Check This Out! - I'd Love To See The Forumers Let Rip!

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Feb 27, 2008
Yeah, site is working now. Looks like a stunt by the admin. Got bored in 2 minutes. Guess the hype worked....for 2 minutes.

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Feb 28, 2008
Sooo……how and why and who got us BLOCKED?? Yes, you’re all thinking that the comment by “21stCenturyUAEnational” on the article “Queue Here Please” did the job!! Well, you are right….it did! As you are all aware, there are some pretty powerful people in this country that are able to sort shit out at a drop of a hat (not HAT club Tammy, don’t get excited, we weren’t promoting your club…duh). Well, this dude is one of them….need I say more. When I read the comments I was like yeah….right, sounds like the same old shiat, then 3pm and wait for it……lights out!!

How did I get it UN BLOCKED……hmmmmm…..well….this 21stCentury guy is quite a charmer actually, and after a few bottles of champagne…..a couple of condoms, 4 actually, (one of them broke…shhhhh don’t tell him, I want his kid) it all came to a very happy ending, well, I was smiling anyways (Big Boy) and he kept his promise…… then at 3pm, abracadabra, as if by magic, we were back up again!! You know, I thought if Plastik Rachel can do it, then I thought I would give it a try as well……I mean….I don’t have a boyfriend or anything so it’s not quite as bad, but it felt really good….I mean, reaaallllly gooooood. Good on ya Rachel, keep up the good work

well played.
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Feb 28, 2008
ebonics wrote:
Sooo……how and why and who got us BLOCKED?? Yes, you’re all thinking that the comment by “21stCenturyUAEnational” on the article “Queue Here Please” did the job!! Well, you are right….it did! As you are all aware, there are some pretty powerful people in this country that are able to sort tasty out at a drop of a hat (not HAT club Tammy, don’t get excited, we weren’t promoting your club…duh). Well, this dude is one of them….need I say more. When I read the comments I was like yeah….right, sounds like the same old shiat, then 3pm and wait for it……lights out!!

How did I get it UN BLOCKED……hmmmmm…..well….this 21stCentury guy is quite a charmer actually, and after a few bottles of champagne…..a couple of condoms, 4 actually, (one of them broke…shhhhh don’t tell him, I want his kid) it all came to a very happy ending, well, I was smiling anyways (Big Boy) and he kept his promise…… then at 3pm, abracadabra, as if by magic, we were back up again!! You know, I thought if Plastik Rachel can do it, then I thought I would give it a try as well……I mean….I don’t have a boyfriend or anything so it’s not quite as bad, but it felt really good….I mean, reaaallllly gooooood. Good on ya Rachel, keep up the good work

well played.

well played for what? The site owner made it looked like they were blocked themselves... not Etisalat. Sheikmo didn't come through.. it was just a lame attempt to get publicity.

The site owner really is a wanker.
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Feb 28, 2008
it was just a lame attempt to get publicity.

This thread has 450 views already, so not such a lame attempt.
john smith
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Feb 28, 2008
Dr.D wrote:
ebonics wrote:
Sooo……how and why and who got us BLOCKED?? Yes, you’re all thinking that the comment by “21stCenturyUAEnational” on the article “Queue Here Please” did the job!! Well, you are right….it did! As you are all aware, there are some pretty powerful people in this country that are able to sort tasty out at a drop of a hat (not HAT club Tammy, don’t get excited, we weren’t promoting your club…duh). Well, this dude is one of them….need I say more. When I read the comments I was like yeah….right, sounds like the same old shiat, then 3pm and wait for it……lights out!!

