Loving Home Wanted For Gorgeous Little Cat

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Loving home wanted for gorgeous little cat Feb 19, 2008
Hi All,

For the last few months a gorgeous little ginger cat has been living on my doorstep.

She used to be owned by some people in our compound, but it seems they left and just threw her out, so I've been feeding her and looking out for her in the meantime.

She's a young cat, maybe 3 or 4 years old. I just had her neutered, to stop more unwanted kitties ending up on the street.

She's friendly, but a bit timid. She seems ok around dogs, well doesn't bother about mine anyway and is ok with other cats.

I'd love to keep her myself, but I have enough animals as it is.

If anyone can give this lovely little kitty a home, please get in touch.

You can check out some pics at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7929164463

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 20, 2008
Ah I hate irresponsible owners!

Got a couple myself so can't really take on another but good luck with that.
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Feb 20, 2008
Some people suck. I have 2 pets myself, so full house here.
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Feb 20, 2008
I have two myself as well, so sorry.
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Feb 20, 2008
Hey make up your own excuse dammit!! :lol: j/k ;)

By the way I believe some vets can take them in for some money. I was gonna give a 3rd cat I had to a vet and pay them AED 1500. It ran away the day before...I guess it sensed it :P

Feline friends might help but they almost certainly won't take it in as they seem to always be full. Or maybe they just tell me that cause I don't sound like I'm gonna throw it away or something. Hmm maybe you should call them and act like a crazy person...they might take you seriously then :P
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Feb 20, 2008
I just bought a truck, and the dealer I bought it from has a soft spot. They have a "lot cat" that they feed and provide a home for. She stays outside, but is friendly and maybe could use a friend? All the guys that work there are cat-friendly I noticed as they were out back having a smoke. If you PM me, I can tell you who it is if you are that desperate to re-home the little guy.
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Feb 20, 2008
Well to be honest she seems quite happy just milling around outside at the moment, she gets fed the same as my animals and seems quite content, the front yard is 'her patch', she never goes far. It would just be nice to find her a permanent home as we won't be here past September.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 20, 2008
Chocs i've put up as a sticky for a few weeks
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Feb 20, 2008
Face it....... You have a new cat.
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Feb 20, 2008
have u got any idea if it gets on well with budgies or african parrots??
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Feb 20, 2008
arniegang wrote:Chocs i've put up as a sticky for a few weeks

This is ridicoulus there have been people on this forum desperatedly looking for jobs, or trying to get a visa for a loved one, or looking for places to live and it has never been a sticky.

a sticky for a frigging cat :roll:

Anyway I wonder if it would be a sticky if.... well, never mind!

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Feb 21, 2008
Concord wrote:
arniegang wrote:Chocs i've put up as a sticky for a few weeks

This is ridicoulus there have been people on this forum desperatedly looking for jobs, or trying to get a visa for a loved one, or looking for places to live and it has never been a sticky.

a sticky for a frigging cat :roll:

Anyway I wonder if it would be a sticky if.... well, never mind!


concord animals have feelings to :D they have a heart and a mind just like us. so come on help the frigging cat out.

i would take the cat but i got an african parrot which is worth like 5000dhs and dont want that 5000dhs in the cats tummy.
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Feb 21, 2008
I know Concs I know, you want a sticky for the homeless dogs.

Hmmm parrots? No idea, she doesn't seem that bothered about much to be honest.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 21, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:I know Concs I know, you want a sticky for the homeless dogs.

Hmmm parrots? No idea, she doesn't seem that bothered about much to be honest.

errr sorry but i aint taking the risk. Obviously she aint gonna be bothered when my poor parrot will be in her tummy :S.

by the way anyone after a 10 months kitten let me know.
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Feb 21, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:I know Concs I know, you want a sticky for the homeless dogs.

I figured you already knew this: there are no "homeless dogs" just dogless homes.
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Feb 23, 2008
Concord wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:I know Concs I know, you want a sticky for the homeless dogs.

I figured you already knew this: there are no "homeless dogs" just dogless homes.

Brilliant Concs.. .. and for the record

dogs are better than pussies .. always..
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Feb 25, 2008
I love cats and dogs in equal measure, they both have good and bad traits.

In the meantime kitty still needs a home, she's starting to run into my house and make herself at home now, much to the annoyance of my cat an dog.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 26, 2008
No excuse...
cats are my weakness if it were upto me i would take in all abandoned cats!
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Feb 27, 2008
cats are like women. they luv to go in and out of ur legs and luv doing purrr purrr purrrr purrr i guess us men are dogs then hmmmmm :D
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Feb 29, 2008
I'd also like to find ahome for Monty. He was thrown out years ago, and has been the resident Tom cat in the area. I have recently taken him under my wing and he now has a better trust in people again.

The poor thing only uses three of his legs and I'm currently having vets treat him to solve the problem. He's also been neutered. He looks a bit gnarly and beaten up abviously being a Tom, he looks like a Hamster with his big cheeks, has cauliflour ears from fighting, and has just had a couple of the few teeth he has left pulled, but he's not in bad shape.

He just needs some TLC in his senior years, and is now ok to handle, loves being stroked, and he loves to talk to you

It's a sad sad story, but if anyone could offer Monty a home it would be great.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 03, 2008
:S first a cat like a hamster whats next?? looking for a house for my husband :D
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Mar 03, 2008
Un-neutered Tom's look like that! The glands in their cheeks swell up to make them look bigger and mor fierce to ward off competition.

Monty is doing much better now and is beginning to use his leg again after being treated for an infection, unfortunately he has a broken toe whic is an old injury that nothing can be done about, so he's always goin to hobble a bit on it.

Come on people can no one give these poor kitties a home?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 05, 2008
Well guess who decided to stop by our house yesterday? A little lost kitty who I believe was actually owned by someone :/. It looks to be about a month or 2 old. Donno if it was left deliberately or if it got lost on its own. I think it got lost cause it's cute as hell and really playful. But then again who knows....

So yeah umm any takers? :roll:
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Mar 06, 2008
You guys are breaking my heart here. We already have the two monsters here, so we are full..I'll keep my ears open though.
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Mar 06, 2008
hmm I guess I'll hijack this thread..Here are some picks of the kitten ;)




'Playing' with my cat :P
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Mar 07, 2008
Ahahahaha~~ Nice pictures.. Your kitten??
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Mar 07, 2008
kitty kitty here kitty...i love tiger :lol:
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