Since I have been here in Dubai Ive not had the oppurtunity to play some football when I was in the UK i used to play everyweek but I can't seem to get enough people to join us for a kick about, all the guys at work seem to love cricket which is not my thing really. Also where i live theres no bars which shows the football well there is one but they refused to change the channel as some guys were watching animal planet yeah right. So if you fancy a kick about just give us a shout cheers.
i would luv to play i can play in goal, defence and even center middle field and some times even attack. Friday morning cant do I already play indoor friday evenings alrite with me. Fix it up and let me know if you need a player or 2 will come.
defo up for a game of footie. Me and the missus are coming out next week for work so i'd be dead keen to get out for some footie. I'm sure betweeen us we can sort a game out.