Whay Some Pple Think That Locals Are Lazy Ppl???

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Sep 26, 2006
kanelli wrote:So in the end you are indeed talking about only one town you lived in, and you acknowledge that you were the only non-white family living there. I would say that probably explains things. In your previous post you made it sound like you were living all over the States and faced serious abuse everywhere you lived. You should try to be clear. It makes a huge difference to say that one town in the US is the most racist place you have lived, instead of saying that the entire USA is the most racist place you have lived.

Notice how I say that Dubai is the most racist place I have lived? I don't say the whole UAE, or the entire Middle East...

it wasnt just in that town. i said not everywhere i lived i experienced racisim...and i mentioned it, California...i have lived all over the US though, and experienced it in those cities as well. The examples i had given though were from that specific town however...I think i need to learn to be more clear when typing....sorry for the confusion

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Sep 26, 2006
The difference is, you have Bodies in US coming out and talking about the Rise in Anti Muslim violence in the States. How often do you hear about the goverment tackling discrimination and bad working conditions for some in the UAE?

well, the lawyers i used to work for helped their clients and took those cases to court...there were indians, pakistanis, westerners, all types. it was something common to see everyday going to work.

i think the problem is that most dont say anything, maybe if they did the whole country could start to work on this problem.

also, out of the emirates, in my opinion, i would say abu dhabi is much worse than dubai. me personally, im part local, but since i carry an american passport and have a more palestinian accent when speaking arabic....will never ever work in abu dhabi. i cant, wouldnt be able to deal with it.

i would probably go home crying everynight, lol.
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Sep 26, 2006
bushra21 wrote:well, the lawyers i used to work for helped their clients and took those cases to court...there were indians, pakistanis, westerners, all types. it was something common to see everyday going to work.

i think the problem is that most dont say anything, maybe if they did the whole country could start to work on this problem.

also, out of the emirates, in my opinion, i would say abu dhabi is much worse than dubai. me personally, im part local, but since i carry an american passport and have a more palestinian accent when speaking arabic....will never ever work in abu dhabi. i cant, wouldnt be able to deal with it.

i would probably go home crying everynight, lol.

Maybe success rates would encourage people to repost cases. Have heard of very few successfull cases.

And i agree, AD is much worse - in fact, dont even get me started on Abu Dhabi! ;-)
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Sep 26, 2006
maybe the lawyers i worked for were really good then, because they won most of their cases.

expensive as hell though to get their services, but in the end its worth it.
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Sep 26, 2006
bushra21 wrote:maybe the lawyers i worked for were really good then, because they won most of their cases.

expensive as hell though to get their services, but in the end its worth it.

So i guess that puts them out of reach for 80%+ of South East Asians.... and the problem goes on.

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Sep 27, 2006
bushra hon that awful, i cant imagine what’s that like to live in a place surrounded by hate i wouldn’t last a day…welcome back home girl


i want to u start a thread about the things u like in Dubai im not being sarcastic i just wonder if there is any?
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Re: Whay some pple think that locals are lazy ppl??? Sep 28, 2006
naruto wrote:(For discussions)


well im local guy and from what i see and hear about locals considering them as lazy and ignorant ppl..i wana know why they think that about them?

is it Jealousy.?
or cuz they envy them for being rich (not all locals are rich INDIAN R RICH PPL TOO)

well have a good day gentelmen


Hi Naruto,

You have just been listening to the wrong crowd if they say negative attributes about UAE locals. I have lived here for 13 years and have fairly well travelled the globe. I can easily vouch that UAE Nationals are fine people - to say the least.

Good or bad, I strongly believe that there are no generalizations in any Nationality.

More power to you...
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Sep 29, 2006
mema wrote:rudeboy
Im sorry u had to face these situations but u can't build ur entire views on locals from those u met in the immigration.

i have many expat friends .and i mean real friends..more than family.. different nationalities and different colors..i'm very disturb and upset readin all the posts here i called my friends and asked their views of Dubai do they feel discriminated against they said no..they added some of the luxury they have here couldn't dream of it back home and they feel this is their home..

my expat friends were living in uk they r black moved to Dubai recently according to them "yes there is racisms in Uk" but this is not my concern im sure they went through some bad experience but this shouldn't be generalized there nor here.

com'n Dubai is not that bad..we (local) r not that bad.

