Personal Goals

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Personal Goals Feb 25, 2008
As above, personal goals are personal, but I'm doing some planning at the moment and was working through my personal goals... and perhaps could use a little help.

It's not that I worry about being a shallow person, that doesn't bother me at all, moreso I'm interested to hear what some people might consider personal goals.

Some I have come up with are:

* Lose x Kg weight (duh! ok easy one)
* Save x AED per month (savings goal - another easy one)
* Learn another language (not so easy but achievable)

The trick is of course, goals need to be achievable and tangible as well, so "save the world" is out until I discover superhuman abilities.

Anyone got anything else they might care to add for ideas as to 'personal goals' ?

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Feb 26, 2008
I am a firm believer in if you can see something it is much more obtainable.

My goals are on a special pinboard in the kitchen - Sad probably!

Move to dubai -Picture of the Burj Al Arab
Save some money - I have some dirhams pinned too
Loose some weight. I have some lard in a bag on pinboard so I can feel the FAT when I need inspiration.
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Feb 26, 2008
GetMeOutOfUK wrote:I am a firm believer in if you can see something it is much more obtainable.

My goals are on a special pinboard in the kitchen - Sad probably!

Move to dubai -Picture of the Burj Al Arab
Save some money - I have some dirhams pinned too
Loose some weight. I have some lard in a bag on pinboard so I can feel the FAT when I need inspiration.

Yeah that's great advice. When I finish writing my goals they will be stuck on the fridge where I can see them everyday.

How many is enough though? Is 3 too few.. I feel I could achieve more... but at the same time I don't want to overdo it.
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Feb 26, 2008
I think it depends on the size of the goal

For me the fat is a small goal, Dubai is the Big one.

I also have a few others
Start up a business - but need to decide on what business before it can take its place.

Have some Botox though needles (not safe on board) or botox not sure how to put that on board.

I think 5 is a good number
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Feb 26, 2008
I have no goasl - I'm a loser - whaaaaaa
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Feb 26, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:I have no goasl - I'm a loser - whaaaaaa

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Feb 26, 2008
erm ok ok.

Go to the gym more - even though I hate it with a passion.

Change career, which will enable me to earn more money, therefore I'll be able to save more.

Get some more hobbies.

Eat better.

Will that do for now?
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Feb 26, 2008
1. learn to play an instrument well (actually more like find more time to practice!)
2. retire early

For now in that order but prefer the reverse order!
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Feb 26, 2008
im a firm believer in needing a visual aid for visualising your goals.

my goals are:

owning a lemur multi-touch midi controller with some insane patches(although affordable, i cant justify spending that sort of money on it just yet)

learning an instrument

starting proper yoga, none of this westernised bullcrap yoga - full sikh hardcore yoga

finding a good chiropractor (much harder than it sounds in abu dhabi)
finding like minded individuals in abu dhabi (again sounds trivial, far from it)

travelling more, so much travelling yet to do including:
-3 months in south america - high level priority
-maybe a cheeky week back to australia this year
-2 day private desert rave this september
-ibiza for cocoon's closing party again
-the french countryside for about a month or so
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Feb 26, 2008
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Feb 26, 2008
Thinking about a change in career..
I have to go schooling again...(cool I think)

Travel more:
Travel to South America:
1. Brazil (Sao, Paolo, Copacobana... :wink: )
2. Argentina (Southern Most tip)
3: Mexico

Travel to Balkan (Eastern Europe):
2.Chech Rep.

To achieve the above; need to save more.... :? :?
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Feb 26, 2008
For this year
go to gym at least twice a week
finish my book
Visit Syria, Egypt & Morocco
Be cool
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Feb 26, 2008
Apart from dabbling with the guitar I've given up on the idea of learning an instrument... I think it's something to do with the law of diminishing returns.

