Dubai And Construction Workers

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Dubai and Construction Workers Mar 31, 2008
Anyone in Dubai would know how the Govt and its agencies cover up how its construction industry treats its labours, their inhumane stories etc. Now, it seems like they are going in for an image make over.. They are in love with the construction workers.. DURL likes to tell their workers.. that they love and care for them. Found this poster facing the roads in Bur Dubai
(found it outside the metro work place..perhaps not for the workers inside.. and it really doesnt matter.... coz chances are that none of them workers, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladheshis, Srilankans, Egyptians etc.. wouldnt know to read english anyway.) Still some change..

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Mar 31, 2008
DURL = Dubai Rail Link
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Mar 31, 2008
I think the "abuse" mainly (or solely) comes from the middle men (agencies). These labourers are unfairly treated and they (middle men) hold back the wages for whatever and any reason. Typical are the processing/admin/accomodation bla bla which work out to their full 1 year pay. :roll: Sometimes I think the only joy these labourers get out of working here is chasing after their buses after work everyday !!

The government tried to look after the labourer. Enforcing shorter work hours during summer. Designate areas for setting up labour camps.

The middle men are disgusting. Y-U-C-K
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Mar 31, 2008
I liked the idea of DURL letting their workers know that they care for them.. but atleast write it in the languages that workers can read.
Ofcourse to sound obvious.. the best way to make them feel better is much simpler.. better pay, better living/working conditions.
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Mar 31, 2008
I reckon this posters are for tourist palates, sending a message to them that labour practices in the city indeed adheres to international standards. 8)

Just plain cover up....advertising at its best...
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Mar 31, 2008
I remember (two years back) I read an article about Dubai on the National Geography Magazine... infact it was sent by a colleague of mine from the US.

I can't recall the details, but I will express it on my own words.

The article spoke about Dubai building few new wonders of the world such as the palms, Burj Dubai, Dubai World etc etc etc etc etc... and showed images of how Dubai will look like in 2010 with all those wonders being built...

reading the first few pages of the article makes you feel WOOOW, they are writing so much good stuff about Dubai :D

and then you turn the page and suddenly the topic will change!!!! basically the topic says; DO YOU KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ALL THOSE WONDERS IN DUBAI? and they show pictures of dirty places of where those construction workers live... and the topic goes on speaking about how those poor workers are treated in all sorts and forms.

and in other words the article says "Welcome to the 21st century slavery system" welcome to Dubai :lol:
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Mar 31, 2008
They should make add an optional tour for the Big Bus Tour, to be called The Hands that made Dubai Wonders, basically a guided tour of the labor camps. 8)
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Mar 31, 2008
actaully if you think about it , slavery happens everywere
we need braindead people to do stupid jobs for us , otherwise who else would do it?

in canada for example , 90% of the population are slaves and they dont even know it. they get a nice wooden house , a pieca land , and they have to work like dogs to make ends meet , and i tell yea witht he high taxes , insurance bills , costs of living , gas prices and other bills , you will just barely surviving there .
and also lets say you fcuk up , get a fairy pregg , or hit someone with your car , you will looose everything you worked for , and end up in government house,they blind people by saying its a democratic country and its the best counrty in the world

about the UAE , sure they use labourers like dogs , but you have to consider that back home in india or paki they have noo jobs whatso ever , they have starving families that live on dirt , given the opportunity to come to dubai and make 4-5 times more than they can make at home is good on the part of the UAE and its business men.
and thanks do these people they make our lives in the UAE very confy ,
anyone who has lived in the so called first world democratic bullshit countries will know how you have to break your back to get everything done by yourself

as for middle men and human trafficers , hate them , they should be raped in salt water
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Mar 31, 2008
nismo wrote:as for middle men and human trafficers , hate them , they should be raped in salt water

I simply love this board :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Mar 31, 2008
nismo wrote:as for middle men and human trafficers , hate them , they should be raped in salt water

That would be excruciating.... 8)
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Mar 31, 2008
quatroporte wrote:
nismo wrote:as for middle men and human trafficers , hate them , they should be raped in salt water

I simply love this board :lol: :lol: :lol:

awesome use of words :)
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Mar 31, 2008
St. are right..100% propaganda and total crock of poo

Ian...thanks for clearing that up

Babydoll...You are right, just found this out today from some of my staff. These middle men should be shot and peed on

Reviewer...shockingly, you are right

Quattro...I read that one too. People living in squalor

Nismo>>>please tell me you are not Canadian. You have some very misguided views in other threads. You are right about things being expensive in Canada. It is sold as the promised land to those from poorer countries. They end up living in dumps in crime/drug infested areas with their kids 20 to a room. But don't worry you get your 700 CAD welfare cheque that covers nothing. At least back home these labor guys had a family that they love and are in touch with them. I detest that I am living better here on the backs of these people and I refuse to do business with people paying unfair wages. I am not a hero,but I am making MY bit of difference here. "these people" are often trapped once they get here and cannot afford to get home.

