Heard this the best site for knowing abt Dubai. Keep up the good work.
Comming to the point. I am from INDIA. I am damn pshyckd to get a BlackBerry 8320. My dad s leaving to Dubai on April 2nd. I dnt know anything abt BB as of now. So can any one please tell me how to buy a BB 8320 from dubai and use it in INDIA ??? My service provider in INDIA s "AIRTEL".
Do i need to buy a locked or unlocked one from Dubai?? and if any kind user can guide me in the right direction for buying the BB 8320 from ?? I need to know whr i can find a nice and relyable shop in Dubai for buying a BB 8320 ?? And wht will be the price for it ?? I am a complete noob in this case. This s my dad's first visit to Dubai. So please guide me in the right way.
Thanks n advance.
P.S - Completely relying on u guys.