Job In Dubai - URGENT PLEASE!!!

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Job In Dubai - URGENT PLEASE!!! Jul 07, 2008
Hi people,

I am living in South Africa, and want to move to Dubai... I am currently in a very bad financial state! I am 21 years old with more than 4 years IT experience, but relying on my parents now and they are not doing well...

I currently have a pending application at Better Homes as a property consultant, but things are taking way too long and i dont know if it is going to go through. I need something urgently, i have already sold a bunch of my stuff to get ready to go, but then felt i had to give the money to my parents as they are struggling...

My expertise are in the following areas:

IT Technical - Hardware & Software troubleshooting, installing.
IT Sales & Marketing
Graphics Designing
Website Designing
Online marketing (SEO)

Office administration and management
Home loans consultant

Please, if anyone have a opportunity for me or know about someone who does have open vacancies, please let me know. This is very urgent for me.

Thanks in advance.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Location: South Africa

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Jul 07, 2008
sent you a pm
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Jul 07, 2008
dbxsoul wrote:sent you a pm

Hi dbxsoul, got it thanks...
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Posts: 6
Location: South Africa

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Jul 09, 2008
I just want to say thank you for the interest im getting... I hope we can help each other.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Posts: 6
Location: South Africa

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