Drinking Vinegar

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drinking vinegar Feb 15, 2008
Hi everyone!

I was wondering if Dubia is health conscious?

If the answer is yes, then I am here, to offer a working partnership, with a reliable and dedicated distributor, with established sales channels.

Those interested may wish to contact me by PM.

I'm British and have discovered the first ever Bio -Technolgy beverage, which is an exceptionally fanatastic drink, for health.

We, my wife who is Taiwanese and myself, have joined forces, with a friend in Taiwan, who is an Agricultural Chemist, in developing the first ever, drinking vinegar essence, NOT CONSCENTRATE, which is an inferior product.

It product has been researched & developed over 35 years, of careful and dedicated love in producing Sorghum Fruit Vinegars for healthy life style changes.

100% Organically fermented Fruits and Flowers are used in various products, of Chinese Traditional Health Medicines, we have mastered the perfect breweing conditions, to produce, the first real drinking vinegar beverages, long ago,

Unfortunately due to language barriers, we had to first meet our own market demands, but now with a 500 million $ turnover, we can now share our love of health drinking vinegars with the rest of the world.

Obesity is a large problem around the world, yet vinegar is old wives tales, past on by folkelore over thousands of years, we believed rightly so, that vinegar was a naturs gift ... Used long ago by the greek master Hippocrates for medicine & romans for drinking and health.

Our choice of specially brewed beverages are carefully chosen, for there medicinal qualities, we double ferment the products, they are 100% natural with no additives and no artifical colouring..and are based on scientifcally proven documentation of noble prize winners.

One Hans Adolf Krebs in 1953 for his work on the krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) and Dr Feordor Fleix Konrad Lynen, for his work on Cholesterol & Fatty Acids.

Based around researched work, we are agricultral chemists, that have broken the barriers of taste..producing real beverages of drinking health vinegars, to supply the body, with the essential bacteria acids, to open the pathways of the metabolism and the immune system.

Essentially balancing the body pH, so that the immune system is strengthend against attack of harmful bacteria, at the same time, breaking down fatty acids and cholesterol, uric acid, and other harmful compounds, like sugar, of which come from carbohyrates.

Documented research has shown drinking vinegar can reduce sugar spikes in may healp pre-diabetics, reduce sugar levels, source is Johnston I believe USA. I have placed many links on www.drinkingvinegar.com of which backs up specifica data, along with our own research.

Drinking Vinegars are like none alcoholic wine, we have HALAL Certification for all our products, to conform, to Islamic laws, and hope very much, we can stimulate interest in making the right choice of healthy living.

It is often quoted that drinking vinegars, can lose weight, not true! What does happen though is the improvement of the metabolism to burn calories....and logic, tells you, you must first kick start the metabolism to lose weight..

Our testing revealed, that metabolic buring doubled, with drinking vinegar, compared to not drinking vinegar, so we concluded, what Hans Adolf Krebs, suggested, it opens the pathways or optimises the metabolism.

The taste, is a gift of nature, you can blend to the taste you desire, because Fruit Vinegar Essence is strong, it's very refreshing, tangy, with the flavour lingering on the tastebuds, it has been noted, that satiety is acclaimed, meaning you eat less, and is therfore a natural diet aid.

Sportsman drink our vinegars, because they say, it gives them not only energy, and hydration, and the amino acids and calcium, but because the bio chemistry to optimise compound processes within the body are significantly improved, drinking fruit vinegar is the elixir that provides regeneration of tissue and cell life, it preserves!

That is plain logic! Everyone knows vinegar is a preservative, exactly, but everyone doesn't know, there is a special fruit health vinegar beverage!!! In many Flavours like Plum, Apple, Orange, Star Fruit, Peach, Mulberry, Cranberry, Lemon, and many more....

The demand in Singapore has outstretched our beliefs, so much, that I personally have been experimenting with drinking vinegars, mixing them, with various drinks, and serving as non alcoholic cocktails...they are a big hit, super drinks and healthy.

Imagine the tangy taste of crushed ice, with green apple vinegar, with a shot of mint, and sliced lemon in 30c heat! It's got a fantastic immediate cooling effect, enhanced with the mint..revitalising the body parts, dispersing fatigue, its refreshing, and better than all energy drinks, put togther!

With Fruit Vinegar Essence, you can add, to deserts, ice cream, yogurt (although you must drink right away in yogurt and soya milk) Soya Milk, for fruit flavours. You can make Fruit vinegar Ice pops, for kids, and Fruit vinegar jellies! Your own imagination is there to use, the Essence of Fruit Vinegars.

Our new product launch in August was sparkling green apple and peach, to fulfill demand, from the hotel sector, spa's and restaurants, drinking fruit vinegars compliment all meals, and help, with digestion and the breakdown of carbohydrates delivering essential compounds for the body bio chemistry, to work correctly...a diet supplement in a bottle!

We can supply to your own requitements, relabel in your own brand, with minimum quantities, So consider the first bio - techology advancement in 100% natural organically fermented vinegars, for a healthy life style.

And be warned out of all vinegar manufacturs around the world, there is only one leader in the field of Fruit Vinegar beverages...we are even the first to provide ready mixed drinks, straight out of the cooler!

So those interested in a working relationship, please note, that we do not send, free samples!

It's first serious distributors/importers, that get first opportunities, and we only need 1 in the UAE, to kick start the partnership.

Please PM with your sales channel and your business plan, and minimum quantity to introduce, drinking vinegar, marketing support maybe discussed in our own brand name.

Please take this opportunity seriously and no time wasters please.


Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Feb 15, 2008
Is this serious, drinking vinegar???
sage & onion
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Feb 15, 2008
sage & onion wrote:Is this serious, drinking vinegar???

