You can barely find a good/educational/genuine/funny/normal/etc. topic in this section. Its full of frustrated people who are looking for SM stuff, project themselves as romantic sensitive guys looking for true love, crying for not having it or offering “help” to others to find it, when all this rotten cheesiness is more likely to come from latent homos who are too chicken/unaware of themselves/pathetic, etc. to show their true colors…or women who haven’t had a good fck in a too long time and say they want love and affection…
The world is loaded with superficial/money oriented men and women and Dubai maybe even more so. GET OVER IT! And if you want to post, post something of value, something that can start a debate, a conversation, a reason for a teenager for ex to log in and learn something of what’s written here. If you have nothing consistent to say, use the toilet to take a, not this forum.