Kosova! Why America And Why Now?

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Kosova! Why America and why now? Apr 07, 2008
Kosova! Why America and Why Now?

By Joseph J. DioGuardi

I was elected to the U.S. Congress in 1984 and began serving in January 1985. A few months later, ethnic Albanians from Kosova who lived in my Congressional district, discovered that my father, who emigrated from Italy in 1929, spoke Albanian. (His people, fled the onslaught of the Ottoman Turks into Albania in the fifteenth century and sought asylum in what was then the Kingdom of Naples.) My life has not been the same since.

Hundreds of Albanians from all over the Balkans visited my office in Washington, and some even came to my home in New Rochelle, New York, to tell me about a place that I had never heard of—Kosova (Albanian spelling). I soon found out that hardly anyone in Congress, both the House and Senate, knew about this autonomous province in Yugoslavia—one of the eight juridical units in the Yugoslav confederation, with an equal vote to Serbia in the confederal presidency. But, there was one exception, a Member of Congress who knew Kosova and the Albanian people well—a Jewish American who was born in Hungry and had escaped the Holocaust as a teenager. That was Tom Lantos, the cofounder and chairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, who had demonstrated a keen interest in helping all oppressed people.

Our first Congressional Resolution for the human rights of the long suffering Albanians of Kosova was introduced in June 1986. Our second was introduced with fifty-seven cosponsors in the new Congress in 1987, and the first Congressional hearing was held in October 1987. Kosova was now on the Congressional map of emerging issues on Capitol Hill—just as then Serbian dictator Slobodan Milosevic was assuming power in Belgrade and began to brutally repress the almost 2 million Albanian people of Kosova, leading to an even more brutal military occupation of the province by the Serbian army in March 1989.

There were several major foreign policy failures right at the outset of the first Bush Administration, starting with Secretary of State James Baker, who misread Milosevic’s intentions and inadvertently gave him the green light to invade Slovenia and Croatia by saying that we (the United States) “did not have a dog in this fight” and that “we had to keep Yugoslavia together at all costs.” Senators Joe Biden and Claiborne Pell held a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing at my urging on February 21, 1991, at which I testified. On this occasion, I exposed the Nazi-like tactics and anti-Albanian racism of Milosevic and his predecessors since the end of World War II.

I also said that it was Milosevic’s medieval quest for a greater Serbia that would break up Yugoslavia, not the Albanian people who were merely looking for full Republic status like Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, and Serbia, within Yugoslavia, at that time. It was obvious to me and the Albanian people, even then, that Milosevic and his Serbian Orthodox followers had an incredibly brutal plan to ethnically cleanse Kosova of its 90 percent secular Muslim Albanian population (who had lived in harmony with Catholics, Orthodox Christians, and Jews for generations). And Milosevic’s intentions became obvious to the international community as a whole just before the United States led the NATO bombing campaign against Serbia in 1999.

Well, as history now clearly shows, appeasement did not work with Adolf Hitler, and it did not work with Milosevic. Even after losing Slovenia and Croatia, Milosevic backed the Serbs in Bosnia, led by Bosnian Serb commanders Slatko Mladic and Radovan Karazdic to ethnically cleanse Bosnia of its Muslims. This led to 300,000 deaths of innocent civilians, including 7,000 men and boys in one horrific event at Srbrenica in 1995. While Milosevic was indicted for genocide and brought to the International War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague in 2001, Mladic and Karadzic, who were also indicted for genocide, are still on the lam somewhere in Serbia. (So much for the rule of law in Serbia.)

Since the US-led NATO bombing campaign drove out the Serbian army in June 1999, Kosova has been a UN protectorate with very little real economic activity. The UN administration has done little to improve the obsolete and war damaged infrastructure and has even brought corruption to Kosova, highlighted by Joseph Trueschler’s theft of 4.3 million Euros from KEK, the state’s energy arm. Even today, electricity goes on and off every four to six hours. How does one put the youngest population in Europe (50 percent under the age of 25) to work in such bleak circumstances? It was bad enough that Kosova was a dumping ground for Serbia after World War II with little real investment coming from Belgrade. As Congressman Henry Hyde, the late chairman of the House Committee on International Relations, said to Ambassador Nicholas Burns in a full committee hearing in May 2005, “What are we trying to do in Kosova, create another Gaza Strip, this time in the middle of Europe, where this large educated, pro-American, and young population will have precious little to do but throw stones?” I believe that this hearing was the turning point for our failed US foreign policy in the Balkans, because President Bush announced that very day that the United States would now actively press for a final status solution for Kosova—one that would free the long suffering Albanian people from Serbia and the fear of genocide and ethnic cleansing once and for all. Limbo status would no longer be tolerated.

