Bill Maher On Sistani.Org

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Bill Maher on Sistani.Org Apr 04, 2008
Dubai Forums Enthusiast
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Apr 04, 2008
What is a shame Habib? Bill making fun of it or the fatwa´s of Sistani?
And where in Quran does it say anal s.e.x. is forbidden? Is it this one:

"Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when and how you will" (2:223)

I know some hadiths saying anal s.e.x. is not allowed, but does it say that also in the Quran?
Flying Dutchman
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Apr 04, 2008
No doubt what is shameful is the Fatwa. As for your question, yes there are:

æóãóÇ ÂÊóÇßõãõ ÇáÑøóÓõæáõ ÝóÎõÐõæåõ æóãóÇ äóåóÇßõãú Úóäúåõ ÝóÇäÊóåõæÇ

And whatsoever the messenger giveth you, take it. And whatsoever he forbiddeth, abstain (from it). 59:7

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They question thee (O Muhammad) concerning menstruation. Say: It is an illness, so let women alone at such times and go not in unto them till they are cleansed. And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allah hath enjoined upon you. Truly Allah loveth those who turn unto Him, and loveth those who have a care for cleanness. 2:222
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Apr 05, 2008

i already said this to shafique once, and he tends to agree...

this is the problem with muslims of all sects today:

remember the middle ages when church dominated europe? and remember when the king couldnt so much lift a finger without the permission of the church?

that many centuaries on, islam is still stuck in that.. europeans / christians / jews have mostly have moved on from that, realised that htey are humans that make their own decisions, and they seperated thier spiritual life from any sort of other life, political or other.

muslims/arabs are still stuck in middle ages with shari'a law governing everything they do (right down to handshakes, owning dogs, anal s.e.x, owning pirated software - you name it)

that website that was posted, islam Q&A just says it all, a quick browse of that just displays the inevitable that the vast majority of muslims are living in the 17th centuary and are straight out backward in every sense of the word..

i personally blame it on backward sheltered culture, censorship, poor education and islamic propaganda.

but im sorry, for the civilised world, we cant help but look, point and laugh like that video.... because think about it................ WHY would anyone ask these questions of another man, and actually listen to what he's got to say...

arent they both men, "same same" ?

fatwa's are the biggest load of rubbish known to man, rulings of men, on their fellow men, based on daft speculations and personal interpretation of how to twist religion to control people's lives.... its not really the fault of people making these fatwa's, its the fault of other people's retardedness in subscribing to it...

ill leave you with a new zealander that says it best: (if u get his accent)

5 minutes onwards, makes the same revelation..
Dubai Expat Helper
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Apr 05, 2008
ebonics - well written.

The only small thing I would disagree with is that the problem is a feature of all Muslim sects.

The fact we are in the situation is actually a proof of the authenticity of Muhammad, pbuh (for me at least) - as there are numerous hadith talking about the latter days and the split amongst the muslims.

A universally acknowledged true hadith says that all the sins committed by jews will be committed by Muslims - down to just as the Jews were split into 72 sects, so Muslims will be split into 73 - all hell-bound except one.

Obviously, every sect believes they are the one and everyone else is hell-bound! :)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 05, 2008
ebonics - well written.

The only small thing I would disagree with is that the problem is a feature of all Muslim sects.

The fact we are in the situation is actually a proof of the authenticity of Muhammad, pbuh (for me at least) - as there are numerous hadith talking about the latter days and the split amongst the muslims.

A universally acknowledged true hadith says that all the sins committed by jews will be committed by Muslims - down to just as the Jews were split into 72 sects, so Muslims will be split into 73 - all hell-bound except one.

Obviously, every sect believes they are the one and everyone else is hell-bound! :)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 05, 2008
i believe its all muslim sects, but not all muslims....
Dubai Expat Helper
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Apr 05, 2008
further to that, the muslims that do not subscribe to such fatwas, are the normal human beings that now live in the fabric of the 21st centuary society... like any other human beings that walk this earth now.

they gel well, they are educated, and they are the people that are never criticised or judged based on their faith. its just unfortunate that they arent the majority.

hopefully one day they will be.
Dubai Expat Helper
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Apr 05, 2008
[Habib, please consider using for very long urls as they throw the entire thread off center.]

