The Mystery Of Cabs In UAE.

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The mystery of cabs in UAE. Dec 17, 2007
A'salam aleykum people. Me is back, after a long time of break up with the forum. We had a fight, but now we are friends again.

Anyhoe.. to the mystery of cabs. Me iz comin' to Dubai in one month, inshAllah. I am going to stay for six months, so that it pretty much nice, right?

Yeah.. so anyhoe, my lovely mother has been to UAE some months ago, and she keep tellin' me that if there is one thing I should be careful with, then it is the cabs. And with this, she doesn't mean the traffic chaos of UAE, she means that the driver can - if he finds you as "foreign" - take you to some other place and rape you/[put any kind of violence you wish here], because she read in papers while she was in UAE, that similiar things happened there. Also she says they fool you with cash if they find out you are an European or some (sh1t) like that.

Ok, now I filled this thread with prejudiced "bullsh1t", but how is it with these rumours? Is it true, for one percent or two, or what is it I should think of when taking a cab in UAE? Especielly between Dubai and Ajman.

Wa aleykum a'salam!

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Dec 17, 2007
You hear this kind of stuff on the news all the time. But I take taxi alot for my work as I presently do not have a car, but have never had any problems before. (Knock wood)

The only problem I have faced is trying to get a taxi through the RTA number. Sometimes the taxis do not come and other times they are late. But if you just get a taxi from the side of the road, it is fine.
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Dec 17, 2007
Well if you are that paranoid, you can always walk everywhere? You are pretty safe in the metered official cabs...they stop the meter just before they are about to attack you because they don't get paid for waiting time!

What a load of old trash! Cabs in Dubai are safer than any in the world...apart from the accident rate. If you are stupid enough to take an unofficial cab or unmetered taxi or accept a lift from a total stranger...then more fool you. Stick to the rules and you will survive.

8) 8) 8)

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Re: The mystery of cabs in UAE. Dec 17, 2007
[quote="Burken"]A'salam aleykum people. Me is back, after a long time of break up with the forum. We had a fight, but now we are friends again.

Anyhoe.. to the mystery of cabs. Me iz comin' to Dubai in one month, inshAllah. I am going to stay for six months, so that it pretty much nice, right?

Yeah.. so anyhoe, my lovely mother has been to UAE some months ago, and she keep tellin' me that if there is one thing I should be careful with, then it is the cabs. And with this, she doesn't mean the traffic chaos of UAE, she means that the driver can - if he finds you as "foreign" - take you to some other place and rape you/[put any kind of violence you wish here], because she read in papers while she was in UAE, that similiar things happened there. Also she says they fool you with cash if they find out you are an European or some (sh1t) like that.

Ok, now I filled this thread with prejudiced "bullsh1t", but how is it with these rumours? Is it true, for one percent or two, or what is it I should think of when taking a cab in UAE? Especielly between Dubai and Ajman.

Wa aleykum a'salam![/quote

Your spelling is terrible
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Dec 17, 2007
abarawakijess wrote:You hear this kind of stuff on the news all the time. But I take taxi alot for my work as I presently do not have a car, but have never had any problems before. (Knock wood)

The only problem I have faced is trying to get a taxi through the RTA number. Sometimes the taxis do not come and other times they are late. But if you just get a taxi from the side of the road, it is fine.

I have the number of a Brilliant taxi driver if you want it.
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Dec 17, 2007
Did your mother visit Dubai or did she get information about taxis in Dubai from the 9/11 conspiracy theories websites? Sure sounds like it.

Taxi drivers in Dubai are fine. Better than in all the cities I've taken taxis in the world (which is more than a few).

Not a single worry for me (including their driving - I think they are safer drivers than most in Dubai - they drive 12 hrs a day 7 days a week).
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Dec 17, 2007
Mind you, my computer crashes as often as a Dubai cab...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Dec 17, 2007
Dubai Knight wrote:Mind you, my computer crashes as often as a Dubai cab...

:lol: :lol: :lol:


There are thousands of cabs in Dubai.

Come to think of it. I read the paper daily and there is always some story about some accident and fatalities on the the highway and I can't think of a single story where a taxi was involved :shock: Remarkable.

