The concept is quite complex, so it should be explained:
1)Enter the facility
2)Utilize which ever porcelain appliance you require at that moment
*if a seated position is assumed, please ensure buttocks are the closest thing to the water rather than shoes/feet
3)Ensure any fluids and solids exiting your body are deposited in the porcelain appliance with as minimal spillage as possible (if female proceed to instruction #7 at this point)
*we ARE aware that the occasional drop will not meet it's target, especially when using the STANDING appliance, however solids MUST reach their intended splash-down
4)Eye contact is not permissible while using a standing appliance, you should always maintain focus on the task-at-hand or you may be in default of instruction number 3.
5)Visual confirmation of the size/shape/girth/colour/head dress (or lack thereof) of the gent using the appliance next to you is strictly prohibited.
6)A one-appliance buffer is preferred when approaching another gent using the standing appliance. When faced with a bank of 10 appliances and only one current user, there is no need to go beside him and potentially violate instructions #4 and 5 as well.
7)Cleanse bodily appendages and orifices thoroughly and carefully in this order:
- a)orifices

9)Dry hands using paper towels or electric hand dryer
10)At this point you may adjust your hair, tie, makeup, etc.
11)Ensure nothing is stuck to your shoes that may have been left on the ground by one not having these instructions.
*the assumption is made that you have footwear on at this time
12)Exit the facility
Not too tricky, right? Then:
stop standing on the seat
stop spraying the whole bathroom with the ass hose
stop singing/moaning/whatever that noise is
stop talking on your mobile
stop washing your mops in the sink
stop pissing on the floors/walls/seats/shoes
stop looking at my unit
stop staring at me/others
stop having conversations with your friends in the cubicles
stop trying to have conversations with me
stop doing your dishes in there
stop blowing your snot in the sink
stop hocking up loogies
stop hanging out in there (what is wrong with you?)
stop wiping your fluids on your clothes
start washing your hands
start paying attention to where you are going
start making the right choice in appliances for the appropriate task
start turning the tap off when you are done
start drying your hands so the door handle isn't wet
Please consider these instructions as a courtesy next time you pop a squat. If I can help just ONE (1) person with their disability, I will be happy.
NEXT WEEKS LESSON: "Deodorant: Do I need it?"