What Came First? The Egg Or The Chicken :D

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What came first? The egg or the chicken :D Feb 04, 2008
so which one is it then??

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Feb 04, 2008
We've had this question before.

The simplest answer is of course the egg. Egg laying reptiles were around long before any chicken ever was.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 04, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:We've had this question before.

The simplest answer is of course the egg. Egg laying reptiles were around long before any chicken ever was.

thats just it where did the egg come from?? are u saying that the crocs are the mummy and daddy of the chickens?? but where did the croc come from :S.
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Feb 04, 2008
Chocs, I'm amazed at your consistency. Or in a way you havent evolved.. a word by word match :P

http://www.dubaiforums.com/viewtopic.ph ... t=egg++hen
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Feb 04, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:We've had this question before.

The simplest answer is of course the egg. Egg laying reptiles were around long before any chicken ever was.

sage & onion wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:The egg came first. There were egg laying animals long before any chicken, until one day evolution took a turn and pop, out came the first chicken, from the egg.

Coconuts? Who cares, they're good eating.

Well this is good, so what Camel laid an egg and out came chicken, and thats how KFC started, wow :wink:


lucy u had to blooody ruin it .
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 04, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:We've had this question before.

The simplest answer is of course the egg. Egg laying reptiles were around long before any chicken ever was.

where did the egg laying reptiles come from? from an egg? whose egg? and where did that thing came? u know the one whose egg it is :D.
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Feb 04, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:We've had this question before.

The simplest answer is of course the egg. Egg laying reptiles were around long before any chicken ever was.

we all know that for a chicken to come out of the Egg it had to be laid by a chicken right? its common sense if a turtle lays an egg obviously a turtle would come out. wouldnt it?

what if there were 2 chickens? one papa chicken and one mama chicken and god sent them down to Earth so there can be more and more chickens. abit like Adam and Eve. hmmm
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Feb 05, 2008
Not really, in terms of evolution the animals that would eventually become chickens, evolved over time becoming chicken like until one day an egg hatched a chicken, could have been a mutation, that's the way evolution makes big leaps.

It's a stupid question. Most reptiles lay eggs, always have done, there are a few mammals which also lay eggs, they just do - there is no WHY!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 05, 2008
St. L erm it's quite sad that you atually looked up that old thread. And yes I am consistant in my feeling on the chicken and egg question which again is just stupid.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Feb 05, 2008
I'd be more keen on finding out who fertilised the egg....

Seems to me there was millions of eggs floating around and then one became fertilised. What's going on there?
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Feb 05, 2008
choco where did the reptiles come from then :D. did a chicken lay an egg and out popped a crocodile?
Dubai Forums Zealot
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Feb 05, 2008
craigindubai wrote:I'd be more keen on finding out who fertilised the egg....

Seems to me there was millions of eggs floating around and then one became fertilised. What's going on there?

where did the millions of eggs come from? u make it sound like the earth was a young woman at that time and she was producing eggs :p. so now what shes an old bag or something???
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Feb 05, 2008
Something to do with DNA, evolution, and mutation.
If you think either came to this world as they are now then you'd still wonder.
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Feb 05, 2008
u made it sound like earth was a dish or something with dna and evolutions and mutations flowing around :D.
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Feb 05, 2008
Chocoholic wrote:St. L erm it's quite sad that you atually looked up that old thread. And yes I am consistant in my feeling on the chicken and egg question which again is just stupid.

Thanks for empathising.I'm glad that u remebered that it was posted..I'd forgotten abt it.. took a whole 3 mins search with 'egg or hen' key tag to find it out.
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was u Feb 05, 2008
it was u who laid the egg :D
just kidding
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Feb 08, 2008
if you solve the mystery of where humans came from you would solve the mystery of who came first the egg or the chicken ..
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