dubsat wrote:Hi,
I am offered a package of 10K AED per month. Medical insurance is taken care by company.
Family ---- Me, My wife and 2 kids.( 1 Kid in Kindergarden school level )
My work place will be in Internet city and Media city.
How far should I look for accomodation and how much does it cost.
Planning to save close to 2.5K
Require advice in knowing whether things will work out considering that we live a simple life over there.
Your title says "Can I survive", and the amount in question here is 10K...Well, for a family of four, you can surely survive..but thats about it, specially if you plan on saving 2.5 K monthly. I personally know a few families of 3 and 4 members who live comfortably on lesser than 10k a month..
It is possible, no doubt. But it will depend on how flexible you are. Cutting costs is possible in many ways, but it may require that you share an apartment with another family or rent out a bedroom for a bachelor, or travel using the public transport system and limit your entertainment to watching movies on TV or DVD or going out to the nearby park. Of course, if your spouse also can work and contribute, even if its partime work or from home, nothing like it to boost the family income!
Where there is a will, there ALWAYS was a way. Specially with 10K! :p