There are jackweeds that "sell" Canadian visas and "take care of it all" for you..only cost is one year's wages. No one gets a residency in Canada unless you have a sponsor or a couple million dollars. All those glossy ads in the paper for Canadian visas are crap. I have been married for years and my wife and I jumped thru enough hoops for her residency (and dollars) that we pulled the plug and came here. They can get bent.

The raping...nice concept.

Further to Concord's discussion of charity...there is no greater gift than that of your time. I will offer my time to anyone wanting advice for Canadian immigration. I am a bit of a rock star on the subject. If you are one of the poor bastards that I have met lately thinking it is the promised land, PM me. If you have a million dollars, proceed directly to passport collection.

Oh yeah, if you are just looking for a passport and have no intention of living there and contributing, get lost as well.

Check out this dump. The cheapest house in the WORST neighbourhood. You will have homeless druggies at your door every day. The price works out to about 2.75 million dirhams, then your property tax yearly will be about 25,000 AED. Good luck, I hear the crack is good there!

Sorry if the URL stretched the page.
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Mar 31, 2008
Hey Dubaidog.

check these websites:
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Mar 31, 2008
Thanks Spoons. I'm a bit of a tool when it comes to these things. Hey, the effort was there, right? Can I fix it after posting?
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Mar 31, 2008
WHO ROCKS? (hopefully it worked!?!? :oops: )
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Mar 31, 2008
yeah, works fine.
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Mar 31, 2008
dubaidog wrote:WHO ROCKS? (hopefully it worked!?!? :oops: )

hey , im originally iranian , but i have the canadian passport and been living in nova scotia for 10 years

but im glad to be back in the UAE
more moooney here
i have to sides to me , the serious side , and the joking side
in other thread i am just joking about
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Mar 31, 2008
Love the verbs used on this thread on the middle men :lol:
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Apr 01, 2008
Okay u leaving aside the companies or the middle men who I think even raped is still not enough for them. But check this incident out in the Dubai airport!! I am a Bangladeshi. I came to Dubai on march 1st after the hectic flight delay for 16 hours due to some technical faults. Neways I enter to the place where they issue the visit visa. The security literally screams in Hindi or Urdu to come here to all the labourers and make lines. Like treating them like animals. While others, the officials in the airport are asking stupid questions to them in Hindi and laughing on their condition. First these guys dont have proper sleep and then doing this.

So yeah the security guy was like screaming and all making a line and stuff and told them to sit. When I didnt, he screamed on my face. I was like please lower ur voice and speak. I am not some guy on the street. He thought maybe I was one. But he shut up. Sometimes it really is bad. It hurts to see my country people like this.

The funny part is when these guys leave their jobs or deported they wont warn others as in how their state is in Dubai. I met a couple of labour class guys when I was in my country and they asked me how dubai was cuz they applied for visa and what not. I explained to them how it is there. I mightve shattered their dreams but heck sometimes u need to face reality. Then they said like they still have to prepare more.

I once heard before middle men would be like say 2000 dhs would be their salary. And when they came to the company it would be like 1000 is takin by the company because the company provides those shitty accomodation and second then again takes 300 for their so called medical insurances. Which leaves them with 700 dhs. I dont think Dubai even classifies Human rights!!

I suggest some institute like that guy in Gulf news should take some iniative to teach these guys. Hell yeah I might even join. With no charge at all!!

