i just wanted to share something funny that happend to me today..
finally i got a job and it was my first day at work..my boss left me cuz he thought i could handle it..(its a womens clothes shop)
anyways all of a suden a man walked in and he seemed very confused..so i went to help him..
this is how the conversation went:
me: " r u looking for something for ur wife?mom?sister?"
the weirdo: (started getting very nervous!) " ehm ehm

me: ( i was like

the weirdo:" well r u married?"
me: (luckely i was wearing a ring) yes! GOOD BYE!
----------------------------the end----------------------
now people tell me...what the fu(k made that guy think that a civilized girl working in a shop would wanna become his second wife!!
the nerves!!! I wasnt sure where to place this subject...so i chose romance..though i dont think it was romantic in any way...
all the guys that approach me want to marry me...what the hell is wrong with guys! its like its stamped on my forhead !!! I wanna live my life before being tied down to the kitchen from my hair..cooking and giving brith all in the same time..hehe...