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Mar 05, 2008
(The best thing in life is to Love and be loved in Return)
I like that, I'm also in Love :o
Yep I"M, I can't live without love, love is ... Can't find a words to describe
but i will try to do and post to you what i feel if you are interesting...

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Mar 05, 2008
in that case i fall in luv every 2 minutes :D well who wouldnt with so many pretty girls around you ahem :D i fall in luv in the lift :D in the shopping mall :D
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Mar 05, 2008
yasrkasem wrote:(The best thing in life is to Love and be loved in Return)
I like that, I'm also in Love :o
Yep I"M, I can't live without love, love is ... Can't find a words to describe
but i will try to do and post to you what i feel if you are interesting...

Will be hard to find love in Dubai. Only hard financial calculations and ONS´s
Flying Dutchman
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Mar 05, 2008
sure you are right, but i came to dubai with my love (now only in my heart) soon i will eb with the one i love and sure my life here will be more smoth and happy again.
Good luck all
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real love is whn u need som1 Mar 05, 2008
real love is whn u need som1
to meet ur desired needs...
love is need..where der is need there is love
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Mar 05, 2008
I think a lot of people mistake 'really like' for 'love'. Come on now, how many people said they were in love with someone, then a few months later they break up.
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Mar 06, 2008
Real love do exist...

I can see my dad and mom still in extreme love after all the years... they are so romantic, so caring, and they don't feel shy expressing this extreme love infront of me and sis's

It just created this positive attitude at home all the time...

from personal experience, I had the pleasure to feel what a real love by being in a relationship with my girl for 4 years...

it feels so different when you know there is someone love you to a point that she was ready to give me anything... and so do I... our friends admited how iconic is our relationship was...

however, after she turned 21 and found her first job... I think things for her changed... and finally (after one year with her new attitude) she wanted to brake up!!! because she become so busy and she told me that can't be committed to me anymore and she said also "I am too perfect for her"!!!!!!

it has been 5 months now... and I am in extreme shock. simply cant get over it!

I just want to say that, Real love do exist.... but in-order for it to live very long... you need also Loyalty, trust and respect. without them you will experience love for a while not long.

due to my bad experience, I feel sometimes that all relations are fake... however, when I see my parents they give me hope that I would someday find a real partner.

I am just afraid that, relationships during their generation is totally different as of it for our generation at the moment.

just my two cents... thanks for reading :)
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Jun 16, 2008
Salam to all!
I realy have problem for years.Before 8 years I meet my cousin and we fall in love.We wanted to get married but problem was that his father was against this marriage.We tried many times to talk with my and his parents but answer was always NO.
He called me back before 2 years asked me again if I will marrie him.But I said No cuz I was thinking we dont have chance.Now we both have chance to get married even are our parents against that and I want to contact him.
But I afraid how will react.I dont know if he still loves me.I afraid if I contact him I will make problems to him.Should I do that?
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Jun 16, 2008
Hmmmm…I like what I’m reading!!

To answer the topic… “Yes we can!!”

I think a lot of people mistake 'really like' for 'love'. Come on now, how many people said they were in love with someone, then a few months later they break up.

I can’t agree less with you MC!!…the exact word of “really like” is “Attraction” and LOVE is feeling attraction in a deeper level.

Attraction is like Fire…You spark it at the beginning of a relation, and if you fed it in the right way it turns to LOVE and if you feed love in it the right way it will last for ever ;)

however, after she turned 21 and found her first job... I think things for her changed... and finally (after one year with her new attitude) she wanted to brake up!!! because she become so busy and she told me that can't be committed to me anymore and she said also "I am too perfect for her"!!!!!!

Sorry to be the one carrying the bad news dude!!...but women always say such things or things like “It’s not you, it’s me!!” when they are leaving just to make you feel better!

But here comes the good news…by doing this she just gave you a gap…and with the right amount of SKILLS…you’ll see her back on your lap :)

But I afraid how will react.I dont know if he still loves me.I afraid if I contact him I will make problems to him.Should I do that?

In other words “I wana contact him but I’m afraid from rejection!”

Well…my answer is "do it anyway!! :)"

If you didn’t contact him your chances of getting together is very low or 0%, but if you did you’ll raise your chances to 50%

Besides… If you believe you are a good wife & you’ll be able to make him happier…then WHO LOSES IF HE REJECTS YOU!!

Now pick your phone and call him…then post up the good news and cheer us up! ;)
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