dubaidog wrote:arniegang wrote:well.... theres humour and personal insults/inuendo's disguised as humour. Some people just dont find the latter funny.
Net Nanny
Arnie, I don't think I have ever insulted anyone. Innuendo, absolutely. But no one has voiced any outrage at my posts. If some don't find my humour funny, they can skip my posts. I think humour is a geographical/cultural thing. Being English, you should know that. BENNY HILL=NOT FUNNY to me, yet millions laugh and love it. In Canada we have a show called "Kids in the Hall" which I find funny as hell, yet unless you are a fan of America's "Saturday Night Live", you would not find it funny in the least.
Personally, I find Innuendo funny, and think maybe someone else might get a riseout of it, too. I don't swear on the forum, I am relatively P.C. and I don't pick specific fights. To each their own, right?
It would be good if you gents and ladies that are MODS/NANNIES actually contributed to the forum rather than police it. You may find my posts in bad taste, but as a frequent poster and reader of the forum, I feel that my posts are certainly within the realm of what the current users can handle.
If you lads and lassies aren't going to contribute, perhaps you should pass the reigns of good taste to others who are more in touch? I am certain that MODding is not a simple task, and clearly is thankless, but as the forum evolves, so should the executives.
This is not a pissy-pants post, no harm meant, so please don't fire it off to FC. You were constructively critical of me (more than once) and I am doing the same. No ill will.
I was generalising DD, my comments were not specific to anyone in particular