Frinds4you, Girl, hope everything goes fine, there are always sacrifices to do, you just have to make sure you are taking the right decision. I don't know the guy, but what i would suggest is come out of the emotional thing and try to think about it logically. Emotions might fade one day and you end up with nothing in hand.
IF the guy is goood, honest and really treats you well for who you are, not how much you got or how you are benefiting his career, then go ahead and see will it worth it to leave the country and stand against your family for him or not.
It might worth it and if he is good then your family might really get nice with him and you by time as usually the families get shocked in the begining then they ease down when time goes by. but just take it easy on them and don't make it like a challange.
Mr. AhmedBinAbdullah, in this forum there are alot of people who belive in god whether they are muslim, christian, jews or even just belive in god with no religion, you cann't just through "kafara" "pagans" around. if you wanna be a preacher this is not the place, espacially with your wrong understanding, information or methodology you reflects.
First, "2ati3o allah wal rasoul wa 2oli al 2amr menkom" 2oli al 2amr "people in charge" should be elected by the people and not princes nor kings nor Middle east persidents. espacially when the flesh market is everywhere in dubai and it is tollorated. so please don't go into this.
Second, you tell her you know what is the sin she is doing and how wrong it is. Who are you to judge???????? She is the only one to judge. "2nama al 23mal belneyat" "doings are according to intentions"
Third, I totally do understand where you come from "i.e. methodology" as we arabs tend to get emotional about our sisters and mothers. "considering Friends4you" a sister and we wouldn't like her to have any harm. but Even if you are right "WHICH YOU ARE NOT" this is not the right way to help her, and this what makes are of ladies do the wrong things because the repel from honest people with honest intentions but giving the message in wrong wrap.
Anyway, Friends4you, hope you all the best, but life is about nothing but choices, and make sure that your family, us and even Prince mohamed, wants the best for you

so take our words and make up your own mind.
Final note about prince mohamed comment about marring from GCC, may be because of the mixing of locals and he wants to encourage the pure national origins "because of the few numbers they are" , which is his right to care about, but i don't think he is forcing it on anyone. And this happens in some countries in Europe through encouraging giving birth to more than one baby which is another method. note that they don't have the huge expat mix like here.
cheers all.