Algy wrote:you just talk so easily , Then show me where to look.
Intrduce me to someone , I couldnt find a dating agency so yea .
look for me
Wanting a gf to make you happy is a symptom that you arent happy with who you are. Well I normally dont post long posts but this is going to be long one cos your response "where do I look?" just clicked me. Here is a small story" A beggar always used to beg sitting on the box and one day a man stopped.
Beggar: Spare some change?
Man: I have nothing to give you.
Man: What are you sitting on?
Beggar: Nothing. Just a box.
Man: Ever looked inside?
Beggar: What's the point? There is nothing there.
Man: Have a look inside.
The beggar managed to pry open the lid and was surprised to find the box filled with gold.
Same here we cant just give you a girl, money or phone number of a woman but we could give you advice to look inside you and improve your personality.
I agree with blue's post but reading Algy's post there is more that he needs than dating advice.
You may fill yourself with money , girls etc. but like drug it will only give temporary relief from reality. Money may come and go same with girls will come and go but you will always be with REAL you. Yes, you may get girls with money , looks and fame but this is only temporary. To get right kind of girls to be attracted to you and be with you first have to LOVE yourself (not being narcissist bastard). You gotta have a worthy goal or a goal which you will do anything to get (other than women) something like becoming a doctor and helping ppl in third world countries.
As you pursue your goal and overcome obstacles you will feel the burning confidence inside you. This is what is called improving your personality, inner world or inner game. Remember you may be butt - fu* ugly or penniless but women are strongly attracted to a man with ambitions, man on a mission. This is the foundation or skeleton of your personality and stronger your inner world or ambition less likely you will be affected by losing money or a girl said shit about you etc. It will appear like a shield. I have seen many men appear rough and tough but their world just crumbles and they cry like puppies the moment they lose the girl, money etc.. If you have strong personality you just dont give a shit and girls (especially the high class ones) will sense that. BECOME PEOPLE MAGNET and you will attract right kind of people in you life. Initially, discard all your negative friends and make friends with positive ppl.
This self-development wont be achieved in a night or two. In this MTV culture where instant gratification is propagated, you may think wearing those shoes, pants or pheromones will attract women. Maybe those shallow ones but not quality ones. To attract the real deal you gotta convey your personality in an interesting way. This is called outer world. Your outer world comprises your looks, style, social skills etc. Each area may take sometime to develop but if you get a mentor he/she may accelerate you progress. I dont know if there is any in Dubai but there are many in Western world. There are separate skills required with women. When you have grown into REAL man these skills will automatically come to you.
Action is the link between your inner world and outer world. Start talking to everybody women, men , old men , women etc. Just say hi, talk about current issues , make them feel good, smile , spread positive energy and ppl will like you for who you are. I know Dubai is conservative place and I found kinda hard getting to know ppl bcos back in Canada everybody knew me the janitor, gym, cashier, my neighbour and my neighbour's cat. I was the guy ppl loved to hang out. This is the thing most ppl especially girls look when you are in party. Are you the guy who ppl want to know at the party or the creepy guy standing with Marlyn Manson look and drink across his chest. Are you that social guy?
Was I always like this? No. I was reserved and had close circle of friends. Everything changed one day when I met with misfortune and went "why me?" Every adversity contains a seed of equal or greater benefit. That misfortune awakened me from my stupor. i searched and searched for answers until I got them and I never looked back. It was a very hard journey and I am still continuing. Looking back I am glad that I started.
To get you started read self-development books. I would recommend
"Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins. Get it at bookplus or magrudys (where I hangout). Be focused by writing your goals down and tracking it. I wish someone would have advised me about this stuff when I was in your age.
Remember Nature has all the answers but you gotta ask yourself right questions.