sorry for the late reply :P anyways mema i was just talking about my experience with a immigration offical who cracked a joke with his mates about me not being WHITE and having a British Passport and how i shut him up by saying yeh am a proud british muslim :D.
mema i aint got anything against locals i got local friends so y would i say they are racist. come on i really think they are nice ppl. actually everyone on this planet is nice. let it be americans locals or indians. i think the problem is that for some reason we are scared. Westerns are scared to be mates with indians or pakis or wotever and vise versa. Racism is everywhere from london to dubai to melbourne. lol funny thing was in india there were some indians making fun of this western guy and i cracked myself up not because they were being racist. but because the indians were in majority and the white guy was the minority hmmm u see wot i mean.
back to the topic of locals and y they so lazy and so on. am not saying ALL are but there are SOME. those who are lazy need to start taking into consideration about the rest of the public who got other TENSIONS in their life and maybe are less fortunate then the locals. I.e they dont get sponsor money now and then :P and they dont get paid a large sum when they get married :D. and it is the minoirty in the local workfoce that is giving the majority of the locals a bad name. like al Qaeda :D its a minority but still its giving a bad name to the millions of muslims on earth but thats another topic.
Dubai is developing into a nice city, but it will never become anything like London even though they are creating buildings,parks and so on. Because people make cities, in london ok you have racism but not where you salary is based on ur skin or passport colour. in london everyone is living happily under one roof from indians, pakis, bangalis, westerns and most of them do interact with each other easily with no problems. but are we living happily together in dubai i dont think so otherwise we wouldnt have had to discuss about it like we are now in this post.
ma salam
ramzan mubarak
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Jul 08, 2008
rudeboy wrote:wot i meant was in london you can be friends with whoever you like. a paki can be friends with a white person and so on.

First of all London doesnt have more than 50% of its population over run with Desi's. So there will obviously be less racism there.

But if the demographics of dubai, with all the Desis there, were to be the same in London, do you not think that racism will get higher in London, if not than more so than in Dubai.
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Re: Whay some pple think that locals are lazy ppl??? Jul 08, 2008
naruto wrote:(For discussions)


well im local guy and from what i see and hear about locals considering them as lazy and ignorant ppl..i wana know why they think that about them?

is it Jealousy.?
or cuz they envy them for being rich (not all locals are rich INDIAN R RICH PPL TOO)

well have a good day gentelmen


dont get upset, people are always talking :-) as if LOCALS never say any negative stuff about other nationalities:-D
each of us, being a represantative of a particular nationality, having special characteristics:)
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Re: Whay some pple think that locals are lazy ppl??? Sep 22, 2008
marina wrote:
naruto wrote:(For discussions)


well im local guy and from what i see and hear about locals considering them as lazy and ignorant ppl..i wana know why they think that about them?

is it Jealousy.?
or cuz they envy them for being rich (not all locals are rich INDIAN R RICH PPL TOO)

well have a good day gentelmen


dont get upset, people are always talking :-) as if LOCALS never say any negative stuff about other nationalities:-D
each of us, being a represantative of a particular nationality, having special characteristics:)

I do agree on you, there are some local people out there that are not that good vice versa. But really in General we cannot judge them, because most of them are kind and helpful to others as well.

Yes everybody is jealous with Local people because they can afford almost anything. Even I cannot deny that, I prepare to have a local friend than Syrian and Egyptian(No offense), but as what I have said we cannot judge the mentality of a person. So we can not tell that the book has fruitful stories by just seeing the cover, we must read the content first same applies in the real world.

As for me if I cannot say anything good, I prepare closing my mouth.
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Dec 31, 2008
Cant say any bad about locals, coz most of my friends are them))))... nice very intelligent guys with perfect since of humor.. like to hung out (with limits), or maybe coz some of them was study in moscow long time ago :D :D :D
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Jan 10, 2009
welfare system of europe was presented during the cold war as a middle way between capitalism and communism that there’re criticism around its distribution.
in contrast, social insurance of uae, where the state provides its citizens with cash and in-kind benefits creates negative impact on the 'personal autonomy' of ordinary citizens..

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Jan 12, 2009
There is no formula to generalise that certain nation is lazy and others are active. it depends on individuals
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Feb 11, 2009
you say not all locals are rich. can you provide examples? i was under the impression that all local emiratis are given land and money w/o effort. in addition they serve as silent partners to foreigners who set up businesses in dubai. how wrong is this? if it is right then they are called lazy rightfully so
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Feb 11, 2009
dubaiinformationsite, for someone who is advertising a site about Dubai, you don't seem to know much. Of course not all locals are rich, and it is wrong to assume all locals are lazy.
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Feb 11, 2009
hmm i am in Beijing and have a friend from Dubai, he is not lazy, hard working and studying... a very gentle guy.
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Aug 20, 2009
Well sometimes it is the communication gap as well...
Most emarati's are not very fluent in english which creates misunderstanding...
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Aug 20, 2009
...but i must agree that not all are efficient...
i have lots of emarati close friends but i feel they lack the capability of understanding things quickly... may be they have never been exposed to it before... and what we feel is that they just want to ignore the job alloted to them...
i call this cultural difference
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