood.

6% of children experienced frequent and severe emotional maltreatment during childhood ... 33295.html
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Aug 10, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:And also don't let me forget the people that just can't queue and think they're so much more important than everyone else that they just barge in front. Well not on my watch sonny, not on my watch!

And you wonder why there's tension!

you are one disturbed woman choco.. what did they do to you in your childhood... get a life , who the fuc* cares about your rubbish . go see a dr ASAP …

go deal with your back home child abuse and sexually offended kids and porno production using them before you care for a mom closing a door on her kid hand, go contribute in UK the numbers are crazy, do you need help finding it ?

Or better yet if you care enough ask your self why didn't you pay dime for kids world hunger or Arabs – Muslims kids getting killed in Israel stepped on by tanks and weapons made by UK , why don't you do something about it ? where the Fuc* is your watch now you fuc*en hypocrites... why do you turn your back on them ohh oh I know they are not emaraties but after all like you like your country choco.. get lost , don't gives lecture in kids idiot .. get the fuc* out bitc* you make me sick

Like I said before you have no principles choco. Idiot..
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Aug 10, 2008
Hahaha you two are ridiculous! Everytime someone brings up a 'fact' or experience about living here, you go away and dig up stuff about our own countries, because you have no come back about your own! We're not talking about my country, we're talking about yours!

So in light of the fact that you have nothing to say about the way 'some' locals treat others and their own, I can only assume that you are two of these ignorant idiots!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:Hahaha you two are ridiculous! Everytime someone brings up a 'fact' or experience about living here, you go away and dig up stuff about our own countries, because you have no come back about your own! We're not talking about my country, we're talking about yours!

So in light of the fact that you have nothing to say about the way 'some' locals treat others and their own, I can only assume that you are two of these ignorant idiots!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL dummy you ran away from answering all the above, smart though. I'll give you that.

and you are the one changing the subject and mixing the tension with kids raising methods stupid, you just got nothing to say do you ?

you are trying to show everyone your big heart that cares for everything and on the other hand it is all fake and got proven so many times and you always change the subject.

my Q is still up , what did you do for the cases I gave ? did you contribute anything ? just one thing ?

I'm asking bcz we all need to know if you really care for kids on your watch or is you are like always faking it ... let us believe in you first choc then we will have a serious discussion, your big enough, comannn you can do it choco , give it a try. you are looking weak day after day!
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Aug 10, 2008
:roll: Boring! yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah is all I hear!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
i have to give it to choco i rate you! you speak the truth!
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Aug 10, 2008
whiteboxster wrote:i have to give it to choco i rate you! you speak the truth!

How is that my whiteboxste ? It is a clear question (is there tension between locals and expats ?) regardless it is a yes or no but how does our kids being raised by maids make this tension ?

it is a hall diff subject, but my question is still up for choco if she is acting like mother Teresa, why is she consternating on our kids when theirs millions being killed daily and UK is part of it.. I'm not getting your agreement here.

Kids being raised my maids all over the world is wrong I'll give you that .it is a diff case and I don't see the connection..
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Aug 10, 2008
Just face it FF, I rock! You suck!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 10, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:Just face it FF, I rock! You suck!

no you are old so act like one, get lost.. let the big guys talk
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Aug 10, 2008
firefingersx wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Just face it FF, I rock! You suck!

no you are old so act like one, get lost.. let the big guys talk

Dude! Let it go!
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Aug 11, 2008
Hahahahaha RAOTFLMAO - let the big boys talk! Pfffff, you couldn't have an intelligent conversation if you tried!

Ahahahahahahahaha oh god, what a laugh! :roll:
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Aug 11, 2008
regardless of all the above , I have achieved my goal here and shown everyone the real you chocoholic, and like the guy said, I will let it go now .

see you in the next fight, hope it will be soon..
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Aug 11, 2008
There's no real light to show sweetheart, with me what you see is what you get. I tell it like it is, always have always will! If you have a problem with that, well then it's just too bad.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 11, 2008
I gather firefingers is an Emirati brother? and chocoholic is a brit?

chocoholic I got one question for you why dont you leave if you dont like UAE? Dubai airport gives great service and so does Emirates. Flight to UK is also widely available.

@firefingers brother dont bother with the immodest uncultured persons who're disrespectful of local culture and religion. I dont understand why more of them aren't expelled from Dubai. I was glad when Dubai punished and kicked out 80 odd westerners for indecent and irresponsible behaviour
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Aug 11, 2008
xero_ wrote:
muslimbangladeshi wrote:ME LOVey LOCAL PEOPLE LONG TIME.

yea go kiss arse some more :lol:

stfu stop being an idiot if you cant help being an idiot stop posting
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Aug 11, 2008
I never said I don't like the UAE. I love it here! I've lived in Middle Eastern countries for a third of my life thank you very much. The whole 'if you don't like it leave' attitude is just stupid.

Also I'm very respectful of other cultures and religions, people can do whatever they want, that's their choice. Just don't ram it down my throat.

I have no problem with the majority of locals, I have many as friends. However it's the ignorant ones who think they're the be all and end all and the centre of the universe that I have a problem with.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Aug 11, 2008
what are you complaining about then chocoholic?
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