Friends, we are in the home stretch in the IPT Viewers Choice Challenge Match!
We only have a few days to go and Efren Bata Reyes is currently in 3rd position
in the IPT Viewers Choice Challenge Match poll.
More votes are needed to guaranteeEfren Reyes a place in the IPT Viewers
Choice Challenge Match on April 29, 2008! Only the top two players with
the most votes come the April 11, 2008 voting deadline will be eligible for
the match up on April 29, 2008!
And how much does it cost to cast one’s vote? Nothing! It’s absolutely free! One just needs to do through the usual registration process (about 2-3 minutes) at IPT!
Let’s show our support for Efren Reyes, friends!
Click here for more details
go here directly to the voting site
Much thanks for your time, friends!
All the best!