After almost three years, a solution has now come with Kosova declaring its independence and the United States and major European nations having recognized Kosova’s statehood already. Why is this important? Without statehood, Kosova could not borrow from the European Bank for Reconstruction to fix its old and crumbling infrastructure. Only in this way can private investment be attracted and the massive unemployment turned around. Serbia, in the meantime, must face its future as part of an integrated, fully democratic Europe, with Kosova as an equal partner in creating an economic engine in the Balkans, so that Southeast Europe loses the backwater status that it has had since World War II.

And, finally, Kosova’s status had to be solved under the leadership of the United States, much like Woodrow Wilson did in 1921 when he recognized the state of Albania, against the wishes of France, Russia, Britain, and Germany at that time. Europe has always been divided on the Albanian dimension of the Balkans, and if the United States did not lead the way once again, we would be stuck cleaning up another mess, as we did with NATO in 1999. And, yes, resolving Kosova’s status is in the vital interest of the United States, because stability in Europe, our major trading partner and traditional ally, is in our vital interest. By now it is obvious to all reasonable people that peace and stability in the Balkans and in Europe could only come from recognizing Kosova’s statehood. This also corrected an historic injustice, when Kosova was sliced away from Albania and annexed to Yugoslavia in 1921, thereby putting almost two million Albanians in a Slavic state where they were treated as second-class and third-class citizens—until now. Independence will now allow the fiercely pro-American and entrepreneurial Albanians to build an economic future for themselves and contribute to Europe’s success in a global economy, hopefully with Serbia and the rest of the emerging Balkans as partners in a fully integrated Europe.

March 6, 2008

Former Congressman Joe DioGuardi is the founding president of the Albanian American Civic League.

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Apr 07, 2008
why are they fiercely pro-American, again?
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Apr 07, 2008
Interesting reading for a few reasons. Milosovic was an honoured guest of my home town (I donot think he ever liked it though and never was able to see the lovely beach site). Srbrenica left deep wounds in Dutch society (as Dutch UN soldiers were supposed to defend Srbrenica, but in the end actually helped Mladic with killing thousands of innocent civilians).
Kosovo is the first state within Europe with a Muslim majority and could actually also be the first Muslim country entering to the EU (as opposed to Turkey). Also interesing is your reference to Gaza, as Albanian immigration into Kosovo allowed by Serbs created the Muslim majority within Kosovo. Replace Serbs with the Brits and Albanians with Jews and you have got Israel. So Serbs do have a bad name in Europe, but I can understand their anger concerning Kosovo.
Flying Dutchman
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Apr 08, 2008
If you read Chomsky's 'Hegemony or Survival', he points out the facts of the Kosovo bombings that are widely reported, but the implications hardly register.

The common rememberance of the Nato bombings is that Nato bombed as a result of mass killings of Muslims by the Serbs.

However, the actual sequence of events is that before the bombings began about 2000 people were killed, and of these about 500 were Kosovans. 1500 were Serbs killed by the Kosvan fighters.

The massacres of Kosovans took place only after the NATO bombing campaigns began.

I certainly did not remember it this way and was surprised to read this version of events in the book. However, looking up all the references I could find for the Kosovo campaign confirmed this sequence of events - but gives a positive spin on the bombing (saying things like, the massacres were going to take place and hence the bombings..)

Also, something that is more well known, the bombings weren't as effective as initially reported.

It's a strange world!

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 13, 2008
There were more ethnic Albanians murdered by the Serbian forces.
The UN Security Council estimated more than 10,000 Albanians executed.

Also needs to be mentioned,there are still thousands of ethnic Albanians missing from the war and still have not been found.

Even more killings would have resulted if it wasnt for somebody stopping the Serbian Army Forces.

The Serbian Army's main goal was to exterminate all non-Serbian innocent people. Look at the history.

I believe in humanity...no matter if it is one or a million, a life is a life. I
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Apr 13, 2008
SweetDreams wrote:There were more ethnic Albanians murdered by the Serbian forces.
The UN Security Council estimated more than 10,000 Albanians executed.

Also needs to be mentioned,there are still thousands of ethnic Albanians missing from the war and still have not been found.

Even more killings would have resulted if it wasnt for somebody stopping the Serbian Army Forces.

