Sunni Vs Shia

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Apr 12, 2008
MC, i sure respect that in you. However, the intention is not about flexing muscles, rather to share knowledge. I am sure much of what I have said, you have no knowledge of, but that does not make it false. But when you get to know, you will then have no excuse before Allah to hold fast on such a religion.

The thing with the Shi'ites is that they leave out their brains along with their shoes when entering a Husayniya, and take the word of the cleric for granted. If any asked for an evidence, he is immediately accused of being exposed to "Wahhabis" lol.

What is even worse, is that these clerics abuse the Shi'ites by taking 20% of their earning, and top it off with using their women for "Pleasure", you can't beat it, can you?!! Subhanallah.

At any how, we'll wait until someone with knowledge shows up :)

May Allah guide us to what pleases Him, Amen.

Dubai Forums Enthusiast
Posts: 80

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May 24, 2008
I am from Sri Lanka and spent five days in Dubai. One of my Sri Lankan friends told me that Dubai do not allow any Buddhist temples to be built here.

Until I hear that I had a very positive view on Arabic people.

Now in Sri Lanka, there are 7,800 Muslim mosques built by Arabic people.

Do you think we are too tolerant as a group?

I think Arabs should show the same tolerance to Sri Lankans as we show to Arabs in our country.
Dubai Forum User
Posts: 22

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May 25, 2008
Dream on Ruwan.

Tolerance, you wont even be considered as a Human Being to these arabs.

They consider everyone inferior to them.

The arabs of today ( Specially the ones in UAE ) are not so different from the ones prior to Mohammad P.B.U.H arrival.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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May 25, 2008

The Muslims in Sri Lanka are natives, and therefore have every right to build their mosques. Therefore, when you succeed in converting a local to Budhism, come and demand for a temple. It is bad enough to have churches for the Chrtistians.
Dubai Forums Enthusiast
Posts: 80

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