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Self-Defense Jan 09, 2008
are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

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Jan 16, 2008
Yes. Is it for you or kids? We have both classes availble in Dubai.thanks
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Re: Self-Defense Jan 16, 2008
JMK wrote:are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

Its not for is it? Remembered 'not all the members with a Display pic of a woman smoking beedi's are women..' Or are u thinking of a business venture? :d
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Re: Self-Defense Jan 16, 2008
JMK wrote:are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

what kind of self desfense r u talking about?

Its guyz

1= who pay the bill
2= even if u call them at 3 at morning they ll say " u didnt disturb, i was awaking".

3= its guyz who can come at date 2 hours before the time :P
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Jan 16, 2008
HI, I have a friend just arrived in dubai who specailises in this area based in dybai Marina - let me know if you are interested
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Mar 17, 2008
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Mar 18, 2008
Violet wrote:HI, I have a friend just arrived in dubai who specailises in this area based in dybai Marina - let me know if you are interested

how much and how long is the course?

just a course in self-defense for women..... why? all sorts of monsters are talking to me lately in dark parking lots and elevators.. :) ..
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Mar 18, 2008
haha it took 2 months for you to reply? :P

Umm get a weapon, or pepper spray or a taser!

Chances are if someone has the intention of hurting/attacking you in a dark ally, they will do so regardless of your martial arts training.
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Mar 18, 2008
What you are about to read may surprise, enlighten, or possibly help you. But one thing is clear - you'll have a greater understanding of what is really happening in the martial arts and self defense industry. There is so much competition, misinformation and similar styles that today even the most knowledgeable person is confused. I hope this newsletter not only stops the confusion but provides you with the basic knowledge to properly evaluate the best type of self defense method for you. Our first step is to explain the different categories of martial arts.


Martial arts can be divided into 3 separate categories to accommodate every individual's wants, needs, abilities, and interests. The problem lies in that thanks to movies, TV, the internet, and the simple fact that post World War II there is no actual proof of any one method of fighting being completely dominant in all situations that these once common knowledge divisions of martial arts have blurred to the point of non-existence. While all have many overlapping elements, it is important for you to understand that each category is distinctively different and must be treated as such.


The first category, cultural fighting arts, contains every style from traditional karate, to Hapkido, to Kenpo, to Escrima, to Aikido, to kung fu, to the countless other cultural...fighting...arts that have been developed throughout history by almost every civilization. All are fun to do, all are very interesting, and all provide a very well rounded education in world culture and martial theory. However, no cultural fighting art has any proof of dominant effectiveness in the modern world. That means that Aikido, Karate, Kung Fu, and even Israel's "Krav Maga" is not proven, effective self defense. Nor does it classify as proven, effective combative sport. Therefore without an abundance of proof, it is only martial theory, not fact. Cultural Fighting Arts are wonderful for exploring a method of self perfection, but has no place in self protection.


Combative Sports include Olympic Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, and all forms of wrestling, western boxing, and most recently MMA (mixed martial arts) which has been popularized by events such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). In combative sport you are forced to prove the effectiveness of your methods and skill in live combat. There is no guesswork, no debate. It either works or you win, or it doesn't work and you lose. Everybody in the world saw Combat Sport Brazilian Jiu-jitsu stylist Royce Gracie easily pick apart the cultural fighting art practitioners in the first few Ultimate Fighting pay-per-views.
Search the internet for Muay Thai knockouts and you'll see some talented and hard working combative athletes blasting each other until unconsciousness. If you watch Olympic Judo, you'll see the highest caliber athletes in the world competing in a sport that is symbolic of combat in that the entire basis is to establish a dominant position.
And while Combative Sport is a very, very important component of testing the validity and effectiveness of a martial art, it too is not self defense. It is only a training and conditioning method for self defense. Combative sport is what you use to train yourself to make sure that your self defense works under battle stress conditions.
A great example is how the ancient Greeks used wrestling, boxing, and other Olympic events as training for war. NOT as the actual techniques used on the battlefield. But even a more simplistic explanation is simply that that the rules, regulations, and referees that are required in combative sport are NOT going to be there when someone is trying to mug you in a dark alley. So no, even today's most popular training methods: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, etc. are not methods of self defense either. (Training for self defense application yes, self defense no.)