The Serbian Army's main goal was to exterminate all non-Serbian innocent people. Look at the history.

I believe in humanity...no matter if it is one or a million, a life is a life. I

However, the facts are that the majority of the killings of Muslims took place AFTER the NATO bombings began.

This is in all the accounts - it's just not highlighted that this was the sequence of events.

If I remember correctly 2000 people killed, 500 Muslims the rest Serbs killed by Kosovan Liberation Army. Then the bombings, then the massacres of Kosovan Muslims.

This is an interesting fact - and I'm not completely sure what my view on the whole incident is now given this sequence.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 13, 2008
shafique wrote:
SweetDreams wrote:There were more ethnic Albanians murdered by the Serbian forces.
The UN Security Council estimated more than 10,000 Albanians executed.

Also needs to be mentioned,there are still thousands of ethnic Albanians missing from the war and still have not been found.

Even more killings would have resulted if it wasnt for somebody stopping the Serbian Army Forces.

The Serbian Army's main goal was to exterminate all non-Serbian innocent people. Look at the history.

I believe in humanity...no matter if it is one or a million, a life is a life. I

However, the facts are that the majority of the killings of Muslims took place AFTER the NATO bombings began.

This is in all the accounts - it's just not highlighted that this was the sequence of events.

If I remember correctly 2000 people killed, 500 Muslims the rest Serbs killed by Kosovan Liberation Army. Then the bombings, then the massacres of Kosovan Muslims.

This is an interesting fact - and I'm not completely sure what my view on the whole incident is now given this sequence.


I'm quite ignorant to this topic...So what your saying is that the Kosovan Militants were the instigators of all this? How far does this conflict go?
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Apr 13, 2008
No, I'm not saying that the Kosovan Muslims were the instigators - there was a violence and a struggle for independence. From a Serb perspective, I guess they would say the Muslims were the instigators. The fact is that before the bombings, the KLA had done more of the killing.

It is also the observation that the common view that the Nato bombings were done as a result of genocidal killings/masacres is not correct - the massacres occured after the bombings.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 20, 2008
So, Shafique, you are saying that the Serbian Militia did NO massacres whatsoever and the NATO bombings occured for the heck of it?

You must be kiddin me...

As much as I hate to bring this up, family members of mine were massacred by Serbian armies. Way before NATO bombings. This is not something that can be hidden.Not at all. Albanians were murdered. Children were murdered. In order to protect your family from being killed, what would you do? Just sit there and let them come to you and kill you? NATO did not act out of pure assumptions. They acted to stop the killings and end the war. Same as Croacia and Bosnia...sadly, it did not stop earlier, but later. Sadly, there are STILL people in Bosnia found dead and burried.

This is not about Muslims/Islam either. Almost 70% of Albanians consider themselves agnostic before anything else. All albanians, regardless of religion, have a history of peace and prosperity. We could show the world how it is to live with different religions in one country.
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Apr 20, 2008
SweetDreams wrote:So, Shafique, you are saying that the Serbian Militia did NO massacres whatsoever and the NATO bombings occured for the heck of it?

You must be kiddin me...

No - I'm just pointing out the sequence of events. Before bombings, Serbs had killed less Kosovans than Kosovans had killed Serbs.

Bombings took place against Serbs.

Serbs massacre Kosovans.

These facts are easily verifiable.

SweetDreams wrote:As much as I hate to bring this up, family members of mine were massacred by Serbian armies. Way before NATO bombings. This is not something that can be hidden.Not at all. Albanians were murdered. Children were murdered. In order to protect your family from being killed, what would you do? Just sit there and let them come to you and kill you? NATO did not act out of pure assumptions. They acted to stop the killings and end the war. Same as Croacia and Bosnia...sadly, it did not stop earlier, but later. Sadly, there are STILL people in Bosnia found dead and burried.

I am very sorry for your losses. I have no love for Serbs and what they did - I have known people who died there delivering aid (volunteers from the UK).

However, it does not change the facts on the ground that the majority of the killings by the Serbs took place after the bombings began. However, if the reports I have read are totally wrong - please refer me to the correct information and I will recitify my position and apologise.

SweetDreams wrote:This is not about Muslims/Islam either. Almost 70% of Albanians consider themselves agnostic before anything else. All albanians, regardless of religion, have a history of peace and prosperity. We could show the world how it is to live with different religions in one country.

Yes - I am aware of this. I have always objected to the term 'ethnic cleansing' on the grounds that most of those being killed with slavs and that this was just a sanitised word for genocide.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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