I would say I have taken at least 300 cab rides in 2 years here (if not more) and it has been fine each time (I've told a few not to use their mobile but...)
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Dec 17, 2007
U gotta learn to speak Urdu/Hindi or Arabic ..if u wish to travel in cabs.. or u'll learn by yourself listening to the Urdu/Hindi songs and news. Apart from that part and the stink in some cabs.. its pretty cabanywhereelse like
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Dec 17, 2007
The biggest problem I find is the taxi driver who has absolutely no idea where he is going. Many are fresh off the boat and struggle to find their own arses let alone Emirates Towers. It gets really scary when they turn round and say "Sorry, I am new driver!"

Does that mean he is new to Dubai...or that he has only just learned to drive!!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Dec 17, 2007
You know, in all my time travelling on Dubai roads (which is not that long mind you), but I am yet to see a taxi involved in one accident. I see alot of the 4 wheel drives in accidents and in dodgy positions on the road though...

Burken, please relax. Taxis here are great and most of them don't try to rip you off and just take a tip from the change you are suppose to get back from them like they do in NYC. Just make sure you take the official taxis and not the shady guys sidling up to you on the side of the road and you will be fine.
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Dec 17, 2007
MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.
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Dec 17, 2007
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

How about green people?

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Dec 17, 2007
gezza: Are you for real or what?

To the rest; Thank you all for taking your time to give som serious answers. Just one - maybe stupid - question, what is the official cab? How do they look like, or what's the name of 'em?

Wa aleykum a'salam.
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Dec 17, 2007
Burken wrote:gezza: Are you for real or what?

To the rest; Thank you all for taking your time to give som serious answers. Just one - maybe stupid - question, what is the official cab? How do they look like, or what's the name of 'em?

Wa aleykum a'salam.

They have a sighn on the roof says TAXI...
thats a good start. :shock:
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Dec 17, 2007
The official taxis have a sign on the top that says "Taxi" and the body of the car is painted a light beige/cream colour and they usually have Dubai taxi or Arabia taxi or something similar written on the body.

Good luck
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Dec 17, 2007

Again, gezza. Do me a favour and don't answer me anywhere else in this forum if you only are going to use your ass as your only so-called "brain".
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Dec 17, 2007
wheres your sense of humor my friend? :lol:
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Dec 17, 2007
there's always the ever "reliable" bus...

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Dec 23, 2007
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.

lol. I wouldn't quite agree to this until I experienced it recently.
I was waiting for a taxi in the gold souq area. I hailed one and I thought it's stopping for me. To my dismay the driver didn't even glance at me (like I wasnt there!) and saw around 20 meters farther from where I stand that he picked up this eastern european-looking guy.
A few minutes passed, it happened again. This time with an american (I think). I am quite sure these drivers saw me but they just ignored me because apparently they prefer white men. lol. I dunno maybe because they expect big tips from them? Or the driver saw them first because of their glaring white skin (it was night)?
Eventually I spotted one dropping a passenger and without the driver noticing, I got in the cab. hehehehe.
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Dec 24, 2007
pinoy1 wrote:
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.

I dunno maybe because they expect big tips from them?

Yeah, these cabbies can barely scratch a living with their low salaries, so more often than not, they take western-looking passengers thinking that they would get tips or they can duped them into going the longer route....
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Dec 25, 2007
reviewer wrote:
pinoy1 wrote:
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.

I dunno maybe because they expect big tips from them?

Yeah, these cabbies can barely scratch a living with their low salaries, so more often than not, they take western-looking passengers thinking that they would get tips or they can duped them into going the longer route....

and dat nigga Danny Glover was trippin allover the news about cab's not stoppin for his blackk ass ... i wonder what he would be on about if he was over here. and he saw em cabs stoppin for em white folk an denyin his niggga asss.
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Dec 26, 2007
Jamal wrote:
reviewer wrote:
pinoy1 wrote:
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.

I dunno maybe because they expect big tips from them?

Yeah, these cabbies can barely scratch a living with their low salaries, so more often than not, they take western-looking passengers thinking that they would get tips or they can duped them into going the longer route....

and dat nigga Danny Glover was trippin allover the news about cab's not stoppin for his blackk a#s ... i wonder what he would be on about if he was over here. and he saw em cabs stoppin for em white folk an denyin his niggga asss.

He might go all Lethal Weapon an their asses
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Dec 26, 2007
I can't wait to see Danny Glover getting on this cab.......... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Dec 26, 2007
reviewer wrote:
pinoy1 wrote:
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.