Self Defense defined is protecting you from attack. Sounds simple right? Well it is. The real issue is that there are a million-and-one different ways you can be attacked. Everything from a mad man tackling you at the local park, to an armed mugging on your way home from work, to a carjacking in the local shopping center. Therefore, Self Defense has one purpose, and one purpose only; to survive.
Therefore, learning to properly defend yourself is much more than just avoiding injury, humiliation, or even possible death. It’s a way of confident living on all levels by harnessing those natural survival instincts to combat our greatest enemy of all: Fear.
Like most things in nature, there in no 100% answer to anything. But when it comes to matters of life and death, the smart thing to do is stack the odds in your favour. Based on that logic, there is only ONE method of self-defense that has been documented and statistically proven effective under any circumstances, for any individual. And that method is the system of WWII Close Combat.


Many years ago, there was a meeting within the House of Lords in London. In attendance were some of the most powerful men in the world at the time. In preparation for war against the greatest threat the world has ever seen, the Nazis, the British funded an effort to discover what really worked in both armed and unarmed Close Combat in the 1920's and 30's. In other words; was this exotic martial arts stuff really self defense or was it just a lot of smoke and mirrors? William Fairbairn was the man that they trusted with this project.
Fairbairn was not only an expert in the Cultural Fighting Arts of Jujutsu, Savate, and Kung Fu, but also in the Combat Sports of Judo, Boxing, and Wrestling. Applying all Eastern and Western martial arts methods, Fairbairn and his team used the most violent city in recorded history, Opium gang-ridden 1920's Shanghai, as a testing ground to see what actually worked under combat stress and what didn't.
While the Cultural Fighting Arts and Combative Sports certainly had methods and techniques that proved effective, there was not one complete system of "Self Defense" that was simple, easy to use, and effective under all circumstances regardless of age, strength, or physical ability. Thus Close Combat was born, taken back to England, and proven by British Special Forces as they took on and neutralized the Nazi threat.


To understand this statement fully you have to understand what actually happens to your body during a true self defense situation. Depending on your physical fitness level, your heart typically beats at 60-80 beats per minute. This is known as a resting heart rate and everything in your sympathetic nervous system is performing normally. But when frightened to 115 beats per minute, your fine motor skills deteriorate. The ability to put a key in a car door or even tie your shoes becomes increasingly difficult.
Interesting enough this115 until 145 beats per minute is the optimal survival and combat performance level for complex motor skills, visual reaction time, and cognitive thinking. Complex motor skills are multi-muscle involved movements as found in all martial arts. Reverse punch, front kick, wrist lock, arm bar, hip throw, etc. This is the target heart rate of most professional athletes and fighters. They are able to stay at this rate because they know that no one is trying to kill them. If you are able to train your body to respond appropriately to fear induced stress under competitive conditions, you will be better able to survive during battle.
At 145 beats per minute, your complex motor skills immediately begin to deteriorate. And at 175 you can't think straight, you lose peripheral vision, your hearing excludes everything not in that tunnel vision, and vasoconstriction sets in as a natural way to reduce bleeding from any wounds you're about to suffer. Finally, above 175 is where irrational fight or flight sets in, as well as natural submissive behavior, combat freezing, and the emptying of your bladder and bowels.
At this point the ONLY movement ability you have left is gross-motor skills. Running, charging, and the wide arcing of your limbs. And this is exactly where Close Combat techniques operate. At the gross-motor movement level. And therefore can still be performed perfectly and effectively under any level of fear induced combat stress.
What this all means is that; You can be frightened for your very life, faced with a gun, being held at knife point, or being attacked by someone bigger, stronger, and meaner than you, and you will still be able to save the save your life using Close Combat every single time. Plain and simple. No other martial art or self-defense method can say this. (Even a gun can't be used effectively at 175 beats per minute! You'd miss the broad side of a barn at that heart rate!)


As I mentioned before, Close Combat is simple, easy to use, and effective under all circumstances regardless of age, strength, or physical ability. But this comes at the price of being again, simple, easy to use, and effective under all circumstances. Meaning that it is an extremely unprofitable way to run a martial arts school. After all, why bother spending tens-of-thousands of dirham and decades trying to master something that only takes ten lessons to "know" and about forty days to "master"? And this is why even though Close Combat is the only proven method of self defense, you won't see it on every street corner like Karate, Tae Kwon Do, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

More information @
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Mar 18, 2008
Mixed Martial Arts and Self Defense Training in Dubai.
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Mar 19, 2008
JMK wrote: all sorts of monsters are talking to me lately in dark parking lots and elevators..

