Improper Thread Management

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Improper thread management Feb 10, 2008
I for one am sick and tired of all these specific posts being in the general section....

I mean just looking at the general section as it sits at the moment;

1. Interesting and unsolvable puzzle - Games lounge
2. Taste of Dubai - Dubai events
3. How to become a moderator - Suggestions
4. Less expensive hotels - Dubai Guide
5. What girls should know about boys - Dubai Romance
6. Rent a car - Dubai guide
7. Ajman/Sharjah real estate - Accomodation in dubai
8. Nokia phone - For sale
9. Brazillian Jiu Jitsu - Dubai guide
10. blocked - Tech help
11. House prices - Accomodation in dubai
12. Facts about Chuck Norris (Indian version) - MMM forum
13. Fight club thing - New members
14. Interesting laws - Finally.... One that may actually belong here...

This forum is far to cluttered with items that need to go into specific forums. I can't stand just how unorganised the whole place is.

The whole reason for having 78 forums is so we can put each specific conversation into each specific box. That way no one will get confused.

Otherwise, why bother with so many forums?

It's just ludicrous...

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Feb 10, 2008
and your point is...
mrs Robinson
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Feb 10, 2008
Apparently, I rarely have a point.
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Feb 10, 2008
't was a know I agree
mrs Robinson
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Feb 10, 2008
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Feb 10, 2008
perfect way to start the week ppl. Lets talk more about the unorganised forum, the unorganised roads, queing systems, methods and means of business etc etc haha pessimism rules innit ?
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