Reader Comments On Disbelief Tehran Building Didn't Collapse

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Reader Comments On Disbelief Tehran Building Didn't Collapse Dec 07, 2005 ... rashes.htm

A military plane crashes into a 10 story building killing 94 passangers and 25 residents...I wonder why it didn't collapse, after 9-11 any building struck by an aircraft should collapse unless of course something's fishy about 9-11, especially that another building burnt for two straight days the windsor building in Madrid yet it didn't collapse either. Read the article might give you a clearer view

Dubai Forums Member
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Dec 07, 2005
Have you considered the following?

A) The buildings were not constructed by the same people.

B) The buildings were not constructed out of the same materials.

C) The buildings were not the same size.

D) The airplane was not going the same speed and may not have been carrying the same amount of fuel.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Dec 07, 2005
Kanelli, read this guy's (kid's) other posts and you might gather he belongs in a straight jacket. More crap must come out of his mouth than the other end.
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Dec 07, 2005
Have you considered the following?

A) The buildings were not constructed by the same people.
B) The buildings were not constructed out of the same materials
Yes thats true, the US a super power and financial giant can build powerful structers especially if its a structure that is meant to be a monument and symbol of US power....Iran is not a superpower or a financial giant also that was a residential building not a monument so it wasn't built as strong as WTC.

C) The buildings were not the same size.

That is also true ... 26&Disp=10
WTCWorld Trade Center was erected, the steel beams exceeded requirements to bear 36,000 pounds per square inch. Often they were capable of bearing around 42,000 pounds per square inch

I'm sure the Tehran building wasn't even close to that in strength or size.

D) The airplane was not going the same speed and may not have been carrying the same amount of fu

All planes are powered with jet fuel which is similar to kerosene, which burns out rather quickly and as for the speed I will look into that and let you know.

Also please look at the article below, its from the Associated press and it talks about how they tested the collapsing theory and things are not adding up to the official story. ... 26&Disp=10

Gaithersburg, Md. (AP) - Early tests on steel beams from the World Trade Center show they generally met or were stronger than design requirements, ruling them out as a contributing cause of the collapse of the towers, federal investigators said Wednesday.

Also if you look at WTC building no.7 which was coincidently burning same time as the two towers were (which are 1 and 2), you will see that it fell in the same manner which is termed as "imploding" the no.7 building was brought down by demolitions cause they couldn't put out the fire in their. Buildings 1 and 2 fell in the same manner as building no.7, what I think and other people have also been talking about it if you check for David Ray Griffin or Alex Jones, that there were explosions similar to that of demolitions that brought down the two towers.

for furthur information about that you can download this documentry

Loose change I can give you the torrent link but I don' know how the moderators would react so if you need it send a private msg and I'll give it to you.

XRW-147: If you think I'm crazy why are you looking at my posts?
you have been calling me names and what not and up till now I have been keeping my temper because I don't like to get angery especially at silly things on the internet if you disagree with me on what I'm saying make a constructive arguement instead of saying I'm crazy without any proof. So please I don't want to hear your remarks about me cause you are just being want to challenge me tell me where I'm wrong..if you can't do that then atleast be decent enough and don't post any replies to me that would offend me as a person without any reason
because this is what a troll does and you are being one.
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Dec 07, 2005
Hey, if you want to compare apples and oranges, knock yourself out.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Dec 07, 2005
I'm not comparing apples and oranges...its buildings and both were struck by planes.

They said fire brough down the buildings right? well why didn't the other building fall down?

The thing is there is a huge cover-up and the current administration in the US lied about alot of things and the lies keep on mounting up. Yet people still believe them.
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Dec 07, 2005
your life is inspired by the movie "conspiracy theory"
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Dec 07, 2005
Why? Because I'm questioning the most important event of this century?

If its not a cover-up and if the government is honest and haven't done anything wrong then why are they blocking any independant investigation and saying all current evidence cannot be shown for "security reasons"?

If they are so honest, then why did they go Iraq and start the so called war on terror, they have lied about that, they also lied about Karl Rove and many other things, don't you agree atleast on that?

If its not a conspiracy, then why is it Bin Laden always showing up when the approval ratings of Bush are so low and suddenly they get boosted again.

If its not a conspiracy then please enlighten me and tell me why it is not..If I'm crazy please prove that I am,show me evidence that its not a conspiracy. People are dying just so a select few cash in on it, they are demonizing a religion and condeming a whole race for their own tell me your reasons why do you think my life is inspired by a conspiracy theory?...The only reason I am doing this is because I care and I don't want to wake up one day and find that nothing is left.
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Dec 08, 2005
Hahaha, now you got others thinking u're a wacked out mofo :) - nice work.

And I've posed valid questions to you already. All you've done is ignore them and the only comeback you can 'constructively' string together is "you're a troll".

I'd really like to see you lose your temper, cause a person's IQ level actually drops when anger clouds mind/judgement. Lets see what a person can come up with when they're operating with -ve IQ.
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Dec 09, 2005
Hey MaaaD,
I was thinking the same .... just couldnt remember the name of the movie!!! mabye there is a chip in this poor guys head! you never know what is it they say????? The truth is out there.. x files
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