then spread the love instead of kicking butt ..
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Mar 21, 2008
MaaaD wrote:
JMK wrote: all sorts of monsters are talking to me lately in dark parking lots and elevators..

then spread the love instead of kicking butt ..

have we met in one of the parking lots? You sound familiar..... :lol:
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Mar 23, 2008
To state that KALI, the true indigenous fighting art of the Philippines, has no proven combat effectiveness is ABSOLUTE IDIOCY! To claim that our fighting art is only a martial theory is absolute falsehood. For someone to classify Kali only as a combative sport needs to double check his history books, get off youtube and put his money where his mouth is. And to say that mixed martial arts is the ultimate form of combat maybe suffering from an altered state of mind.

Tell that to the tens of thousands US marines at war in Iraq. Tell that to the thousands of Filipino soldiers fighting off insurgents in the islands of Mindanao. Tell that to the numerous security operatives scattered around the world waging war on global terrorism. Tell that to these people who make you sleep soundly at night while you're in your pajamas hugging your little white teddy bear.

Our art has claimed lives from the time of our forefathers up to the present. Just watch the news, read the newspapers and you'll see the proof that you're looking for. If you want solid proof, we invite you to Manila and we can show you jars of ears of those people who say otherwise.

We exist to safeguard our mother art. We eliminate anyone who question its integrity and challenge us.

Alyapal wrote:What you are about to read may surprise, enlighten, or possibly help you. But one thing is clear - you'll have a greater understanding of what is really happening in the martial arts and self defense industry. There is so much competition, misinformation and similar styles that today even the most knowledgeable person is confused. I hope this newsletter not only stops the confusion but provides you with the basic knowledge to properly evaluate the best type of self defense method for you. Our first step is to explain the different categories of martial arts.


Martial arts can be divided into 3 separate categories to accommodate every individual's wants, needs, abilities, and interests. The problem lies in that thanks to movies, TV, the internet, and the simple fact that post World War II there is no actual proof of any one method of fighting being completely dominant in all situations that these once common knowledge divisions of martial arts have blurred to the point of non-existence. While all have many overlapping elements, it is important for you to understand that each category is distinctively different and must be treated as such.


The first category, cultural fighting arts, contains every style from traditional karate, to Hapkido, to Kenpo, to Escrima, to Aikido, to kung fu, to the countless other cultural...fighting...arts that have been developed throughout history by almost every civilization. All are fun to do, all are very interesting, and all provide a very well rounded education in world culture and martial theory. However, no cultural fighting art has any proof of dominant effectiveness in the modern world. That means that Aikido, Karate, Kung Fu, and even Israel's "Krav Maga" is not proven, effective self defense. Nor does it classify as proven, effective combative sport. Therefore without an abundance of proof, it is only martial theory, not fact. Cultural Fighting Arts are wonderful for exploring a method of self perfection, but has no place in self protection.


Combative Sports include Olympic Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, and all forms of wrestling, western boxing, and most recently MMA (mixed martial arts) which has been popularized by events such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). In combative sport you are forced to prove the effectiveness of your methods and skill in live combat. There is no guesswork, no debate. It either works or you win, or it doesn't work and you lose. Everybody in the world saw Combat Sport Brazilian Jiu-jitsu stylist Royce Gracie easily pick apart the cultural fighting art practitioners in the first few Ultimate Fighting pay-per-views.
Search the internet for Muay Thai knockouts and you'll see some talented and hard working combative athletes blasting each other until unconsciousness. If you watch Olympic Judo, you'll see the highest caliber athletes in the world competing in a sport that is symbolic of combat in that the entire basis is to establish a dominant position.
And while Combative Sport is a very, very important component of testing the validity and effectiveness of a martial art, it too is not self defense. It is only a training and conditioning method for self defense. Combative sport is what you use to train yourself to make sure that your self defense works under battle stress conditions.
A great example is how the ancient Greeks used wrestling, boxing, and other Olympic events as training for war. NOT as the actual techniques used on the battlefield. But even a more simplistic explanation is simply that that the rules, regulations, and referees that are required in combative sport are NOT going to be there when someone is trying to mug you in a dark alley. So no, even today's most popular training methods: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, etc. are not methods of self defense either. (Training for self defense application yes, self defense no.)


