Second Wife!!!

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second wife!!! Dec 05, 2005
hey yall...

i just wanted to share something funny that happend to me today..
finally i got a job and it was my first day at boss left me cuz he thought i could handle it..(its a womens clothes shop)
anyways all of a suden a man walked in and he seemed very i went to help him..
this is how the conversation went:
me: " r u looking for something for ur wife?mom?sister?"
the weirdo: (started getting very nervous!) " ehm ehm :roll: ...i would like to ask a muslim girls opinion about becoming my wife no. 2 "
me: ( i was like :shock: ) but i played cool not beating the shit out of him! i said" it would probably work in ur homecountry but not here...u r welcome to buy something to wife no. 1 otherwise good luck with ur search(pointing at the exit)"
the weirdo:" well r u married?"
me: (luckely i was wearing a ring) yes! GOOD BYE!

----------------------------the end----------------------

now people tell me...what the fu(k made that guy think that a civilized girl working in a shop would wanna become his second wife!!
the nerves!!! I wasnt sure where to place this i chose romance..though i dont think it was romantic in any way...

all the guys that approach me want to marry me...what the hell is wrong with guys! its like its stamped on my forhead !!! I wanna live my life before being tied down to the kitchen from my and giving brith all in the same time..hehe...

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Re: second wife!!! Dec 05, 2005
[quote="D-Unit"]all the guys that approach me want to marry me...quote]

abey D_UNIT...this statement was most hilarious in your post...what made u think like that.. :laughing6:

But this is really serious..why a stranger from nowhere proposed you? and that too for a second wife aawwwww :mrgreen:

How dare he did that! :laughing5:
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Dec 05, 2005
Being tied down I guess is up to the person I know alot of hard working women who were married and remained hard working women but on the other hand marriage is a bad idea especially nowadays...two of my friends got married last year and now they wish they would have staid single...but then again life sucks and then you die so it doesn't matter what happens
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Re: second wife!!! Dec 06, 2005
all the guys that approach me want to marry me...what the hell is wrong with guys!

Give me a break sweetheart !! when no one tease a gal ,she goes to toilet of shopping center and check up her make up again and again and when someone crack a joke ,they jst share wid 20 friends .........oh damn we r hot chick ;P

Are u sure the guy was not drunk :P ..........where do u work by the way? -which shopping center . I ll pay u a visit some day without proposing u :P
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Dec 06, 2005
I failed to see the humour in it... Kinda on the weird side.

As long as it's no one following u home just take it as a compliment and forget about the freaks.
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Dec 07, 2005
abey D_UNIT...this statement was most hilarious in your post...what made u think like that..

habibi..i wasnt trying to say that hey im HOT and all the guys in the world wanna marry me..(even though im the hottest chick on earth...Gods gift to all men and miss dubaiforums soon :wink: ) hehe lol

its just that of all the guys that have ever approached me in my life want to marry me..they dont ask me out to get to know me better or atleast start a relationship before getting married...u know what im saying...

and what made me think like that is that they have poped the question.,..
believe it or not...a guy from a whole different continet proposed over messenger and what do u think my reaction was....(block -->delete) and he has never ever seen me live..
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Dec 07, 2005
deary..Good luck then! i hope one day one handsome young man will ask you to go out to know you better or and...

are u free tonight?? :lol:
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Dec 07, 2005
I agree with XRW-147 very weird,,,, but hey d-unit when your hot your hot.. you go girl!
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Jan 07, 2006
very strange, but in europe everything is possible as i had exper. too
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Jan 07, 2006
very strange, but in europe everything is possible as i had exper. too

You beat me to it Rana :)

On a lighter note, most women find it hard to find men that want to commit, I guess you're lucky from that aspect :) .
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Jan 08, 2006
hehe..-..actually i saw the same guy last week with his wife nr. one..
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Jan 08, 2006
Linda_Stuiv wrote:
very strange, but in europe everything is possible as i had exper. too

You beat me to it Rana :)

On a lighter note, most women find it hard to find men that want to commit, I guess you're lucky from that aspect :) .

Oh so you like Europe now? Hypocrit!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Jan 08, 2006
i am in uae now a days, see if i like then why left?
any how all having their own views about each thing.
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
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Jan 08, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
Linda_Stuiv wrote:
very strange, but in europe everything is possible as i had exper. too

You beat me to it Rana :)

On a lighter note, most women find it hard to find men that want to commit, I guess you're lucky from that aspect :) .

Oh so you like Europe now? Hypocrit!

1-I never said I didn't like Europe, I love Europe. I have a problem with some racist europeans in Dubai, that's all. So nice try.

2-Once again, you display how you fail to grasp the point of the post. It's becoming sad to watch. So let me explain.

D-Unit mentioned something about a guy and two wives (a muslim thing of course) and him being an idiot, and how she (D-Unit) , the civilized european lady, has been schocked by it ...etc.

Rana points out, that she has experienced even stranger stuff in Europe (as in: not only muslim men are weirdos)

So I was about to say the same thing, when Rana beat me to it.

It hardly means that I like/hate Europe? What the hell? :lol:
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Jan 15, 2006
i dont understand y we all are trying to beat others ? y we dont respect eachother...y we dont love eachother ? are we really human being ?
we smile when others are getting defeated by anyway or any mean...
its really hurts
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Jan 16, 2006
emadullah wrote:i dont understand y we all are trying to beat others ? y we dont respect eachother...y we dont love eachother ? are we really human being ?
we smile when others are getting defeated by anyway or any mean...
its really hurts

alrite guys we were talking about second wife. continue with the topic or the thread will be locked. So who wana practice polygany? :lol:
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