We just accepted a teahing position in Dubai. The school will pay for our housing (plus 1/2 utilities), or we can choose to receive 110,000 AED, but we will be responsible for all utilities. Is 110,000 AED a good amount to find something reasonable? Bear in mind, we are currently living in Sub- Saharan Africa and we were living in not so cheap Chicago before that

Also the School we will be teaching at is the Universal American School in Festival City. I actually do not know where exactly the teachers housing is located, so I guess it maybe difficult to compare the two options,... maybe not?
We also know someone who is leaving Dubai (over 10 years in Dubai).... she is prepared to sell us her 2000 Rav4 (3 door) for about 6,000 USD. Is this a good price? BTW, she is also interested in selling her household furniture, so if we choose the money over the housing provided by the school, we will probably buy her stuff rather cheaply. I am not sure if this will make a difference in any advice for the first question.
Thank you