Want A Residence Visa But I Dont Want To Work. Help...

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Want a residence visa but I dont want to work. Help... Apr 24, 2008
I´m planning to move to Duabi but need a residence visa since I dont want to live there on a tourist visa. The problem is that I dont want to work. I can´t figure out a way around this since the only way to obtain a residence visa is either by 1, to work, 2, to marry (not yet) and 3, start a company (no).
So I´m looking for some ideas or for a company that can "hire" me and I will pay that company a fee for the help.

Have a nice!

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Apr 24, 2008
There r companies that do this....but it is going to cost you...

Another possibility is the buy freehold. Then you are allowed to request a residence visa.
Flying Dutchman
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Apr 24, 2008
Thanks for the answer. How much do you think they charge?
Never heard the word freehold before (wikipedia wasn´t any help either), guess it has someting to do with real estate? In that case it´s not an option either.
If you have any contact information to any of those companies please PM me.
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Apr 25, 2008
buying properties that can be 100% foreign owned.
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Re: Want a residence visa but I dont want to work. Help... Apr 25, 2008
Swede wrote:Hi,
I´m planning to move to Duabi but need a residence visa since I dont want to live there on a tourist visa. The problem is that I dont want to work. I can´t figure out a way around this since the only way to obtain a residence visa is either by 1, to work, 2, to marry (not yet) and 3, start a company (no).
So I´m looking for some ideas or for a company that can "hire" me and I will pay that company a fee for the help.

Have a nice!

I'm curious to know what you are coming to Dubai for?
sage & onion
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Re: Want a residence visa but I dont want to work. Help... Apr 25, 2008
sage & onion wrote:
Swede wrote:Hi,
I´m planning to move to Duabi but need a residence visa since I dont want to live there on a tourist visa. The problem is that I dont want to work. I can´t figure out a way around this since the only way to obtain a residence visa is either by 1, to work, 2, to marry (not yet) and 3, start a company (no).
So I´m looking for some ideas or for a company that can "hire" me and I will pay that company a fee for the help.

Have a nice!

I'm curious to know what you are coming to Dubai for?

right on sage......... u r aptly named
desert surfer
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Re: Want a residence visa but I dont want to work. Help... Apr 27, 2008
sage & onion wrote:
Swede wrote:Hi,
I´m planning to move to Duabi but need a residence visa since I dont want to live there on a tourist visa. The problem is that I dont want to work. I can´t figure out a way around this since the only way to obtain a residence visa is either by 1, to work, 2, to marry (not yet) and 3, start a company (no).
So I´m looking for some ideas or for a company that can "hire" me and I will pay that company a fee for the help.

Have a nice!

I'm curious to know what you are coming to Dubai for?

For tax reasons. I need residence in a tax free country.
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Apr 29, 2008
Hmm seems a bit weird might not work for you. it's tax free salary, and there are tax free zones. but considering it as a tax free country is entirely another issue.
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May 03, 2008
Buying a freehold completed property is the cheapest non-working way you can get a residence visa, excluding the price of the expensive property. But that appreciates in value anyway. Search thru gulfnews.com or something for info on freehold.
Dubai forums GURU
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Residence Visa through Freehold Purchase May 09, 2008
OK guys, I've heard some different things about this. If buying freehold gets you a residence visa, does the visa only apply when the property is fully paid off, or, can you receive the visa even though you still have a mortgage? Also, when you do get a residence visa this way, does it apply to your family as well?

A little confused....
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Re: Residence Visa through Freehold Purchase May 09, 2008
CanuckEng wrote:OK guys, I've heard some different things about this. If buying freehold gets you a residence visa, does the visa only apply when the property is fully paid off, or, can you receive the visa even though you still have a mortgage? Also, when you do get a residence visa this way, does it apply to your family as well?

A little confused....

You can apply for the visa only after handover of the keys, which means you cannot get a visa if you buy incomplete property. The developer will just ask for a no-objection letter from your building owner (in case of an apartment), and possibly from the bank too. However, you definitely not get a mortgage from a local bank here if you don't have a job.

The visa can be had for your wife and kids also.
Dubai forums GURU
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