Self Defense defined is protecting you from attack. Sounds simple right? Well it is. The real issue is that there are a million-and-one different ways you can be attacked. Everything from a mad man tackling you at the local park, to an armed mugging on your way home from work, to a carjacking in the local shopping center. Therefore, Self Defense has one purpose, and one purpose only; to survive.
Therefore, learning to properly defend yourself is much more than just avoiding injury, humiliation, or even possible death. It’s a way of confident living on all levels by harnessing those natural survival instincts to combat our greatest enemy of all: Fear.
Like most things in nature, there in no 100% answer to anything. But when it comes to matters of life and death, the smart thing to do is stack the odds in your favour. Based on that logic, there is only ONE method of self-defense that has been documented and statistically proven effective under any circumstances, for any individual. And that method is the system of WWII Close Combat.


Many years ago, there was a meeting within the House of Lords in London. In attendance were some of the most powerful men in the world at the time. In preparation for war against the greatest threat the world has ever seen, the Nazis, the British funded an effort to discover what really worked in both armed and unarmed Close Combat in the 1920's and 30's. In other words; was this exotic martial arts stuff really self defense or was it just a lot of smoke and mirrors? William Fairbairn was the man that they trusted with this project.
Fairbairn was not only an expert in the Cultural Fighting Arts of Jujutsu, Savate, and Kung Fu, but also in the Combat Sports of Judo, Boxing, and Wrestling. Applying all Eastern and Western martial arts methods, Fairbairn and his team used the most violent city in recorded history, Opium gang-ridden 1920's Shanghai, as a testing ground to see what actually worked under combat stress and what didn't.
While the Cultural Fighting Arts and Combative Sports certainly had methods and techniques that proved effective, there was not one complete system of "Self Defense" that was simple, easy to use, and effective under all circumstances regardless of age, strength, or physical ability. Thus Close Combat was born, taken back to England, and proven by British Special Forces as they took on and neutralized the Nazi threat.


To understand this statement fully you have to understand what actually happens to your body during a true self defense situation. Depending on your physical fitness level, your heart typically beats at 60-80 beats per minute. This is known as a resting heart rate and everything in your sympathetic nervous system is performing normally. But when frightened to 115 beats per minute, your fine motor skills deteriorate. The ability to put a key in a car door or even tie your shoes becomes increasingly difficult.
Interesting enough this115 until 145 beats per minute is the optimal survival and combat performance level for complex motor skills, visual reaction time, and cognitive thinking. Complex motor skills are multi-muscle involved movements as found in all martial arts. Reverse punch, front kick, wrist lock, arm bar, hip throw, etc. This is the target heart rate of most professional athletes and fighters. They are able to stay at this rate because they know that no one is trying to kill them. If you are able to train your body to respond appropriately to fear induced stress under competitive conditions, you will be better able to survive during battle.
At 145 beats per minute, your complex motor skills immediately begin to deteriorate. And at 175 you can't think straight, you lose peripheral vision, your hearing excludes everything not in that tunnel vision, and vasoconstriction sets in as a natural way to reduce bleeding from any wounds you're about to suffer. Finally, above 175 is where irrational fight or flight sets in, as well as natural submissive behavior, combat freezing, and the emptying of your bladder and bowels.
At this point the ONLY movement ability you have left is gross-motor skills. Running, charging, and the wide arcing of your limbs. And this is exactly where Close Combat techniques operate. At the gross-motor movement level. And therefore can still be performed perfectly and effectively under any level of fear induced combat stress.
What this all means is that; You can be frightened for your very life, faced with a gun, being held at knife point, or being attacked by someone bigger, stronger, and meaner than you, and you will still be able to save the save your life using Close Combat every single time. Plain and simple. No other martial art or self-defense method can say this. (Even a gun can't be used effectively at 175 beats per minute! You'd miss the broad side of a barn at that heart rate!)


As I mentioned before, Close Combat is simple, easy to use, and effective under all circumstances regardless of age, strength, or physical ability. But this comes at the price of being again, simple, easy to use, and effective under all circumstances. Meaning that it is an extremely unprofitable way to run a martial arts school. After all, why bother spending tens-of-thousands of dirham and decades trying to master something that only takes ten lessons to "know" and about forty days to "master"? And this is why even though Close Combat is the only proven method of self defense, you won't see it on every street corner like Karate, Tae Kwon Do, or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

More information @
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Re: Self-Defense Mar 23, 2008
JMK wrote:are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

In real world... if you want to lean self defense (physically, defend your self) it requires mastering any of the arts and this takes years of practice.

joining any of those classes/courses is simply like taking an aerobics class!

