Shaf the comment about 1 bloke means exactly that 1 bloke - Giving an example of just one person hardly makes any point here when discussing '000's .
No, I suspect they'd settle for being tried or even given the basic rights prisoners of war are afforded.
Are you being serious Shaf or is this some sort of wind up?
Being tried and afforded some basis rights like taking the Koran off them (boo hoo) hardly compares with the basic rights of the ,millions gassed by the Nazi's.
And before anyone thinks this is a pro Isreal disscusion it isn't. Hitler and the Nazi's also gassed tens of thousands of people that were not white, had any form of disability, the infirm and just about anyone else they didnt really like.
If i didnt know you better Shaf i would have just laughed at your comparison at those poor poor souls in GB, however out of the 350 left there, around 60 - 80 will be facing terrorist charges.
Still at least the rest will be allowed to go home to their loved ones init Shaf.
So let me get this straight - the citizens of Dresden 'asked for it' because London was bombed.
So let us review the sequence of events in terms of the Japanese:
1. Japanese and US on good terms, Japanese dependant on foreign trade.
2. US decide to economically blockade Japan
3. Japan view this as act of war
4. Japan attack military targets in Pearl Harbour - what we would now call a 'surgical strike'.
5. US retaliates by bombing civilian populations - causing what we would call 'collateral damage' or 'war crimes' depending on which side you support
6. Japan mistreats prisoners of war
7. US drops two nukes
Yup, thats a fair summary Shaf. At least we agree on something. However the only point of discussion here would be
"does having a mere blockade, justify killing 2600 civilians ?? Me,? i think not, even Sadam didn't stoop that low.
Surgical strike indeeed
If the inmates of Guantanamo and civilians killed in RAF bombing raids both 'deserved' their treatment - then surely the same logic can/should be extended to the Japanese for treating US and Brit soldiers in the way that they did - they viewed them as soldiers of brutal regimes that killed many in Tokyo etc - and ultimately they were proved right when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed.
mmmmmm i think the plot is being lost here.
1. In WW2 the Allies never treated prisoners of war with the same attrocities as was experienced by the the British and Americans. We even had better treatment by the Nazi's in their POW camps. Steve McQueen can testify to that. Well maybe the Gestapo were a bit naughty in doing the odd nasty thing, but we are talking quite small numbers here
2. The terrorists and alledged terrorists are not Soldiers. They are terrorists or alledged terrorists. /They are all just fine, well maybe missing their daily read, but they will survive.
As horrid as the imperial forces were, I cannot bring myself to condoning the killing of civilians in Tokyo as a retribution for Pearl Harbour. Similarly - as despicable as the Luftwaffe bombing raids on London were, I cannot condone the scale of the bombings of Dresden, Cologne etc
A fair person, in my opinion, will conclude that if Britain were not victors, the bombings would be viewed as war crimes.
And finally in the words of John Cleese from Faulty Towers "The Germans"
regarding Dresden etc:
"you started it"
"no we didn't, you did, you invaded Poland"
My case rests