Got Lots Of Emails From A Company

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Got lots of emails from a company Jan 23, 2008

I'm in the U.S right now and applied for a job with a company in Dubai. I'm more than qualified for the job. They've emailed me and I've sent them replies. They asked for my current salary which I told them but I specified that I would need more to move to Dubai along with accomodations. All of this is per there request. They said to expect a call for an interview but no call every came. Should I assume I asked too much money or that they will still call. Any inside on this would really help...I would kind of like the job!!

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Jan 23, 2008
Most things here move slowly. If you gave your potential employer a reasonable price tag for your services, they'll call eventually. My employer here was "going to get back to me" with an offer letter. I called a couple of times, no one available, then 10 days later, the official letter was in my inbox. It was surprising how blase they were. It will happen if realistic.
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Jan 23, 2008

I appreciate that. Hopefully, everything will come over soon
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Look at the bright side Jan 25, 2008
Well look at the bright side that they are atleast responding to your emails. Generally as lot of folks in these forums say that you have to be in dubai to even apply to good jobs.

I am also looking forward to work in dubai, and sending out emails to recruiters or companies in the IT industry evicts no response.
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Jan 25, 2008
Yes, that is the bright side that they've sent some emails. I assume they don't work on Friday. I just wish I knew if I was still in the running. Do they usually email you if they've already picked another canidate? Anyone know?
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