I recommend you to join them for doing an active sport, leaning something new and add some self confidence and keep you always alert... but don't really believe you will be able to physically defend your self.

just my two fils!
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Re: Self-Defense Mar 23, 2008
quatroporte wrote:
JMK wrote:are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

I recommend you to join them for doing an active sport, leaning something new and add some self confidence and keep you always alert... but don't really believe you will be able to physically defend your self.

just my two fils!

you think?
Thanks for two fils anyways.... :) .
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selfdefense for women Jul 02, 2008

I am giving self-defense classes (ebmas wing tsun) at the mall of the emirates.
our website is:
you can also send an email to:

we train twice a week on sunday and wednesday evening. Pass by if you have time :-)


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Re: Self-Defense Nov 18, 2008
JMK wrote:are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

try top sports gym, you can do boxing and kickboxing, six days a week, and there are other girls that join so you feel like the only one, plus there is a good promotion going on right now which is 1,250 dh for six months membership, or 200 dh for one year, including many other facilities like indoor tennis, football , basketball, badminton, messages, steam room, nice restaurant. give it a visit.
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Nov 19, 2008
I disagree with those who say a woman won't be able to defend herself because she is physically weaker. I've done kodokan judo for a longggg time and I've beaten other men much bigger than me. I've also been beaten by women in my judo classes (in my earlier years only though :lol: ). If you know the weak points and use your opponents force then you'd be surprised what you can do. Now judo isn't that great as self defense for a woman because it's mostly wrist locks, arm bars, choking, bringing down your opponent and controlling them on the ground, but a well trained male judoka that also has a basis in martial arts that focus on strikes can be a deadly machine. There are many self defense martial arts that focus on hit and run tactics, and those would be more appropriate for a woman as self defense. Unless you're an ultra courageous chick who wants to pin down her opponent until the cops get there. I'd be impressed :lol: :lol: :lol:
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May 19, 2009
pimpin you are right, self defense techniques must be street lethal and no rules, realistic, no need of a blackbelt. join a combat base martial art ( it you will consider it as an art) go to safa park every thursday I've seen some ladies doing kickboxing, just observed them.
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May 20, 2009
The true artof self defense and martial arts is run when never it is possible, but when cornered fight.
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Re: Self-Defense May 07, 2010
JMK wrote:are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

I'm just asking too, my friend wants to have a self defense class using a brass knuckles
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Re: Self-Defense May 07, 2010
quatroporte wrote:
JMK wrote:are there any Self-defense classes in Dubai for girls? :)

In real world... if you want to lean self defense (physically, defend your self) it requires mastering any of the arts and this takes years of practice.

joining any of those classes/courses is simply like taking an aerobics class!

I recommend you to join them for doing an active sport, leaning something new and add some self confidence and keep you always alert... but don't really believe you will be able to physically defend your self.

just my two fils!

Absolutely!!! It takes years of at least 6 hours a week in martial art for self defence technics to become a second nature, effective and automatic. Foremost it requires the will, without the will it s useless. Easier to say than actually poke the eye of your assaillant with your finger.
Unfortunately pepper sprays are illegal in the UAE, run if you can , or scream "FIRE!" nobody will move if you scream "HELP". Dont expect to become a fighter in those "social" self defense classes. I have seen a lot of these "black belt" guys getting slapped by street thugs.
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Re: Self-Defense May 07, 2010
why not?
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Re: Self-Defense May 11, 2010
might as well learn muay thai. this sport is very brutal and very good for self defence :bigsmurf: i took muay thai and kali for 3 years and quit, but have learned alot of skills and confidence from this. alot of sparring sessions help too, since this will stop ove-rconfidence.
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Re: Self-Defense May 11, 2010
just buy a Tasar gun that'll sort the blighters out

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Re: Self-Defense May 12, 2010
I know one or two women who can fit an AK47 in their hand bags!

Luis Vuitton of course sweetie!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Self-Defense May 12, 2010
Self-defense can be classified in many ways. Women should know how to defend themselves right education and self confidence is needed, especially now that crimes are prone to happen to those weak. Martial arts is the best way to learn, but before you enter that field you should do background search on what field of martial art will suit to you.

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Re: Self-Defense May 12, 2010
Go for Aikido, get ready for years of practise. Avoid "instructors" with less than 5 years experience and "commercial" clubs with colorful belts and pretty outfits. The more traditional the better.
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