He is the most lovable little guy and very affectionate. How his owners could do that is beyond me. Further to that, we confirmed who his owners are. They live about a block away and apparently care enough to micrchip him, yet not register it. (Me and Mrs. DD have our ways). Anyway, K9 friends is full, although we are on the priority list. He is camped out in our yard at the moment and is very well behaved. The problem is we have 2 cats, so they are kind of getting the shaft, as is Trevor. (kitties can't go out, Trev can't go in)
My appeal is if anyone can possibly help us foster him until he can get a spot in K9 friends. There is no way that I am bringing him home to those people, and all have advised against this as well. Even if you can give a couple of days as a foster home, I would appreciate it. I will pay for transportation, food, treats, etc. I cannot bring him to a boarding facility, as we have no records from the vet at this time. Although we do have his microchip and nationality (not breed) we are still hunting these records down. He is about the size of a Border Collie. In the top pic, you can see the rope tying his legs together. A family member happened to have a camera in-hand when I was untying him/coaxing him over.