the fatwa against playing chess is shameful, right? chess is a great game, why would anyone put it down???
Dubai chat master
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Apr 05, 2008
i went through and to be honest i sort of felt tht a lot of the fatwas mentioned are not right. for an example, about the chess... why is it forbidden to play chess? i cud go on about a lot of them too...
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Apr 05, 2008
Also a fatwa against chess, like Pokemon? :lol: Honestly, Pokemon I can somehow understand...but I still wish I could get them here (not for me Shafique, but for the kids..., but I still collect foottie cards).
Anyways, I think it is makes live very comfortable to ask your religious leader for every decision you have to make what you should do. It takes away all your responsibility and you donot have to think for yourself. I see this in Christianity, Judaism and Islam of course. It´s people who are afraid to take responsibility for their own actions. And really, what ever happens in a bedroom of a couple is their business (I think).
Donot all religions teach that you should constantly question things and always keep on looking for the truth? That´s what we should do and use our own brains. Why did God give us the ability to think and use reason?
Also, one of the greatest achievements of the West is freedom of speech and dividing religion and politics. I think as long as Islamic countries are not able to do this, they will not make the progress they are looking for. But I doubt very much whether this is possible, as Islam is a way of live, trying to influence every inch of a persons existence.

P.S.: after discussions about masturbation, nikah and now anal s.e.x. I did some reading on religious (Islam, Chistianity and Judaism) views on sexuality. Gave me some good laughs. The best I read, and this one I read from Christian and Islamis religious "authorities", is that still some people think that masturbation causes blindness and deafness. This worried a few very religious people and raised the question whether the same act, but than actually performed by the hand of another person also causes these defects. The answer was no.
Flying Dutchman
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Apr 05, 2008
Flying Dutchman wrote:This worried a few very religious people and raised the question whether the same act, but than actually performed by the hand of another person also causes these defects. The answer was no.

lol. havent't heard about it. lovely.
Dubai Forums Frequenter
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Apr 05, 2008
ebonics wrote:i believe its all muslim sects, but not all muslims....

Fair enough that is your belief, but I don't believe that.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Apr 05, 2008
Flying Dutchman wrote:Donot all religions teach that you should constantly question things and always keep on looking for the truth? That´s what we should do and use our own brains.

Unfortunately, many religions develop to the stage where they do not encourage questioning, but require 'faith' in scholars/priests etc.

This happened in the Christian Church when in the Middle Ages the common man was not allowed to read the Bible and what the ruling classes dictated was law (and the Church was part and parcel of this).

I agree with ebonics that many Muslim sects are doing the same today - when people stop thinking you get bizare logic being explained away by 'religion' - the bizare fatwas are no different from the logic that had witches drowned in Europe - if they died they were innocent, if they survived they were witches and were burnt!

Flying Dutchman wrote: Why did God give us the ability to think and use reason?

He did - but power corrupts and all religions we have had corruption of those in power. It happens in all areas of human life.

This is why religions need reformers from time to time. Jesus was the reformer for the Jews (according to Muslims) - he came to bring Jews back to the original teachings.

In Islam, the Prophet, pbuh, said that reformers would come at least once every century (they are called Mujadids).

Flying Dutchman wrote:Also, one of the greatest achievements of the West is freedom of speech and dividing religion and politics. I think as long as Islamic countries are not able to do this, they will not make the progress they are looking for. But I doubt very much whether this is possible, as Islam is a way of live, trying to influence every inch of a persons existence.

It was a great achievement to throw off the choke-hold that organised religion had on the society. However, religious people will also point out the harm when the pendulum swings too far towards materialism and self-centred views.

Interestingly, the modern world is not unique in moving from religious values and discipline to hedonism - it is a cycle to be found in all previous civilisations and even religions. Some have pointed out that there is a 'coincidence' that before the fall of great civilisations you have very liberal s.ex.ual mores and specifically openly tolerated It is an interesting observation.

Flying Dutchman wrote:P.S.: after discussions about masturbation, nikah and now anal s.e.x. I did some reading on religious (Islam, Chistianity and Judaism) views on sexuality. Gave me some good laughs. The best I read, and this one I read from Christian and Islamis religious "authorities", is that still some people think that masturbation causes blindness and deafness. This worried a few very religious people and raised the question whether the same act, but than actually performed by the hand of another person also causes these defects. The answer was no.


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