And canada and all people go there for their better job chances. My younger brother is in canada and studying in University of waterloo, electrical engineering. This summer for work he is being flown out to U.s.a for a company called Nvidia which produces computer graphic chips and all. Well canada has opportunites and he plans to stay back in canada after finighs his studies. Dubai might have money but compartively I think the price is the same as canada or states. Its sort of like Indirect tax. Lot of things. I dont say I also totally agree. Dont know about passport. But very rare I have found people who actually were here for many years with good jobs and doing good over there. Most I know the ladies are running Day care at home which is good money while the guys are in security gaurds which is again good money!! But aint worth all that trouble!!
Unknown Devil
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Apr 01, 2008
Having said all that. I can "probably" understand why all the shouting and screaming were about. In our office we have male Indian/Bangaledish/Parkistani (not sure which one, one even looked like chinese!) cleaner (for toilet and general office cleaning). Sometimes trying to communicate with them is impossible. If I need to communicate with them I will have to resort to body language (pointing, hand gesture, air drawing or whatever means I can). Of course after all that (normally just to vacuum my cubicle) I will say thank you and smile :D

Many times my other colleagues have to resort to shouting and screaming. Although I feel bad for these guys at the same time I can understand how frustrating my office manager could be !! :cry:
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Apr 01, 2008
BabyDoll wrote:Having said all that. I can "probably" understand why all the shouting and screaming were about. In our office we have male Indian/Bangaledish/Parkistani (not sure which one, one even looked like chinese!) cleaner (for toilet and general office cleaning). Sometimes trying to communicate with them is impossible. If I need to communicate with them I will have to resort to body language (pointing, hand gesture, air drawing or whatever means I can). Of course after all that (normally just to vacuum my cubicle) I will say thank you and smile :D

Many times my other colleagues have to resort to shouting and screaming. Although I feel bad for these guys at the same time I can understand how frustrating my office manager could be !! :cry:

There no need for shouting (unless the other person is half deaf - if totally deaf, still no need).

It is funny how people (not just in the UAE) would shout when speaking to another person who they believe might not understand english. I often shout in Mongolian when speaking to brits just to annoy them...
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Apr 01, 2008
Concord wrote:There no need for shouting (unless the other person is half deaf - if totally deaf, still no need).

It is funny how people (not just in the UAE) would shout when speaking to another person who they believe might not understand english. I often shout in Mongolian when speaking to brits just to annoy them...

Agree. Not sure why but people do. Sometimes I think people do that because they are labourer or maid and therefore treat them second class. :roll: Sad..
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Apr 01, 2008
Unknown Devil wrote:Okay u leaving aside the companies or the middle men who I think even raped is still not enough for them. But check this incident out in the Dubai airport!! I am a Bangladeshi. I came to Dubai on march 1st after the hectic flight delay for 16 hours due to some technical faults. Neways I enter to the place where they issue the visit visa. The security literally screams in Hindi or Urdu to come here to all the labourers and make lines. Like treating them like animals. While others, the officials in the airport are asking stupid questions to them in Hindi and laughing on their condition. First these guys dont have proper sleep and then doing this.

So yeah the security guy was like screaming and all making a line and stuff and told them to sit. When I didnt, he screamed on my face. I was like please lower ur voice and speak. I am not some guy on the street. He thought maybe I was one. But he shut up. Sometimes it really is bad. It hurts to see my country people like this.

The funny part is when these guys leave their jobs or deported they wont warn others as in how their state is in Dubai. I met a couple of labour class guys when I was in my country and they asked me how dubai was cuz they applied for visa and what not. I explained to them how it is there. I mightve shattered their dreams but heck sometimes u need to face reality. Then they said like they still have to prepare more.

I once heard before middle men would be like say 2000 dhs would be their salary. And when they came to the company it would be like 1000 is takin by the company because the company provides those shitty accomodation and second then again takes 300 for their so called medical insurances. Which leaves them with 700 dhs. I dont think Dubai even classifies Human rights!!

I suggest some institute like that guy in Gulf news should take some iniative to teach these guys. Hell yeah I might even join. With no charge at all!!

And canada and all people go there for their better job chances. My younger brother is in canada and studying in University of waterloo, electrical engineering. This summer for work he is being flown out to U.s.a for a company called Nvidia which produces computer graphic chips and all. Well canada has opportunites and he plans to stay back in canada after finighs his studies. Dubai might have money but compartively I think the price is the same as canada or states. Its sort of like Indirect tax. Lot of things. I dont say I also totally agree. Dont know about passport. But very rare I have found people who actually were here for many years with good jobs and doing good over there. Most I know the ladies are running Day care at home which is good money while the guys are in security gaurds which is again good money!! But aint worth all that trouble!!

Very sad! Psychology is an amazing thing. The "secuirty" guard at the airport is a "low rank" so he has a bit of "authority" and abuses it by shouting at others he considers "inferior"...

