Where Can I Find A Jack Russell In Dubai?

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Where can I find a Jack Russell in Dubai? Jun 18, 2008
Where can I find a purebreed Jack Russell in Dubai (or the surrounding area)? We are desperate for one and cannot find one any where.

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Jun 18, 2008
Instead of looknig for a 'pedigree' dog, why don't you go to K9 Friends and give a home to a poor homeless dog?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 18, 2008
We have tried there already but they have no small dogs. We live in an apartment and it would not be fair to have anything bigger than a Jack Russell. We are on the list for a smaller dog from K9 Friends but they say they do not usually get any small dogs. Of course I would be happy for a mixed breed dog but I asked for purebreed simply because it is easier to predict the temprement the dog will have. Again, this is more fair on the dog since we live in an apartment.

Please do not judge before you know all the facts. I am a true dog lover and I would happily give a home to as many dogs as I could if I had the space. This is not practical in a place like Dubai.
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Jun 19, 2008
Do they home Alsations at K9 Friends, as there is talk of us getting one in our factory for security ?
W & C
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Jun 19, 2008
It's unfair to keep a dog in an apartment anyway, whatever the size.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jun 19, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:It's unfair to keep a dog in an apartment anyway, whatever the size.

I know you are bitching for an argument here so i am going to give you one, now lets say i am a dog and i was given the choice of an air-conditioned apartment or bake to death in the desert ? do i realy need to go on anymore ?
W & C
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Jun 19, 2008
All I hear is 'blah blah blah'
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Where can I find a Jack Russell in Dubai? Jun 19, 2008
thebyns wrote:Where can I find a purebreed Jack Russell in Dubai (or the surrounding area)? We are desperate for one and cannot find one any where.

Contact Fred Russel, he's in the phone book :lol:
sage & onion
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Jul 08, 2008

Just wondering if you found that jack russell?

I have a pure bread jack and me and my partner are thinking of moving to dubai, I was just wondering how they go with the heat over there?

They are very energectic dogs, I just dont want to take hi if its going to be a bad experience for him?
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Jul 19, 2008
Check out Scarletts at Emirates Towers. The last time I was there, the corner was pained with a huge board that red... "Jack Daniels lives here" :D
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Jul 20, 2008

I think i might of been talking about living with our dog!!!!

I was just wanting to know how they deal with the heat ect
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Jack Russells are not suited for Dubai Jul 29, 2008
You may want to reconsider the Jack Russell acquisition. I know the television shows make them seem cute and adorable, but while they are "small dogs" they need a lot of excercise, attention, and when they become bored they chew up everything. A Jack Russell Terrier is a "working dog" in the sense they are bred for one particular reason--hunting.

Also, they won't do well with the heat here as they are more suited for UK and US climates. They also tend to not know when to stop running, chasing or hunting and lack the "self regulation" that can be found in other dogs. It is not unheard of for a JRT to run itself to death when chasing another animal.

I have owned several registered Jack Russell Terriers. I used to race them back in the states and would also take them hunting with me. I have one Jack Russell that I sent to live with my mother at our farm in the Midwest instead of bringing it to Dubai with me--it really isn't a good dog to leave in an apartment and if you have any kind of nice clothes, shoes or furniture the odds are it will destroy them in an attempt to find something "to do".

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Jul 29, 2008
I think you may have miss out on some info of mine.......

I have a 2yr old Jack and he is very well behaved. He does need a walk every day or he goes a little crazy but I still have all my stuff!!!

When he was a puppy he did chew on a few things but thats what puppy's do.

I was just wanting to know how he wouold do in the heat over in Dubai?

We live in melbourne at the moment and he loves summer, means he gets to go to the beach for a swim.

Im a little worried about taking him with us for the heat reason and the fact that y partners company supplies us with housing when we are over there so it may not be in a place where we can have a dog.

The other reason why I'm worried is getting him back into the country when we want to come back to Oz!!!!

But living in an Unit with a jack isn't all that bad.
At the moment we lilve in a 2 bed Apartment with a little courtyard and Vinnie is fine. We do take him for a walk every day but they arent that hard of a dog to keep happy.

I love Jack's for they have great big personalities!!!!
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Jul 30, 2008
I have a JRT back home and he's almost always in the backyard. He's doing very well in tropical summer heat (38C at most).
Here in Dubai I guess you can still walk him outside during summer- but only in the morning and evening as I don't think even you can bear the heat.
If you're going to have your own villa then there should be no problem as you have your own yard. But still I wouldn't recommend letting him stay outside for a long time even if there's a a shade.
In a flat, I'm not sure if the landlords even allow pets in in the first place. Anyway, my JRT doesn't have problems staying inside the house during the rainy season.
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Jul 31, 2008
Thank you for all your info, it has helped me work out what we are going to do!!!!

It's hard to leave them behind.
We did go on holi for just over a week and the dog stayed at my partners mum and he cried all the time.
Every time they came home, he got really happy and jumping around.
But when he saw that it was them and not us he stoped and got sad again.

I dont think even he would like being left back home without us!!

How long have you been living in Dubai?
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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