I dunno maybe because they expect big tips from them?

Yeah, these cabbies can barely scratch a living with their low salaries, so more often than not, they take western-looking passengers thinking that they would get tips or they can duped them into going the longer route....

Does that really happen in Dubai? Specially since most people seem to take cabs from a "Cab Stands". It may be more of a shortage of taxis but then I am naive.
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Dec 26, 2007
C0NC0RD wrote:
reviewer wrote:
pinoy1 wrote:
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.

I dunno maybe because they expect big tips from them?

Yeah, these cabbies can barely scratch a living with their low salaries, so more often than not, they take western-looking passengers thinking that they would get tips or they can duped them into going the longer route....

Does that really happen in Dubai? Specially since most people seem to take cabs from a "Cab Stands". It may be more of a shortage of taxis but then I am naive.

Yes, it does Concord....these cabbies are mostly if not all in a quota system, at the end of the day they need to have a certain amount to give back their dispatcher and the rest is all theirs...that why they tend to drive for 10-12 hrs. a day just to make a bit of money....they tend to short change customer just to make profit....and they see westerners as prime meat....(no offence meant)
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Dec 26, 2007
reviewer wrote:
C0NC0RD wrote:
reviewer wrote:
pinoy1 wrote:
gtmash wrote:MOST of the taxis don't stop for brown people, black people, women in abayas, Filipinos, locals, Arabs and people living in traffic-heavy areas.

Whatever minority they do pick up will tell you they have no problems getting a taxi here.

I dunno maybe because they expect big tips from them?

Yeah, these cabbies can barely scratch a living with their low salaries, so more often than not, they take western-looking passengers thinking that they would get tips or they can duped them into going the longer route....

Does that really happen in Dubai? Specially since most people seem to take cabs from a "Cab Stands". It may be more of a shortage of taxis but then I am naive.

Yes, it does Concord....these cabbies are mostly if not all in a quota system, at the end of the day they need to have a certain amount to give back their dispatcher and the rest is all theirs...that why they tend to drive for 10-12 hrs. a day just to make a bit of money....they tend to short change customer just to make profit....and they see westerners as prime meat....(no offence meant)

Have you experienced any of it:

1. If non-western: that they will not pick you up; or
2. If western: that they attempt to short change you.

I've been in hundreds of cab rides in my stay in Dubai and not once I have been ripped-off, nor refused a ride (although I have only hailed a cab on the street a couple of times - I either call ahead or get it from a "cab stand", airport, hotel, mall, etc.).

Maybe is just and "urban legend".
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Dec 26, 2007
Its true did happen to me...I hailed a taxi from the airport around 3:am and I told the guy in English and Arabic where to go, until I notice that he's taking the wrong way really..then I cursed him in Arabic and swear that I will callthe police if I don't reac h my flat in 10 mins........also I hear genuine stories about Dubai's famous cabbies....Lucky you ..hope you stay that lucky......knock on wood...o :D
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Dec 26, 2007
reviewer wrote:Its true did happen to me...I hailed a taxi from the airport around 3:am and I told the guy in English and Arabic where to go, until I notice that he's taking the wrong way really..then I cursed him in Arabic and swear that I will callthe police if I don't reac h my flat in 10 mins........also I hear genuine stories about Dubai's famous cabbies....Lucky you ..hope you stay that lucky......knock on wood...o :D

ummm, you can't hail cabs at the hairport. They are at the taxi stand...
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Dec 26, 2007
reviewer wrote:Its true did happen to me...I hailed a taxi from the airport around 3:am and I told the guy in English and Arabic where to go, until I notice that he's taking the wrong way really..then I cursed him in Arabic and swear that I will callthe police if I don't reac h my flat in 10 mins........also I hear genuine stories about Dubai's famous cabbies....Lucky you ..hope you stay that lucky......knock on wood...o :D

You also have to consider that a taxi driver might have genuinely be lost or missed a turn (we have all done it). Also most taxi drivers in Dubai started out as taxidrivers in Dubai so that one day it was his first day, week, etc. driving a taxi. Someone might say, well they should be trained - it is the same the world over (even if they go thru a "training' course they just need the paper and learn on the job).

Of course there are a few scandlers everywhere but...
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