What the heck is going on in the UK, I can't believe the things I'm in the UK press, that the PC morons are banning Christmas!!!!
Apparently in many places you can't call things Christmas anything, it all has to be seasonal decorations. Cards depicting the nativity have been taken off the shelves and santas grottos in many shopping malls have been scrapped, and the reason? The PC morons, don't want to offend anyone! For goodness sake it's a Christian country!
I find it hilarious that people can celebrate Christmas and all these things here in the UAE in a Muslim country and no one has a problem with it. The UAE is great in the fact that everyone here has the freedom to celebrate all the festivals, Ramadan, Christmas, Diwali etc.
I laugh myself sill the otherday when talking to a young national woman who'd recently come back from the UK, she said when she arrived at Heathrow she thought she'd flown to the wrong country and said she thought she was in Bombay! Yeah that's why everyone's leaving!