Infiniti G35 US Model Vs. GCC Model

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Infiniti G35 US model vs. GCC model Jul 05, 2008
Hi All,

I am looking into buying an Infiniti G35 coupe from 2004-2005 with a budget of 80-90k maximum.

I found one that was perfect, but missed it as I still had my drivers license pending, and by the time I called the guy back, he sold it already to 4x4. They put an extra 20k on it, and selling it for 99,950 :( So thats out. That car was a GCC version from 2005, with excellent condition, etc. I even test drove it before it was sold off.

The only other one I find on the market right now is a US model, much cheaper, from 2004 and in excellent condition.

I am just wondering, what are really the differences between the US and GCC model?The seller assures me that they are identical :), but as with many other cars, I suspect a larger radiator, stronger AC, etc.

I went on googling, and found nothing. Do you think the GCC and US versions could be identical? I heard there are cars that are, but I dont know if its the case with this one.

I just dont want to end up buying something that overheats for 3 months of 12.



Dubai Forums Member
Posts: 39
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Jul 06, 2008
they are identical apart from the speedo/odo reading in miles and no 120kmph warning buzzer.
the larger radiator, stronger ac etc was back in the days, most modern cars have the same components. there are hot places even in the USA where temperatures cross 50 deg cel.

only problem could be the US car could have been in an accident or flood damaged. you can get the vin number of hte car and try to obtain a carfax report to get the vehicle history or atleast show the car to a good mechanic before buying it.
good luck
Dubai forums Addict
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Jul 06, 2008

Yes, those are the things I am afraid of. I need to take someone along, but I dont know any good mechanics who would do this kind of an inspection.

Anyways, I will try and look around Google for something,


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