This is very serious, and to put things in more a perspective, the beverage doesn't taste of vinegar, the ingrediants are the bacterial acids, that, are essential to the bodies reproduction of cells, and disinfects the body....only healthy developed bacteria is used, as mentioned, by the noble prize winners of 1953 and 1964.

Drinking vinegar is a weak acid, that dilutes, with water...beverages have only 1% of acidic acid, all other acids created in fermentation are used, for health.

The stomache acid is approximately pH 2 and drinking fruit vinegars are pH 4, when one suffers, for example acid reflux, that is because the stomache produces, more acid, to break down fatty acids...especially fried foods...by drinking vinegar, of pH 4 , this will have a alkaline effect on pH 2, increasing the pH not reducing it.

The Ph Scale goes from 1 to 14, so when the vinegar bacteria is diluted into the stomache acid, it is raised, to say 2. 5 or 3, reducing the stomache acid to a more alkaline level...pH 7.4 is almost neutral like water....the human skin is pH 4 acidic, to prevent bacteria infection...

Vaginal yeast, is bacteria infection, because the body is out of balance, drinking vinegar, balances the pH..and returns, the vagina back to it original acidity, vaginal cleansing is normally vinegar based, the properties of vinegar are pure health, with compound acids, scavenging the free radicals, and detoxing, through flushing the waste products out through the kidneys, by urinating, the cleansing process, is repeated, and the disinfecting is done, every day, while consuming, what everyone needs to consume, for good health.

Only those lacking in the knowledge of bio-chemistry would have problems to understand, bio - technology, so it is understandable, that one is repulsed by drinking vinegar, however, the markets are already established...Thousands of people drink apple cider vinegar for health, and it is not easy, to consume, without additives, of sweetness, normally honey..and still, it leaves much to be desired.

One cannot argue with facts, it is a science after all! One that is changing life styles, all over the world. in China, Taiwan, Japan, the traditions have exsisted thousands of years.

Now we have joined forces, to bring Asia to the west...and the only reseaon it is frowned upon, is because of pharmacological business, can exploit more from man made medicine.

Vinegars are the elixir of all, and have been for 3000 years or more, used for medicine since the days of Hippocrates and used for disinfection in the times of the plague, and most recently SARS.

Surprised, you should be, it's a new beverage, served in hotels and nighspots in many Asian capitals. Sparkling cocktail drinks, like Taiwan Magic. true energy drinks from nature, without all the artificial ingrediants is a pure dream, in terms of beverage advancement.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Feb 15, 2008
I will stick with Sarsons on my Chips

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Feb 16, 2008
arniegang wrote:I will stick with Sarsons on my Chips

And so you should, some vinegar is better, than no vinegar.

Sarsons Vinegar is a brewed malt vinegar, which is also femented in malt, and will deliver the same acid compounds, the body requires, although it's not only silly to drink, it can actually burn the throat, becuase the acetic acid content is around 5% not 1% as in drinking vinegar beverages.

So any other vinegar, other than specially brewed drinking vinegar, could be quite dangerous, and i have seen silly pranks on youtube, because of childish behaviour, so it's very important for children to understand the difference.

Drinking vinegars are very mild and do not have a strong smell of vinegar, they smell of the fruit, that is fermented, and taste strongly of the fermented fruit...so it is a bio-technological breakthrough to produce a beverage, which is the first beverage I have seen, that provides, not so much nutrients, but healthy bacteria, to kill unhealthy bacteria, it does have a purpose in health & wellness. :) and the bacteria are much like the ones in yoghurt, to help digestion...

It tastes so good in fact, that i must drink 3 liters a day and have done for over 2 years, I also have the medical evidence to prove, how I have very little bad cholesterol LDL, and lots of good cholesterol HDL, so my chance of a stroke, through blockage are actually zero rated, according to the heart specialist....

You see, even i had my doubts, in the begining, so a strict monitoring of blood counts, was needed, to convince me too, that the product does, what they claim it does, improve health, even blood sugar counts can be seen. facts are a wonderful thing to have, and there are many facts and research around!

Imagine because of the process of drinking vinegar goes, and that is a double fermentation process, from alcohol which is made first from the fruits, and the second fermentation is into drinking vinegar, which is in reality sour wine....although it is not sour, because the fructos, is extracted and replaced to sweeten, it with natural fruit fructos. still a 100% natural healthy product. Or is it a Non alcoholic wine?

One thing is for sure, it's a most wonderful and satisfying beverage, and healthy....
Apple Cider Vinegar, crushed ice and grenadine, with a slice of lemon, or cool mint, will awake anyones tastebuds, my youngest loves making ice lollies with it.
Although the orange and aloe flavours are for quick detoxing, works within 30 minutes.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Feb 16, 2008
18 yr old Balsamico is OK? or better the 30 yr old??
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Feb 16, 2008
M! wrote:18 yr old Balsamico is OK? or better the 30 yr old??

Now your talking, class Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena, silver label....In a class of its own, and very very expensive, but yes, to get the bio-chemical compounds, for health. Basamico is rated very highly for food, I have never had the pleasure of drinking it! but research and testing shows Balsamico to be very potent, although the acetic acid compound, is probably much stronger too.

So I'm sure you can relate to the health benefits, of having a very tasty beverage, I think we will see more and more vinegar beverages appearing in the future too, because of health concerns, and obesity, heart attacks...there is nothing more natural than vinegar, to clear the body of bad cholesterol. 8)
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Feb 17, 2008
wanna have some?
I am on vacation in May for the 1000Miglia and for sure i will fall over the one or other bottle.......
The last i bought was 80ml for 200 Euro, VERY delicious :!:
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