It's been said before, so long as there are people willing to come to work for next to nothing (more than in their countries) this sort of thing will continue on and on... The changes need to happen in their respective countries to create decent jobs, etc. so that their own people are not subjected to exploitation in another country. The world is full of exploiters and exploited (less and less nowadays but...)
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Apr 01, 2008
Concord wrote: The world is full of exploiters and exploited (less and less nowadays but...)

There is a term for this. Its called social-eco-system.
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Apr 01, 2008
hmm BD "not sure which one, one even looked like chinese"

that guy could either be a Nepalese or from any of the North Eastern States of India.

Further on Conco's viewpoint, Psychology is an amazing thing.. in here people like to show off whatever little they are capable of doing.. They like to abuse people to boost up their ego and feel all big abt it. I've often felt bad by the partisanship shown towards people and u can find it anywhere in dubai.. ..
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Apr 01, 2008
St.Lucifer wrote:Further on Conco's viewpoint, Psychology is an amazing thing.. in here people like to show off whatever little they are capable of doing.. They like to abuse people to boost up their ego and feel all big abt it. I've often felt bad by the partisanship shown towards people and u can find it anywhere in dubai.. ..

While we are on that topic. It doesn just happened in Dubai. It happens in work place between female-male colleagues (gender bias) and different races (racism) any where around the world !!
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Apr 01, 2008
Further to the above mentioned screaming. How about the winners (many friends and family included) who speak to people in broken English just because somebody has an accent. "YOU put box on floor....ME take home after finish work" . When "If you put the box on the floor, I'll take it when I finish work" will get the same message across.

I always say, no matter how poor someone's English might be, it is certainly better than my Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Upper West Mongolian or whatever.

Unknown Devil: I am glad your brother is doing well. If he is at University of Waterloo and not a Canadian Citizen, it costs a fortune (big bucks even if you ARE a citizen), so I assume you or your family have bucks. That is what I said in my original statement, if you have money, no problem. It is the airport guys you speak about that often have the "dream"...and it will never happen for them. By the way, I don't know what your concept of "good money" is, but a security guard in Canada is akin to flipping burgers at McDonalds, and is about the lowest paying job there (7-8 bucks/hr) and daycares are strictly monitored and regulated.

It costs on average 30 bucks a day to the parents per child, and the daycares have as many kids as the law will allow. After you take your courses and modify your home to the standards and feed the brats, you end up about even (with a trashed house). If you don't want to conform and decide to run an illegal daycare, when the licensed people find out (and they will), child services shows up and takes your kids. Then you have a court date...but wait! your ass is too poor to pay for proper representation, so we'll keep your kids for you until your deportation order is through. We hope you enjoyed your stay, come again.

I honestly don't know where this information comes from! On the other hand, if you are an experienced carpenter, electrician, plumber, pipe fitter, etc. You can pretty much name your price. Those are some of the most "lowly" professions here, yet command a killer wage in Canada.
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Apr 01, 2008
BabyDoll wrote:
St.Lucifer wrote:Further on Conco's viewpoint, Psychology is an amazing thing.. in here people like to show off whatever little they are capable of doing.. They like to abuse people to boost up their ego and feel all big abt it. I've often felt bad by the partisanship shown towards people and u can find it anywhere in dubai.. ..

While we are on that topic. It doesn just happened in Dubai. It happens in work place between female-male colleagues (gender bias) and different races (racism) any where around the world !!

I understand where you r coming from.. but in dubai its all more based on the size of your pocket or the Virtual Size of it. how much you can show off...U've an ultra luxury car and blings and u are on the wrong side of the road n people still dont stop u n swear at u .... but if u are in a small cheaper car.. people will see mistakes even if u are driving all right.
the partisanship is also based on money here..
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Apr 01, 2008
St.Lucifer wrote:I understand where you r coming from.. but in dubai its all more based on the size of your pocket or the Virtual Size of it. how much you can show off...U've an ultra luxury car and blings and u are on the wrong side of the road n people still dont stop u n swear at u .... but if u are in a small cheaper car.. people will see mistakes even if u are driving all right.
the partisanship is also based on money here..

There is a term for this also. It is called materialism.
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Apr 01, 2008
dubaidog wrote:I honestly don't know where this information comes from! On the other hand, if you are an experienced carpenter, electrician, plumber, pipe fitter, etc. You can pretty much name your price. Those are some of the most "lowly" professions here, yet command a killer wage in Canada.

tradie's unions tend to force that.

a truck driver would be making a fortune anywhere like US/canada/Aus...

truckies rule the road, in some places like adelaide, the entire city.
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