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ADNOC - ATI Jan 21, 2008
I have an offer from this company in ABu Dhabi. Is there any person who is working or with knowlegde in the working environment of this company? What I heard was they regularly firing employees from time-to-time. Is this true? I have a stable job and I dont want to mess up if I transfer to that company.


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Re: ADNOC - ATI Jan 21, 2008
Anzin wrote:I have an offer from this company in ABu Dhabi. Is there any person who is working or with knowlegde in the working environment of this company? What I heard was they regularly firing employees from time-to-time. Is this true? I have a stable job and I dont want to mess up if I transfer to that company.


I know ADNOC, and from what I have been told they do hire and fire on a regular basis, although it also seems to depend on whether you get on with the people around you. If you have a good stable job, why move?, of course the answer is money, is the difference worth it?
sage & onion
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Adnoc Jan 22, 2008
Yes, there is a 10k difference. The thing is I have 2 children and I need an additional income. But I dont have an assurance that I can stay working on that company for long term.

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Re: Adnoc Jan 22, 2008
Anzin wrote:Yes, there is a 10k difference. The thing is I have 2 children and I need an additional income. But I dont have an assurance that I can stay working on that company for long term.


Per month? If so, it might be a risk worth taking. You will think that those who are fired are being fired for non-or poor-performance. Plenty of money in the oil/gas business

Good luck.

If it is 10K in a year (stay put)!
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10k per month Jan 22, 2008
Additional 10k per month. I guess I have to take the risk.

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Re: 10k per month Jan 22, 2008
Anzin wrote:Additional 10k per month. I guess I have to take the risk.


better yet ask your present employer to match the offer - but only do it once you have decided that making the move will not be the end of the world.
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