Likewise I have a great idea for a couple of books, but it takes more than a couple of ideas to write books and I am not organised enough to dedicate time to writing - yet. Which brings me to the 4th goal I have set myself:

* Get more organised.
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Feb 26, 2008
I have a problem with waiting.....

I need more patience in every aspect .... :cry:
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Feb 26, 2008
Get back into the learning mode. Dubai has really closed my learning skills in terms of technology. I wanna start getting back to learning ways.
Make more n more good,genuine friends,
Never ignore a friends call.. under no circumstances
To get a driving license
etc etc
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Feb 26, 2008
"loosing weight and saving money" automatically becomes personal goal of most us who moved to ME. ... :) ....

Mine are:
- stop swearing and loosing my cool when stuck in traffic or cut off by a huge truck in the middle of the suicied roundabout
-visit Portugal
- do some charity/volunteer work
- go out and enjoy life more
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Feb 26, 2008
I always think that ...if you really want something you can get it..
So even i will not get them very soon, im sure that step by step i will get them, so here's my personal goals:
Finish bachelor degree
Get the driving licence
Learning 2 more languages
Get that job i want
And visit Egypt 8)

I hope this year i wil get them all :oops:
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Feb 26, 2008
I think goals are easier and more achievable when they are tangible and specific.

So saying "I want to lose weight" isn't really going to cut it. Maybe more like "I want to lose x kgs in x amount of time". It might help :D

Make it realistic as well, so if you barely have time to write a card, don't say that you will finish your autobiography by the end of the year. Same goes for the amount of goals. If you list 10 goals and then only manage to achieve 3, then you will feel more of a failure as opposed to setting only 3 goals and achieving all 3 goals.

Having someone there to motivate you is also good. Especially if there is someone brutal and vicious. :twisted: :twisted:
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Feb 26, 2008
abarawakijess wrote:I think goals are easier and more achievable when they are tangible and specific.

So saying "I want to lose weight" isn't really going to cut it. Maybe more like "I want to lose x kgs in x amount of time". It might help :D

:twisted: :twisted:

I am afraid loosing 1 kilo out of 5 intended might send some of sensitive types straight to depression mode.... maybe it is better to leave it blank .. :) .
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Feb 26, 2008
Well, I like to think that at least I have lost weight instead of not losing any... :P
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Feb 26, 2008
My Goals:

1) CHANGE Jobs.
2) Finally get started working on my masters degree.

But in order to achieve these goals I need to be less lazy
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Feb 27, 2008
Yes..for me its more patience and less laziness....
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Mar 03, 2008
Good read and very pleasant thread. No sarcasm, spats etc..kinda unique for genchat thread. Keep it up!

1. Sleep more and not to wake up so early...
2. Eat more..
3. Socialize more..
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Mar 03, 2008
I am struggling with my goals today.

1. Struggling to get out to Dubai
2. Did loose 5lb this week - major hangover may have contributed to the weight loss.
3. Failed on the saving money its only Monday and I have managed to spend £100 on nothing besides school dinners and food shopping!

Any words of advice?

Besides don't drink so much!
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Mar 14, 2008
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Mar 15, 2008
about me... :(

1. stop over spending
2. pay-off my Credit Card
3. Start saving
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Mar 15, 2008
Hey guys,
nice to know someone else goals to see where is mine
if you allow me to share my goals with u, so:
- acheive my CCIE during this year (first priority)
- got another work (as soon as i can)
- gotta married by this year also (sure after IE done or i will never do it)
- make friends in dubai, i need that but no much time to do good try
hope its help or inspire some but its mine till now

cheers and good luck u all to do what u dream of
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Mar 15, 2008
- Convince more people to be like me.
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Mar 16, 2008
Lose a few pounds. Make some $$$. I would also like very much to either find the right job in Dubai or if I'm going to stay in Canada then I would very much like to open my own small ad agency.
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Mar 16, 2008
short term
force myself to start learning arabic from books and CDs, since picking it up in everyday life is not an option here
go back to the gym

long term
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