How did I get it UN BLOCKED……hmmmmm…..well….this 21stCentury guy is quite a charmer actually, and after a few bottles of champagne…..a couple of condoms, 4 actually, (one of them broke…shhhhh don’t tell him, I want his kid) it all came to a very happy ending, well, I was smiling anyways (Big Boy) and he kept his promise…… then at 3pm, abracadabra, as if by magic, we were back up again!! You know, I thought if Plastik Rachel can do it, then I thought I would give it a try as well……I mean….I don’t have a boyfriend or anything so it’s not quite as bad, but it felt really good….I mean, reaaallllly gooooood. Good on ya Rachel, keep up the good work

well played.

well played for what? The site owner made it looked like they were blocked themselves... not Etisalat. Sheikmo didn't come through.. it was just a lame attempt to get publicity.

The site owner really is a wanker.

clearly that went right over your head.
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Feb 28, 2008
This site's admin has lot of tricks on his/her bag:

# Tomy KonG Says:
February 27th, 2008 at 9:23 pm

Tonton, Bob Charleson … guys

the funny part is that “21stCenturyUAEnational” and britney are the same person, or a friend of..

how? well. this person “21stCenturyUAEnational” does not know any arabic at all and claims he/she is local

how i know? well if you were reading my comments in “Queue Here Please” article you could find one of my comments was moderated from admin.,, the reason is that when “21stCenturyUAEnational” claims he is local and im not.. i faced with asking some simple Q’s in arabic.. and what went happend? britney deleted my arabic part.. ok its an English website.. but i just want to prove that britney is low selfesteem that wants to be famous but does not know how.. britney i dont think being a princess would solve any issue.

well.. im disgusted of britney being rude to locals and our country rules.

britney… many site came up with the idea of gossips .. but at least the booming ones did not have your mental attitude.

this what makes you britney so funny,, it seems like you are so greedy and think you can have the life of locals..

and about the site. block and unblock thingy.. hey you are not the first to have done it either ways..

at least some ppl fought to have their site running on with ideas and thoughts that proven not to be blocked..

what about you? you reached a low life to use this move and have some petty ideas that you think they are wow

ps: there is an invention called proxy cracker.. but even though i didnt use it.. it seemed like you are a stupid person.. why?
when etisalat blocks a site.. they block the entire site,,, not the main homepage only and keep the rest like an error or server down.. funny how stupid you are.

and i thought you are mature.. but i think am waisting my time to talk to you.. ooo you think you are superior ooo funny fat pig low life.

at least have some dignity and respect the country that is feeding you.

Tomy KonG

But the bottom line is, you can't get away with it every time...sure he/she got de-bunked this time.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Feb 28, 2008
Whoa...Look who's snooping around platsic...

# Dr.D Says:
February 27th, 2008 at 11:19 pm

Worst website ever.

Hard up for hits or what? It’s obvious you did this to yourself.

A fan of plastic duh...... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Feb 28, 2008
Pathetic stunt...But probably will make it more popular.
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Feb 28, 2008
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Feb 28, 2008
truth isnt always pretty... thats what this site's about. she's obviously pushing people's buttons and its working.

it gets even funnier as its hype grows.
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Feb 29, 2008
This is the first time that I would actually endorse the blocking of a website by etisalat.
And this turned out to be a stunt anyway.
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Feb 29, 2008
ebonics wrote:truth isnt always pretty... thats what this site's about. she's obviously pushing people's buttons and its working.

it gets even funnier as its hype grows.

Truth? You have to be f)($ing kidding me. It just sounds like a spoilt knob girl who thinks she's more than she really is.

Truth. Pffft.

The truth is you're 100% responsible for your own destiny in this life, and you really to stop blaming other people and situations.

I dearly hope the site owner isn't Australian (apparently one of them is) as it would be most embarrassing.
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Mar 01, 2008
Dr.D wrote:I dearly hope the site owner isn't Australian (apparently one of them is) as it would be most embarrassing.

Must be an Australian woman then. They are all screwed in the head aren't they?
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Mar 01, 2008
benwj wrote:Must be an Australian woman then. They are all screwed in the head aren't they?

No, sometimes in other places.
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Mar 21, 2008
just thought id bring this up again

someone paid her off.
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