US Degree Attestation

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US Degree attestation May 29, 2008
Hi all,

just needed some info here for degree attestation or verification which ever i need to do, I am so confused on some of the leads that i am getting I saw a thread here that pointed me to this :

I was so happy to find something so easy even though its kinda expensive but stil hassle free...

BUT... ( here the fun begins)

Now.. Two of my friends did their degree attestations and lo and behold they didnt even knew about this attestation process being replaced by the verification by emirates Post. they were like my room mates and now in Dubai we studied in the same university as well. What is bothering me is that they did something which this link says is old. and they just did within some last months and they got their degree back "attested"

I just want some guidance here if any one might have to give: To get the employment visa should i go through the emirates post verification process or do the degree attestation through an agent that my friends used to get their degree to US university and US state department and back. because BOth cost like so much and i dont want to pay if that doesnt work any more. I am gonna be working in the Dubai internet city btw...

There is also this thread on this same forum which states that i will ahve to go to the ministry of foriegn affairs and get that done there and not send it for any attesttation.

If what i need to do is attest my degree according to Dubai law or DIC law the what the hell is verification how is that gonna help any one ..

ANY help would be appreciated...


UAE, Dubai Forum starter
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Jun 03, 2008
In my case my company did the verification. All I did was sign a consent form and provided a copy of my degree. Check with your employer's PRO.
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Re: US Degree attestation Sep 21, 2008
Does anyone have an update on this post? I am going to be moving next month & need to get my degree attested shortly. This verification process looks so much easier. Wondering if anyone else has done this instead of the whole attestation process?

sar wrote:Hi all,

just needed some info here for degree attestation or verification which ever i need to do, I am so confused on some of the leads that i am getting I saw a thread here that pointed me to this :

emiratespost (dot) com/content/english/degree.jsp

I was so happy to find something so easy even though its kinda expensive but stil hassle free...

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Sep 21, 2008
Why don't you ask the PRO of your company?
Dubai Expat Helper
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Sep 21, 2008
please note the attestation process through Empost has been discontinued! all attestations revert to having to be processed through your closest embassy/ consulate. you can no longer have your certificates attested within the uae!!

i have reason to suspect that the system was being seriously abused hence the decision to revert to the "old system"
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Sep 22, 2008

Yes the Emirates post service no longer exists. Try a company called Index, they have offices in Bur Dubai and Karama 04 3372060 / 04 3550888.

They will do the whole process for you, even the bits this end, you do absolutely nothing apart from pay them.
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