ebonics wrote:shafique wrote:The presence of Muslim armies and the expansion of the Muslim empire territorially should not be confused with the spread of the religion.
i never studied asian history... i cited north africa
Ok - no problems. We'll take it for granted that Islam spread not by the sword in asia (as there weren't any armies that went there).
ebonics wrote:egypt was nearly 100% christian till islam came in, with their armies, with the sword, shed blood, forced people to convert, pay jizya otherwise... leaving a good 3% of wealthy people that can afford to pay such money on a monthly basis. thankfully for me, my family was one of them - because i would have turned completely aethiest if i was born a muslim.
Egypt was nearly 100% Christian. Could you please give me a reference for this fact - I'm not sure I've read this before. I'm not saying you are wrong, but I'd like to verify this statement.
[Edit - yes you are right, northern Egypt was predominantly Christian. A good reference is Jill Kamil's book on the Coptic Church. This book is a reference in the next post.]
A simple question for you though - if a person converted to Islam, did they pay more or less to the authorities in taxes that muslims paid than the jizya?
Please don't avoid this question, as it puts into context what the Jizya was - a tax - and not a sum of money to avoid execution if you chose not to convert.
As I presume your family are Coptic Christians, I think you will appreciate the fact that people of that community continue to exist to this day as opposed in Egypt as a sign of Islam's tolerance - as opposed to the wholesale slaughter and forced conversions of Jews and Muslims in Spain (which took place long after Egypt became Muslim).
Whilst I appreciate that Coptic Christian reading of history is that Islam coming to Egypt was a disaster, I would balance the accounts you have learnt from your family with what serious historians have written about the spread of Islam to Egypt.
ebonics wrote:that was also the point where egyptians got inheritly dimmer in intellect... and it was the point where the downward spiral from being one of the world's brightest civilisations - to now a laughing stock..... leaving people like me no choice but to leave the country to get an education abroad, go to universities abroad, and go seeking another nationality that would respect my free mind, my free speech, my free will to be and do whatever i please... a society that i dont feel victimised being a christian in a predominantly muslim surrounding, where i get the 2nd best in everything.. i feel sorry for others that were never given that chance or choice in their life - to grow up to really make something out of themselves... instead they're still stuck with a passport and an identity card that clearly states their religion - so people can treat them accordingly..
So now you are going to try and convince me that the accounts of Islamic learnings - the advances in the arts and sciences - the minds of Al Biruni etc did not happen.
The Islamic empire shone brightly for centuries - and this included Egypt.
I sense a lot of frustration about the plight of your countrymen today - I can fully understand. However, to blame Islam rather than Egyptians is convenient for a non-Muslim.
I wonder if in 100 years time there will disaffected Hindu American youths who blame the decline in America's powers with Evangelical Christian beliefs of George W Bush?

ebonics wrote:why should any ID card state your religion? who's problem is it who you worship? oh thats right, religion and politics are one & the same - what a joke.
And this has what to do with the Quran?
ebonics wrote:and could islam have direct corrolation with loss of brain cells and general cognition? there will never be concrete proof, but in all corners of the globe, there seems to be evidence to support this theory

And this is based on what scientific evidence? Or do you want us to believe you blindly?
Anyway, I see you have major issues with Islam - fair enough.
I offer you a chance to take each issue, point by point and make your case. I am just saying that Islam is logical, beautiful and above all the final religion of the God you believe in. I'm not asking you to believe me, but am asking for civility if you choose to challenge this.
I believe that Islam can withstand all the onslaughts of logic and comparisons with alternative religions/belief systems. As proved (so far) in the other thread, the holy scripture of Islam is without contradiction and peerless.
Given you posted you-tube links featuring an arabic speaking priest, and the revelation now that you are from Egyptian stock - you are better placed than I to understand the words of the Quran in the original form. Therefore you are best placed (as an Arabic speaking non-Muslim) to help find contradictions in the Quran and to challenge me when I cite the Quran in favour of the logicality of Islam.
However, if you cannot get beyond the emotional aversion to Islam and if discussing the Quran/Bible etc only elicits emotional personal attacks, then the discussion will generate more heat than light.
I try to stay out of personal attacks (but I am human and have been known to stoop to sarcasm) - but you, ebionics, have my committment to a civilised discussion here if you so wish.