Chat Between Drunk Men Sparked Terror Warning

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Chat between drunk men sparked terror warning Jun 20, 2008
Dubai: A personal conversation between two drunk men in a hotel bar led the British Embassy in Abu Dhabi to issue the recent terror attack warning, Gulf News has learnt.

The embassy on June 14 posted a warning on its website against a terror attack in the UAE.

A diplomatic source said the warning was issued based on a personal conversation between the two Arab men in the Hemingway bar in the Hiltonia Hotel in Abu Dhabi. The bar is frequented by hundreds of Britons and Americans.

One drunk man told the other in jest: "If someone wants to scare all these people and make them run away, just say there is a bomb. A belt bomb will kill hundreds of them."

The source said it is believed that Britons sitting near the men overheard the conversation and thought it was serious.

They reported the matter to their embassy who immediately issued the terror alert. The travel advisory said: "The attacks could be indiscriminate and could happen at any time, including in places frequented by expats ... You should maintain a high level of security awareness."

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Jun 20, 2008
Two drunk Arabs ?? Surely not :wink:
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christians? Jun 20, 2008
were christian arabs involved? surely muslim arabs dont drink alcohol
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Jun 22, 2008
If i overheard two arabs plotting an attack, regardless of weather they were under the influence or not, i would have to report it or live in regret.
W & C
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Re: christians? Jun 25, 2008
muslimbangladeshi wrote:were christian arabs involved? surely muslim arabs dont drink alcohol

Perhaps if you don't drink you wouldn't know. I don't drink myself, but I like to hang out with colleagues and friends, and I tell you what, 90% of them are Moslems and wait . . . , I can't remember one who doesn't drink.

Muslim arabs shouldn't (not supposed to drink) is a good statement. For the rest, you are wrong.
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Re: christians? Jun 25, 2008
duhab wrote:
muslimbangladeshi wrote:were christian arabs involved? surely muslim arabs dont drink alcohol

Perhaps if you don't drink you wouldn't know. I don't drink myself, but I like to hang out with colleagues and friends, and I tell you what, 90% of them are Moslems and wait . . . , I can't remember one who doesn't drink.

Muslim arabs shouldn't (not supposed to drink) is a good statement. For the rest, you are wrong.

I think the member you was qouting was using a degree of sarcasam mate....
W & C
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Jun 25, 2008
I think the member you was qouting was using a degree of sarcasam mate....

I was hoping the same thing, but his user name begs to differ.
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Jun 26, 2008
There is absolutely no way this version of events is true.

Firstly, it is illegal and even treasonous for any 'diplomatic source' emanating from the UK embassy to release such information.

Secondly, are you kidding me?! Two guys sat in a bar consitutes a terror threat? How can that possibly be plausible?

Answer, it isn't. But hey, let's not make the UAE seem like a dangerous place, don't want to scare all those tourists out of the shops whilst they're busy spending.

The irony is, all the govt here has to do to make this place seem safe, is list the number of terrorist attacks the country has suffered as opposed to somewhere like, oh I don't, London.

London - 134
UAE - 0
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